ElectroMagnetic Levitator (EML) Lens Swap: The crew changed the measurement mode of the EML High Speed Camera to RECAL mode in support of ongoing ops. The EML is a multi-user facility designed for containerless materials processing in space. It supports research in the areas of meta-stable states and phases along with the measurement of high-accurate thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys at high temperatures. EML can accommodate up to 18 samples, each 5 to 8 mm in size. Heating rates of up to 100 Kelvin per second can be achieved with a maximum temperature of 2,100°C.
ISS Experience: The crew set up The ISS Experience in Node 3 with a goal of capturing one of the crew member’s pre-sleep routine. The ISS Experience creates a virtual reality film documenting daily life aboard the ISS. The 8 to 10 minute videos created from footage taken during the six-month investigation cover different aspects of crew life, execution of science aboard the station, and the international partnerships involved. The ISS Experience uses a Z-CAM V1 Pro Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR) 360-degree camera with nine 190° fisheye lenses.
Muscle Tone in Space (Myotones): The crew performed ultrasound scans and measurements with the Myotones device in today’s science sessions. The Myotones investigation observes the biochemical properties of muscles during long-term exposure to the spaceflight environment. Results from this investigation are expected to provide insight into principles of human resting muscle tone, which could lead to the development of new strategies for alternative treatments for rehabilitation both on Earth and for future space missions.
Northrop Grumman (NG)-11 Arrival Preparations: In preparation for Cygnus arrival, currently planned for April 19, the crew completed an On-board Training (OBT) review of attached phase operations including hardware, stowage, and attached phase configuration. They also completed an offset grapple OBT, paying particular attention to managing the volumetric constraints in the Cupola, as well as lighting conditions, when maneuvering the Mobile Servicing System (MSS).
Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Robotics Operations: Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS in support of crew Cygnus Offset Grapple practice. During this On-Board-Training (OBT) session, the crew took turns flying the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) into the grapple envelope of the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture (FRGF) for training/familiarization in preparation for NG-11 capture. After the OBT, flight controllers moved SSRMS into position to enable completion of the Node1 Active Common Berthing Mechanism (ACBM) survey, required before NG-11 can be berthed to ISS, later this week.
Completed Task List Activities:
- AHIS culture photo
- EPO message record/downlink
- MERLIN troubleshooting
- EVA tool stow
Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- MSS to hot backup config
- Cygnus offset grapple OBT support
Wednesday, 4/17: Payloads:
- EML lens switch
- ISS Experience hardware stow
- ISS HAM pass
- Lighting Effects
- JAXA/Mouse Mission prep
- JEMAL slide table ops
- Repository
- Rodent Research gather
- Standard Measures
- Time Perception
- Cygnus RoBOT OBT
- EVA loop scrub
- Cygnus cargo transfer conference
Thursday, 4/18: Payloads:
- GLACIER/POLAR desiccant swaps
- LSG ops
- Repository
- MISSE MTT/MSC procedure review
- Rodent Research-12 hab install
- Standard Measures
- EVA Airlock restow
- CBCS installation/checkout
- HRF blood collections
Today’s Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Myotones Blood Draw and centrifugation
- Standard Measures Body Sampling Survey
- Standard Measures Body Sampling Collection
- Myotones Blood Draw and centrifugation
- HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations
- Myotones Blood Tube Centrifugation
- Standard Measures Body Sampling Stow
- Myotones Centrifuge Spin Conclude
- ВКС Laptops Antivirus software checkout
- Myotones Sample MELFI Insertion
- JAXA Mouse Mission Item Gathering
- Standard Measures Fecal Collection
- The EML Experiment. High Speed Camera Lens Switch
- JEM Water Separator cable reconfiguration
- HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations
- Atmosphere Purification Unit (БОА) R&R in Vozdukh Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem [СОА]. Equipment Gathering
- Express Rack Boot Drive Insert
- Standard Measures Fecal Collection Stow
- Express Rack USB Drive Insert
- ISS Experience Hardware Stow
- Manufacturing Device Data Cable Remove
- XF305 Camcorder Setup
- Mouse Habitat Unit Watering Function Checkout 1
- Myotones Blood Collection Conclude And Stow
- ECHO Unit Setup for Myotones experiment
- Myotones Device Setup with EPM Laptop
- Mouse Habitat Unit Preparation before Sample Arrival
- Myotones Measurements
- Study of cardiovascular system under graded physical CYCLE load
- Study of cardiovascular system under graded physical load on VELO (assistance)
- Myotones Ultrasound scan using Echo Unit
- Myotones Device Data Transfer
- Food Acceptability Questionnaire
- Mouse Habitat Unit Watering Function Checkout 2 for Micro-G
- On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Attached Phase Operations review.
- Mouse Habitat Unit Watering Function Checkout 2 for 1G
- ECHO Unit Stowage
- Columbus cabin restore after Myotones experiment
- On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Offset Grapple
- ISS Experience Solid State Drive Changeout
- Atmosphere Purification Unit (БОА) R&R in Vozdukh Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem [СОА]. Vozdukh Deactivation
- Installation and Activation of П-16 Adsorber
- 24-hour ECG Recording (start)
- Atmosphere Purification Unit (БОА) R&R in Vozdukh Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem [СОА]. Vozdukh Leak Check
- On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Offset Grapple
- 24-hour Blood Pressure Recording (start)
- On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Offset Grapple
- Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 2 To HRF Rack 1 Transfer
- Food Acceptability Questionnaire
- JEM ORU Xfer I/F (JOTI) / AL Adapter Plate (JCAP) Gather
- RYASKA. Photography of plant cultivation chambers
- On-board Training (OBT) Cygnus Attached Phase Operations review.
- Atmosphere Purification Unit (БОА) R&R in Vozdukh Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem [СОА]. Deinstallation of LIV hardware
- Private Psychological Conference (PPC)
- NeuroMapping Experiment Neurocognitive Test With Video
- Express Rack Boot Drive Removal
- Atmosphere Purification Unit (БОА) R&R in Vozdukh Atmosphere Revitalization Subsystem [СОА]. Work area setup. Transfer of Potok hardware
- Express Rack CLS Drive Removal
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config JEM Setup
- СОЖ maintenance
- PAO Preparation
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – JEM
- Telescience Resource Zbook Swap
- CONTENT. Experiment Ops
- ISS Experience Node 3 Setup
- HRF Generic Urine Collection Setup
- ISS Experience Routine Recording
- ISS Experience Hardware Relocate