CBEF-L (Cell Biology Experiment Facility-L): The crew removed the Plant Experiment Unit from the CBEF-L facility and reconfigured the Video output cables for multiple channel ops. CBEF-L is a Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) new subrack facility, which is an upgraded facility of the original Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) currently aboard the International Space Station (ISS). CBEF-L provides new capabilities with additional new resources such as Full High Definition video interface, Ethernet, 24 VDC power supply, and a larger diameter centrifugal test environment. By using the original CBEF and CBEF-L as one facility for the same experiment, the payload user is provided with an upgraded experimental environment that can handle the processing of more experimental samples for a wider array of experiments.
JAXA MHU-5 (JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5): The crew completed the configuration of the Mouse Habitat Unit for future ops. JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5 (MHU-5) examines the effects of partial G on mice using the JAXA-developed mouse habitat cage units (HCU) that can be installed in the newly developed Centrifuge-equipped Biological Experiment Facility-L (CBEF-L) on the ISS. Stress caused by partial G may alter gene expression in cells of the body. The investigation analyzes any such alterations and their possible effects on development of germ cells, which carry genetic information and expression to subsequent generations.
Time Perception in Microgravity: The crew performed a Time Perception session In the Columbus Bay 2 module. A program on the laptop induces visual and audio stimuli to measure a subject’s response to spatial and time perception in a microgravity environment. The accurate perception of objects in the environment is a prerequisite for spatial orientation and reliable performance of motor tasks. Time is fundamental to motion perception, sound localization, speech, and fine motor coordination.
X2R18 Software Transition: The ground teams completed the MCC-H server step-up overnight and started on the X2R18 software load to the Command and Control System (CCS). Today, the ISS crew continued with supporting on-orbit transition to the X2R18 by completing Part 2 of imaging two PCS laptops.
P6 Battery Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Preparations: In preparation for the upcoming P6 Battery EVA, the ISS crew completed multiple preparatory activities including the Extravehicular Activity Mobility Unit (EMU) suit Contingency Water Container – Iodine (CWC-I) degassing procedure. Additionally, the crew completed standard checkout procedures for the EVA EMU Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER) device along with the Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly (REBA) hardware. Later in the day, the crew also completed the EMU Li-Ion battery charging activity and installed fresh EMU batteries and Metox canisters into both EMU suits. The crew was also involved in completing an EVA EMU Resize activity along with the EVA Tool Config activity. The first of two planned P6 Li-Ion battery replacement EVAs is scheduled for January 15, 2020.
SpX-19 Post Mission Operations: All post mission cargo operations are complete with no known issues. All Dragon cargo has been transferred to NASA.
Completed Task List Activities:
- No task list activities were completed.
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Payload Operations Support
- X2R18 database transition
Thursday, 1/9 (GMT 009)
- CBEF-L Plant Experiment Unit Removal (JAXA)
- CBEF-L Mouse Habitat and video setup Reconfig (JAXA)
- AWP Data Downlink (NASA)
- Standard Measures Saliva collect (NASA)
- CSA Frozen Blood Collect (CSA)
- LIDAL Setup and Activation (NASA)
- Food Acceptability (NASA)
- EVA EMU Resize
- EVA Tool Config
- EVA Airlock Stow
- EVA LLB/Metox Install
- HMS AED Inspect
- Vision Testing
- Columbus SW Load
- X2R18 PCS and Z-book
- X2R18 PCS and Z-book Stow
Friday, 1/10 (GMT 010)
- Food Acceptability (NASA)
- Mouse Habitat Interface unit Install to CBEF-L and Checkout and Utility Outlet Panel config (JAXA)
- Food Physiology Briefing (NASA)
- SABL CO2 Incubator Controller install and Short Tray Insert (NASA)
- EVA EMU Water Recharging
- EVA EMU Loop Scrub
- UPA Brine Filter R&R
- EVA LLB Ops Term
- EVA PTV POM Battery Charge Swap
- MMU2 R&R
- HRF1 Rack Rotate
- Columbus Bay 4 Clean-up
- Columbus VCA2 ADJ
- Vision Test
Saturday, 1/11 (GMT 011)
- Standard Measures Saliva collect (NASA)
- Med Ops Ultrasound Scans
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes
- UF-ATMOSFERA. PL Deactivation
- AMS Procedure/video review
- Record EPO Paxi script
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Procedure Review
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Suit Intravehicular (IV) Review
- IMS Delta File Prep
- iPad Check Apple Operating System Downloaded
- ISS Experience Mid-Mission Debrief
- ISS Experience Presleep OPS
- OPTIMIS Tablet Application Troubleshooting
- Preparation of reports for Roscosmos website and social media
- ECON-M. Observations and photo (Task list)
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
- ARED Photo/TV Reminder
- TIME Perception experiment constraints reminder
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection 25 Minutes Subject
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configuration
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
- UF-ATMOSFERA. Closeout Ops
- CSA Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Conclude And Stow
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test
- XF305 Camcorder Setup
- CBEF-L Plant Exp Unit Removal
- Cell Biology Experiment Facility-Left (CBEF-L) Backup Power Setup
- Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan Prep
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire
- Contingency Water Container – Iodinated (CWC-I) Degas
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan performed by a Crew Medical Officer (CMO)
- Cell Biology Experiment Facility-Left (CBEF-L) Reconfiguration for Mouse Mission
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Post Exam
- Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue (SAFER) Checkout
- BIOCARD. Operator Assistance During the Experiment
- BIOCARD. Experiment Session.
- Extravehicular Activity Mobility Unit (EMU) Enhanced Caution and Warning System (ECWS) On-Board Training
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Resize
- HMS Tonometry Test Setup
- Changing Cell Biology Experiment Facility – Left (CBEF-L) video output cable reconfiguration.
- Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 2 Stow Alternate
- HMS Tonometry Test Crew Medical Officer (CMO)
- Changeout of СКПФ1 & СКПФ2 Dust Filters (МИМ1_ЛБ_208 Bag 442-14 (00076772R). Reflect deltas in the IMS) and Cleaning MRM1 Gas-Liquid Heat Exchanger (ГЖТ)
- HMS Tonometry Test Subject
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Airlock Unstow
- Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Termination
- HMS Tonometry Test Stow
- Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Initiation
- Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly (REBA) Installation
- Columbus Video Camera Assembly 2 adjustment
- Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly (REBA) Powered Hardware Checkout
- On-board Training (OBT) Mouse Habitat Unit Setup Review
- PWS1 T61P Software Load Part 1 of 2
- MATRYOSHKA-R. Monitoring Tritel Readings
- GREAT START. Video Script Review Tagup with specialists as necessary
- Utility Outlet Panel (UOP) Activation
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tool Configuring
- PWS1 T61P Software Load Part 2 of 2
- GREAT START. Preparation
- THE GREAT START. Educational Session and Video
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB) Terminate
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT2 Setup
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB)/Metal Oxide (METOX) Installation
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB) Initiate
- Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 2 Setup
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- Time experiment science
- Photo T/V (P/TV) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Exercise Video Setup
- THE GREAT START. Closeout Ops
- ARED Exercise
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT2 Prep
- MERLIN Desiccant Swap
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) – OCT2 Exam – Operator
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT2 Exam – Subject
- MERLIN2 Desiccant Swap
- Off Duty Day
- SODF Warning update
- Cleanup HRF-1 rotation path.
- Test activation of HP printer in SM.
- Food Acceptability Survey
- X2R18 Portable Computer System (PCS) Connect
- СОЖ Maintenance
- Portable Computer System (PCS) Hard Drive Image
- Evening Preparation Work
- Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
- Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 2 Stow
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT2 Stow