Here is a nice little piece of advice. Download the LRO/LCROSS vodcast (, watch intently, save up some money, go buy a nice lawn chair, a good 10-12 inch telescope and invite over some friends for one of the coolest scientific events since JJ Abrams decided to make the prequel to the Star Trek TV series. My friends, witness LRO and LCROSS.
Of course, the LCROSS impact won’t happen for a few months, and by that time LRO will have plowed through many of its objectives. But what you might be able to see (I’m probably not correct about the specifics of my party preparation advice) is the impact plume of LCROSS’s Centaur module after it slams into the surface of the Moon. Ordinarily this kind of destructive behavior is limited to Mythbusters, but NASA stands to gain tons of scientific data that will help us understand more about our Moon. Perhaps we will bust a few myths in the process.
When you see the show, you’ll know a little bit more about what I mean. Be sure to check it out. Of course, if you have questions and comments, please leave them here. I’ll be checking. I’m trying to plan my own LRO/LCROSS impact party, and I could use a few good ideas.
The Co-Host
BTW, for more info: