Human Research Facility (HRF) Urine Setup: The crew set up hardware in preparation for repository activities later this week. Repository is a storage bank that is used to maintain biological specimens over extended periods of time and under well-controlled conditions. It supports scientific discovery that contributes to our fundamental knowledge in the area of human physiological changes and adaptation to a microgravity environment and provides unique opportunities to study longitudinal changes in human physiology spanning many missions.
Space Acceleration Measurement System II (SAMS II) Screen Cleaning: As part of the routine periodic maintenance, the crew cleaned lint from the filter screens in the SAMS-II RTS/D1 (Remote Triaxial Sensor Drawer 1) and RTS/D2 locations. SAMS-II is an ongoing study of the small forces (vibrations and accelerations) on the ISS resulting from the operation of hardware, crew activities, dockings, and maneuvering. Results generalize the types of vibrations affecting vibration-sensitive experiments. Investigators seek to better understand the vibration environment on the ISS.
Nitrogen / Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Tank Uninstall: Today the crew worked with MCC-H to terminate the transfer of Nitrogen from the NORS Recharge Tank to the ISS Airlock Nitrogen Tanks. As part of the activity, they removed the fill hose, regulator, then uninstalled and stowed the tank for return on a future cargo vehicle.
Compound Specific Analyzer – Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Sample Pump Failure: During a scheduled inspection, the crew found that one CSA-CP Sample Pump was failed. The Sample Pump is needed to obtain CSA-CP samples at fire ports. Currently there is only one functional Sample Pump on ISS. Ground teams are working to manifest a spare pump onboard an upcoming cargo vehicle.
Intra-Module Ventilation (IMV) Measurements: Yesterday, the crew took periodic measurements of the airflow at IMV ducts in several locations, including Russian Segment to Node 3, Node 3 to Cupola, Airlock to Node 1, Lab to Node 2, Node 2 to Lab, Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) inlet and Node 3 to BEAM. Teams are currently reviewing the data and will request cleaning if the airflow measurements are below pre-defined limits.
Completed Task List Activities:
- PMM1D4 Reconfiguration
- PMM1PD2 GLA removal and new light install
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Primary Power System (PPS) Channel 3A Characterization Test (Ongoing)
Two-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 02/13
- Actiwatch plus check
- CSA frozen blood setup
- CSA/Marrow
- ER3 ELC swap and bios check
- Fluid Shifts prep
- ISS HAM pass
- JAXA/TPS setup
- Marrow
- Repository
- Team Task Switching survey
- ITCS refill in Lab and JEM
Thursday, 02/14
- Astrobee OBT
- Marrow
- ER10B MTL flow adjust
- Fluid Shifts repeat Chibis session
- Repository
- Refabricator installation completion
- JAXA/TPS setup
- JAXA/SAIBO video survey
- None
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos web site and social media
- ECON-M. Observations and photo
- R&R ПФ1-ПФ4 Dust Filters Cassettes in the SM
- VECTOR-Т. Hardware Setup
- Kubik 6 Data Copy
- Regeneration of the БМП Absorbing Cartridge Ф2 (start)
- COSMOCARD. Closeout Operations.
- Kubik Test Experiment Container Uninstall
- SM Video Equipment Maintenance with Live Broadcast (S+Кu-band).
- Transfer Water from Progress 440 Rodnik Water Tank #1 into a EDV using a Compressor.
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Fill Part 3
- Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification
- Kubik 6 Uninstall
- Deck 3 restore after KUBIK activities
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Incubator Installation
- Midday Meal
- XF305 Camcorder Setup
- Microscope (MS) Test Sample Removal
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Incubator Installation
- Closeout for Microscope in MSPR Work Volume.
- Station Support Computer 6 (SSC6) Troubleshooting
- Visual and functional inspections of the CSA-CP Probes on ISS.
- СОЖ maintenance
- Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST) Biomolecule Sequencer Checkout
- MELFI Biomolecule Extraction and Sequencing Technology (BEST) Sample Trash
- Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA) Connection Check
- Charge Soyuz 741 (57S) IRIDIUM Phone
- Rodent Research Cargo Transfer Bag Consolidate
- Gather Fluid System Servicer (FSS) equipment in preparation for operations on GMT-044.
- Charge Soyuz 741 (57S) IRIDIUM Phone
- VECTOR-Т. Remove ФСС Equipment from Window #9. Transfer and Downlink Data
- Environmental Health System (EHS) – Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Extended Maintenance
- HRF Generic Urine Collection Setup
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Meter Setup
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill
- PL Control Box2 Relocate
- Space Acceleration Measurement System Screen Cleaning
- IMS Delta File Prep
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Meter Location Swap
- Space Acceleration Measurement System Screen Cleaning
- Evening Preparation Work
- Fluid System Servicer (FSS) Payload Water Reservoir (PWR) Gather
- Space Automated Bioproduct Lab, CO2 Meter Teardown and Stow