Spotlighting a Solver Within Our Own NASA Community: Laurie Peterson (JSC)

CENTER OPS DIRECTORATE WEBSITE PORTRAIT PROJECT -  JA - Laurie Peterson.  Photo Date: April 30, 2014.  Location: Building 8, Room 183 - Photo Studio.  Photographer: Robert Markowitz
CENTER OPS DIRECTORATE WEBSITE PORTRAIT PROJECT – JA – Laurie Peterson. Photo Date: April 30, 2014. Location: Building 8, Room 183 – Photo Studio. Photographer: Robert Markowitz

Laurie Peterson (JSC) is a NASA employee worthy of a little spotlight.  She works as the Sustainability Champion at JSC (what a cool job!) and is also an active participant on NASA@work, an internal crowdsourcing platform that connects NASA employees across all centers to help solve problems, collaborate, and build community.

Laurie recently was recognized as a winner of the ‘Peer to Peer Coaching and Counseling Program’ NASA@work Challenge. The Challenge Owner had this to say about Laurie’s submission:

“Laurie Peterson provided creative suggestions on how to set up a Peer to Peer Coaching and Counseling Program utilizing features existing in current mentoring and coaching programs. In her recommendations, Ms. Peterson outlined a way to set up of the Peer- to-Peer groups with contacts at JSC and at Headquarters. She gave ideas of how the existing coaching program could be folded into the Peer-to-Peer program and she provided suggested steps that would be needed to fold in contractors into the Peer to Peer Program.  Also her proposal made a sincere attempt to consider the other inputs from the Peer-to-Peer Coaching Challenge website in her recommendations and we thank her for her submission!”

To read the details of this submission, please visit: (must be a NASA employee).

To learn more about Laurie, please visit the NASA@work external website here (open to all).