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    Teams Confirm No Damage to Flight Hardware, Focus on November for Launch

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    Teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida conducted initial inspections Friday to assess potential impacts from Hurricane Ian. There was no damage to Artemis flight hardware, and facilities are in good shape with only minor water intrusion identified in a few locations. Next, engineers will extend access platforms around the Space Launch System rocket …

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    CAPSTONE Team Continues Work Towards Spacecraft Recovery

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    The CAPSTONE mission team is continuing to work towards recovery of the spacecraft orientation control. This work includes collecting information from the spacecraft, running simulations, and refining recovery plans. CAPSTONE is power positive – meaning it is generating more power from its solar panels than the spacecraft systems are using – and remains in a …

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    Teams Prepare for Hurricane Arrival, Assess Artemis I Forward Plan

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    With the Artemis I Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft safety in the Vehicle Assembly Building after rolling back from Launch Pad 39B Monday night, NASA continues to prioritize its employees as Hurricane Ian approaches the Kennedy Space Center area.  As part of NASA’s hurricane preparedness protocol, a “ride out” team will remain in a safe …

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    Assessment Underway on Electrical System in Vehicle Assembly Building

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    At approximately 11:45 a.m. today, a fire alarm was triggered in the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The notification came when an arc flash event occurred at a connector on an electrical panel in High Bay 3. A spark landed on a rope marking the boundary of the work area. …

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    NASA’s Moon Rocket and Spacecraft Arrive at Vehicle Assembly Building

    At approximately 9:15 a.m. EDT, NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft for the Artemis I mission were secured inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center after a four-mile journey from Launch Pad 39B that began at 11:21 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26 ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Ian. …

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    Artemis I Moon Rocket Departs Launch Pad 39B Ahead of Hurricane Ian

    At 11:21 p.m. ET Monday, NASA’s Artemis I Moon rocket  left launch pad 39B atop the crawler-transporter and began its 4-mile trek to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Managers decided to roll back based on the latest weather predictions associated with Hurricane Ian not showing improving expected conditions …

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    NASA to Roll Artemis I Rocket and Spacecraft Back to VAB Tonight

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    NASA will roll the Artemis I Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft back to the Vehicle Assembly Building on Monday, Sept. 26. First motion is targeted for 11 p.m. EDT. Managers met Monday morning and made the decision based on the latest weather predictions associated with Hurricane Ian, after additional data gathered overnight did …

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    Weather Monitoring and Rollback Preparations Continue 

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    NASA continues to closely monitor the weather forecast associated with Tropical Storm Ian while conducting final preparations to allow for rolling back the Artemis I Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft to the Vehicle Assembly Building. Managers met Sunday evening to review the latest information on the storm from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric …

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    NASA Closely Monitoring Weather While Rollback Preparations Continue

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    NASA continues to closely monitor the weather forecast associated with Tropical Storm Ian as preparations for rolling back the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft to the Vehicle Assembly Building continue. The agency is making incremental decisions that prioritize the agency’s people and hardware and its process is in accordance with established NASA policies …

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    Artemis I Managers Wave Off Sept. 27 Launch, Preparing for Rollback 

    Artemis Logo - red rocket trail, blue arch that represents earth, ARTEMIS text, gray half sphere on a white background

    NASA is foregoing a launch opportunity Tuesday, Sept. 27, and preparing for rollback, while continuing to watch the weather forecast associated with Tropical Storm Ian. During a meeting Saturday morning, teams decided to stand down on preparing for the Tuesday launch date to allow them to configure systems for rolling back the Space Launch System …

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