Part of our team of experts is in Kingman, Arizona, getting ready for the highly anticipated May Camelopardalid meteor shower tonight. They sent back some black & white and false color (blue) meteor image composites from two NASA meteor cameras deployed to Arizona for this meteor shower. This first night of observational results comes before the expected May Camelopardalid activity. Meteors shown therefore do not belong to that shower, but were observed on 5/23/2014 UTC.
Camera Location # meteors in image
03 Hualapai Valley Observatory, Kingman, AZ 20
04 Alpacas of the Southwest, Kingman, AZ 16
Twelve meteors were common to both cameras, allowing for meteor trajectory calculations.
They also sent this picture to show us that even the alpacas are excited and ready to assist our experts tonight!
Left to Right – Chris Hozian, Aaron Kingery, Danielle Moser, Herschel, Ted, and Rhiannon Blaauw
Siting in back of my truck with my family in north ms have not seen any yet ?
Thank you for this presentation(display) heuresment that the NASA is there to make us discover of such thing
i wish to be 1 of the team