United Launch Alliance reports the Atlas V and Cygnus spacecraft are flying ‘right down the middle” of their course.
Author: Steven Siceloff
First Stage Separates, Centaur Ignites
The Centaur upper stage has taken over after the first stage burned through its propellants and fell away.
31 Miles and Climbing, 4,649+ Mph
The Atlas V is climbing fast to put Cygnus on its proper orbit. 31 miles, 4,649 mph. The booster will maintain a 3.5-G load on the vehicle during the climb into space.
Mach 1
The Atlas V and Cygnus have broken the sound barrier and are passing through the area of maximum dynamic pressure.
Atlas V Lights up Night Sky!
The 933,000-pound-thrust engine of the Atlas V has illuminated the Florida coast tonight as it lifts the Cygnus cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station!. All systems go!
LIFTOFF! Cygnus is on it way to Orbit!
The Cygnus spacecraft is on its way!
T-1 Minute
T-1 minute and counting.
Atlas V on Internal Power
The batteries aboard the Atlas V are now running the rocket’s systems.
Two Minutes to Launch
The final steps of tonight’s countdown are taking pace at Space Launch Complex 41 as we near liftoff at 11:05:52 p.m. EDT.
T-4 Minutes and Counting
The final phase of tonight’s countdown is underway at T-4 minutes and counting. We are heading for a liftoff at 11:05 p.m. EDT.