NASA EDGE 1st Official Blog

Yes!  We are finally a “go” for blogging.  (Insert your very own personal celebration here.)

Throughout the crazy approval process, I created about 10 unique “1st NASA EDGE Blogs” which are all now obsolete.  I am all tapped out of creative post ideas.  I am, however, working on a new project for NASA EDGE.  I don’t really want to talk about it yet, so I thought I would give everyone a simple tease…

Can you guess what I am doing in this picture?  Submit your caption ideas to  I’m not sure what we will do with them, but if they are funny, they might make their way to the bloggersphere.

All the best,

The Goofy Co-Host

18 thoughts on “NASA EDGE 1st Official Blog”

  1. Mr. Engineer (Blair) came up with a “different” way of testing the landing system for the Orion crew module. If Blair’s concept passes then I need to find another line of work.

  2. He is…

    1. Testing a new type of solar energy lightwave refractor for non-enzymatic thermal oxidation of anthropods.

    2. Emptying a new shock-proof NASA-approved martini glass.

    3. Measuring the surface deflection of an entry vehicle upon hybridized martian S.O.D.

  3. I am not sure! Maybe he is holding something that is silver and cone-shaped?!?
    No, could it be a part of something big!?

    It looks like a mini-mars probe to me. You know, the cone-shaped ones that they are testing.

  4. Blair is testing the CEV for Mini-me’s use. B-ware of Dr. Evil and Mini-me, Blair, they aren’t as nice as they look!

    Thanks for all the laughs while teaching,( OMG teaching?), us about NASA missions. Really love the show, looking forward to another road trip. Perhaps to the flatlands of Kansas and the Cosmodrome..hopefully a future home of a retired shuttle.

  5. Blair is testing the CEV for Mini-me’s use. B-ware of Dr. Evil and Mini-me, Blair, they aren’t as nice as they look!

    Thanks for all the laughs while teaching,( OMG teaching?), us about NASA missions. Really love the show, looking forward to another road trip. Perhaps to the flatlands of Kansas and the Cosmodrome..hopefully a future home of a retired shuttle.

  6. I think you are trying to show how an “UFO” object looks like;when it will be in the process to land on the ground.

  7. Where can I find a blog or information on the night sky activities for June 29, 2008

    I believe this is the night that I was told there was a huge round light in the sky that moved at a slower pace than that of a “shooting star”. The light was so big and round that an airplane looked like a mosquito compared to it. It was seen above Houston, TX at the Jefferson Davis High school track. Not sure exactly of the time was dark already. Please email.

  8. “I think your playing golf?”

    Note – We can’t use external links (ads, spam, ets…) due to NASA rules and regulations.


    The Co-Host

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