NASA, Universities to Study Earth’s Soil, Use New Technology in Orbit

Image shows Arizona State University student Marco Lalonde stows the DORA solar panels in preparation for flight
Arizona State University student Marco Lalonde stows the DORA solar panels in preparation for flight. Photo credit: Danny Jacobs

NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative soon will send two CubeSats to the International Space Station as cargo on the 21st Northrop Grumman commercial resupply mission.

CySat-1, designed and built by students from Iowa State University, measures Earth’s soil moisture content from low Earth orbit. The measurements will be taken with a software-defined radiometer, a system that uses software to process analog radio signals. Students will create computer programs to analyze those signals to determine levels of moisture in the soil present on the Earth. As Iowa State University’s first CubeSat, CySat-1 will be a technology demonstrator for future CubeSat missions.

Students at Arizona State University and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Southern California developed DORA (Deployable Optical Receiver Aperture), a new technology CubeSat.

In the past, small satellites required precision pointing and only achieved low data transmissions in gathering information. The technology will demonstrate new optical communications without precision pointing and use a solid-state photon detector to gather high data rates using wide-field optical receivers. To test the detector’s performance, DORA will measure the background light from reflected sunlight, moonlight, and city lights when deployed from the space station into low Earth orbit.

The two demonstrations, CySat-1 and DORA, are both 3U CubeSats, a class of small satellites. The cube-shaped spacecraft are sized in standardized units, or Us, typically up to 12U. One CubeSat unit is defined as a volume of about 10x10x10 cm in size and typically weighs less than 2 kilograms.

The satellites will be released from the International Space Station using the Nanoracks CubeSat Deployer. One of the space station’s arms grabs and points the deployer in the proper direction to release the CubeSats into orbit.

Launch of the Cygnus spacecraft is targeted at 11:28 a.m. EDT Saturday, Aug. 3, on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

NASA’s Solar Sail System Readies Sail Deployment

Commissioning is nearly complete for NASA’s Advanced Composite Solar Sail System, and mission operators are charting a course for their next milestone – hoisting the sails using new composite booms.

The sail will unfurl from the spacecraft’s 12-unit (12U) CubeSat body using composite booms made from new materials that are stiffer and lighter than previous designs. Once successful boom and sail deployment are achieved, the team hopes to prove the sail’s propulsion capabilities and maneuverability by raising and lowering the satellite’s orbit. Solar sails use the pressure of sunlight for propulsion, as photons bouncing off a reflective sail push a spacecraft. Like a sailboat turning to capture the wind, the spacecraft can adjust its orbit by angling the sail.

After launching in April aboard Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket from New Zealand, the mission completed a series of tests and preparations, including testing two-way communications and deploying solar panels – a battery-charging mechanism, not to be confused with the not-yet deployed solar sail.

The project team expects to deploy the sail in the next few weeks. Given its position in orbit, about 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) above Earth, and the reflectivity of the large sail, about 860 square feet (80 square meters), mission managers say the Solar Sail System should be easily visible at times in the night sky once the sail is fully deployed.

For ongoing mission updates, follow us on social media:

Facebook: NASA AmesNASA
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NASA Ames manages the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System project and designed and built the onboard camera diagnostic system. NASA Langley designed and built the deployable composite booms and solar sail system. NASA’s Small Spacecraft Technology program office based at NASA Ames and led by the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD), funds and manages the mission. NASA STMD’s Game Changing Development program developed the deployable composite boom technology. Rocket Lab USA, Inc of Long Beach, California provided launch services. AST&Defense LLC of College Park, Maryland, designed and built the spacecraft bus.



NASA’s Space Weather CubeSat Rides on Ariane 6 Rocket

CURIE (CubeSat Radio Interferometry Experiment) will launch as a rideshare payload on the inaugural flight of ESA’s (European Space Agency) Arianespace Ariane 6 rocket to provide observations of solar radio waves critical for greater understanding of space weather.
CURIE (CubeSat Radio Interferometry Experiment) will launch as a rideshare payload on the inaugural flight of ESA’s (European Space Agency) Arianespace Ariane 6 rocket to provide observations of solar radio waves critical for greater understanding of space weather. Photo credit: ESA

NASA will provide the CURIE (CubeSat Radio Interferometry Experiment) as a rideshare payload on the ESA (European Space Agency) inaugural flight of the Arianespace Ariane 6 rocket to provide a glimpse into the primary drivers of space weather. Launch is targeted for July 9 from Europe’s Spaceport, the Guiana Space Center in Kourou, in French Guiana.

Designed by Dr. David Sundkvist and a team from the University of California, Berkeley, CURIE is a radio interferometer comprising two 3U CubeSats that will launch bolted together as one before separating into two later in orbit. The experiment’s two CubeSats will provide two separate vantage points to measure the same radio waves coming from the Sun and other sources in the sky.

The CubeSats will study radio burst emissions from solar eruptive events such as flares and coronal mass ejections in the inner heliosphere – the region between the Sun and Jupiter. The ejections drive space weather often contributing to dramatic aurora events, and disrupting orbiting satellites, power grids, and communications on Earth.

The mission is the first of its kind to measure radio waves in the 0.1-19 MHz frequency range from space. It serves as an experimental platform and pathfinder in the development of new space-based radio observation techniques. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate funds and manages the mission through the Heliophysics Flight Opportunities for Research and Technology activity.

Earth’s ionosphere absorbs the particular radio waves CURIE will study – a region of charged gases 30 to 400 miles above the planet’s surface. The satellites will need an orbit around 360 miles above Earth to reduce radio wave blockage.

“NASA and ESA share a collaborative and mutually beneficial working relationship and are in constant communication about potential spacecraft and launch opportunities between the two agencies,” said Norman Phelps, mission manager with NASA’s Launch Services Program at the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. “ESA notified NASA it could provide a slot on the Ariane 6 if there was a CubeSat compatible with the orbital parameters and launch window, and after a thorough search, CURIE was selected.”

NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI) manifested CURIE on the Ariane 6 after the agency selected the small satellite during the 11th round of CSLI candidates in 2020.

Since its inception, NASA’s CSLI has launched more than 150 CubeSats on a myriad of rockets and worked with more than 200 institutions and organizations, providing a low-cost way to conduct scientific investigations and technology demonstrations in space.

Firefly Aerospace Reschedules CubeSat Launch After Scrub

Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket carrying eight CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43 mission rolls out of the company’s Payload Processing Facility to Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, on Sunday, June 30, 2024. Firefly Aerospace is one of three companies selected to fly small satellites to space under NASA’s Launch Services Program Venture-Class Launch Services Demonstration 2 (VCLS Demo 2) contract awarded in December 2020.
Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket carrying eight CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43 mission stands vertical at Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, on Monday, July 1, 2024. Photo credit: Firefly Aerospace

An issue with ground equipment caused a launch scrub at the last second for eight small satellite missions on a rideshare to space. NASA and Firefly Aerospace now are targeting 9:03 p.m. PDT, July 2 (12:03 a.m. EDT, July 3) for the launch of the CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43.

Firefly Aerospace’s “Noise of Summer” will launch on an Alpha rocket from Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

Launch Update for NASA’s ELaNa 43 CubeSats

Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket carrying eight CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43 mission rolls out of the company’s Payload Processing Facility to Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
Firefly Aerospace’s Alpha rocket carrying eight CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43 mission rolls out of the company’s Payload Processing Facility to Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base, California, on Sunday, June 30, 2024. Photo credit: Firefly Aerospace

NASA and Firefly Aerospace are now targeting 9:03 p.m. PDT, July 1 (12:03 a.m. EDT, July 2) for the launch of eight CubeSats as part of NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative’s (CSLI) ELaNa (Educational Launch of Nanosatellites) 43.

Firefly Aerospace’s “Noise of Summer” will launch on an Alpha rocket from Space Launch Complex 2 at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.