9 thoughts on “Time-lapse of Orion Move and Lift”

  1. Exciting science going on here. I can’t wait for the launch in December.
    This video is not the best representation of the activities.

  2. The video does not show up in Mozilla ESR 31.2.0 used here at NASA LaRC. Also verified this on the non-ESR version at home with a similar result.

      1. Still working to correct this problem with the video? Or did some bureaucratic Program Manager decide that first, the web video assessment team must first demonstrate a “mandatory need” before someone is allowed to take a look at the problem?

        While I’m proud of NASA’s historical achievements, I can’t say that I have any degree of confidence in their future. The Rogers Commission Report went a long way toward undermining that confidence, and the CAIB Report shows that although the actors had changed, the script remained the same.

        I wish this mission and program all the success in the world. My expectation, however, is that SpaceX is the model of the future of space exploration.

        (PS: I really would like to see the video working on the blog, rather than having to sift YouTube for it.)

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