22 thoughts on “SCRUB for Today”

  1. Crap on a cracker! Oh well guys, tomorrow is another day. I’d rather it be a success, instead of guessing and something going wrong.

  2. That’s too bad. I know the old timers (Apollo Astronauts) are just as enthused about this too. Got to get it right though.

  3. What exactly are the constraints on the launch window, since the craft doesn’t have to rendezvous with anything else?

    1. As the day goes on the temperatures become warmer which brings in the possibility of unstable weather. That would be my uneducated guess anyways 🙂

  4. Bit of an anti-climax, never mind – good luck for tomorrow! Make sure you’ve got a set of jump-leads on standby!

  5. Simply — Thank you for all your great efforts.

    You ALL have done a great service to Our World and to advance Human knowledge.

    Best wishes for tomorrow’s launch.

    Keep Strong & Wise.
    Great day to image Our Sun!

  6. Excellent decision … avoid “Launch Frenzy” at all costs. I’ll be up early tomorrow (and the next day(s), if necessary) to watch and share in your mission success. Take your time and nail it!

  7. Those valves probably aren’t meant to be recycled that often in one day. Maybe the person (s) in that boat who fouled the range out in the east sector can take some of the blame. Everything was hunky dory until they blundered in and then it all went pear shaped after that.
    Maybe those people in that boat don’t mind having bits of rocket falling about them if something goes wrong… I certainly don’t!

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