We’re a little under two hours away from today’s launch of NASA’s Europa Clipper mission from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Here’s a closer look at some of today’s important countdown and ascent milestones (all times are approximate):
Time Events
– 00:53:00 Launch Director verifies go for propellant load
– 00:50:00 1st stage RP-1 (rocket grade kerosene) loading begins
– 00:45:00 1st stage LOX (liquid oxygen) loading begins
– 00:35:00 2nd stage RP-1 (rocket grade kerosene) loading begins
– 00:18:30 2nd stage LOX loading begins
– 00:07:00 Falcon Heavy begins engine chill
– 00:00:59 Flight computer commanded to begin final prelaunch checks
– 00:00:45 Launch Director verifies go for launch
– 00:00:20 Propellant tanks pressurize for flight
– 00:00:06 Engine controller commands engine ignition sequence to start
00:00:00 Falcon Heavy liftoff
00:01:07 Max Q (moment of peak mechanical stress on the rocket)
00:03:03 Side boosters engine cutoff (BECO)
00:03:07 Side boosters separate
00:04:02 1st stage main engine cutoff (MECO)
00:04:06 1st and 2nd stages separate
00:04:13 2nd stage engine starts (SES)
00:04:31 Fairing deployment
00:07:53 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-1)
00:47:40 2nd stage engine starts (SES-2)
00:50:56 2nd stage engine cutoff (SECO-2)
01:02:12 Europa Clipper deploys