How’s the Challenge?

Updates on NASA’s Exploration Design Challenge

Have you begun the Exploration Design Challenge? It’s not too late. The challenge asks students to research and design ways to protect astronauts from space radiation and then recommend their solutions to NASA. Participants will have their names flown on the test flight of the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. This challenge is a real-world application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM.

The challenge features grade-level appropriate activities to students in grades K-12. A new button has been added to the challenge site — “Individuals or Groups”. Now families, clubs and organizations may submit entries as well.

Watch videos related to the Exploration Design Challenge, the effects of radiation on humans, and the Orion spacecraft.

If you have not begun the challenge, download the “Challenge Checklist” to lead you through the process. Read our previous blog posts about the Exploration Design Challenge. Don’t miss this chance of a lifetime to involve students in a real-world STEM, opportunity.

This post is part of a series about the NASA Exploration Design Challenge.

NASA Exploration Design Challenge

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