JAXA MHU-5 (JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5): The crew performed routine mouse habitat maintenance activities for the continuing Mouse Mission-5 investigation. JAXA Mouse Habitat Unit-5 (MHU-5) examines the effects of partial G on mice using the JAXA-developed mouse habitat cage units (HCU) that can be installed in the newly developed Centrifuge-equipped Biological Experiment Facility-L (CBEF-L) on the ISS. Stress caused by partial G may alter gene expression in cells of the body. The investigation analyzes any such alterations and their possible effects on development of germ cells, which carry genetic information and expression to subsequent generations.
NanoRacks Module-9: The crew performed the 3rd set of operations (“Ops 3”) on the NanoRacks Module-9 tube. Ops 3 involves the mixture of Tube #2, which looks at the ability of Quinoa (a type of grain) growth in microgravity. NanoRacks-National Center for Earth and Space Science Education-Gemini includes 41 microgravity experiments designed by students in grades 5 through 12 and college. The experiments range from examinations of water filtration and purification to synthetic soil production, rust formation, antibiotic effectiveness, growth and development of microacquatic organisms, and growth of plant, fungi, and bacteria. Each was chosen from more than 3,000 entries submitted by more than 23,000 U.S., Canadian, and Brazilian students. The experiments use NanoRacks MixStix, miniature laboratories activated by the ISS crew and are eventually returned to the student teams on Earth for analysis.
Rhodium Space Microbiome: The crew inserted samples S/n’s #5, #7, and #6 into the SABL unit for incubation and then removed #5 and placed it into the MELFI cold stowage facility. Genomics Investigation of Human Gut Microbiome to Determine Effects of Microgravity Exposures (Rhodium Space Microbiome) examines the effects of spaceflight on the human gut microbiome, a complex community of numerous bacterial species. Developing a better understanding shifts in microbiome diversity and function and how they affect human health and performance may help protect people on future missions. Recent studies have shown a connection between alterations in the structure and function of the gut microbiome and multiple chronic and acute diseases.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- SPDM Robotics Micro Conical Tool (RMCT) Stow
- BioFabrication Facility Test Cassette Removal
- Mobile Servicing System Walk-off Maneuver
- Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator Un-stow
- Dragon Trunk Camera Checkout
- Complete SPDM Body Camera Survey and Mnvr MSS to Bart Park Position
- Node3 MCA Initial Activation after ORU2 R&R (part 3)
Look Ahead Plan
Tuesday, 3/24 (GMT 084)
- Vascular Echo scan and Blood Pressure (CSA)
- COL Payload Power Switching Box (PPSB) reconfig and discharge (ESA)
- Rhodium Space Microbiome samples into MELFI #2 (NASA)
- Food Acceptability (NASA)
- JEM Airlock Pressurization and leak chk (NASA)
- MISSE MSC removal Procedure Review (NASA)
- Transparent Alloy Cartridge Exchange (NASA)
- Bartolomeo removal from Dragon trunk (NASA)
- Dragon Cargo Operations
Wednesday, 3/25 (GMT 085)
- Vascular Echo Leg Doppler PDOP Ops (CSA)
- AstroPi Micro SD card to SSC (11&19) for OS upgrade (ESA)
- MISSE MSC removal and stow (NASA)
- PONDS Modules (s/n 1-12) install and initiate (NASA)
- BFF Procedure Review (NASA)
- NanoRacks Module-09 Status 3 (NASA)
- CGBA4 status chk and Maintenance (NASA)
- Rhodium Space Microbiome samples into MELFI #3(NASA)
- STaARS kit (s/n 1012) into MELFI (NASA)
- Standard Measures Presleep Questionnaire (NASA)
- Dragon Cargo Operations
Thursday, 3/26 (GMT 086)
- Radi-N2 Detectors (8) retrieved (COL) and H/O to Russian crew (CSA)
- Engineering Heart Tissue (EHT) Media change and fixation (NASA)
- Standard Measures Postsleep Questionnaire (NASA)
- BFF test print without cells (1 and 2) , and Syringe swap (4) (NASA)
- EML Gas Vlv to Close (ESA-Joint)
- Regen ECLSS Operations
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Data Preparation for Return – 59 Soyuz Flight Engineer 1
- ECON-M. Observation and Photography
- Recharging Samsung tablet in 61S
- Reminder 1 Vascular Echo Resting Ultrasound Scan
- TIMER. Search for “SPRUT-2 Kit. КРМ # 37
- Remove Solid State Drive from SSC22 and relocate SSC21 to CQ4
- Central post computer КЦП2 upload for new version. Conf. with expert
- BioFabrication Facility Test Print Without Cells Install 1
- BioFabrication Facility MELFI Sample Retrieve
- BioFabrication Facility Test Print Without Cells Install
- RS Urine Water Regeneration System [СРВ-У РС] equipment troubleshooting.
- JAXA Mouse Mission 5 Cage Maintenance 2A
- JAXA Mouse Mission 5 Cage Maintenance 2B
- JAXA Mouse Mission 5 Habitat Cage Unit Water Maintenance 2
- MSG Hardware gather
- JAXA Mouse Mission 5 Maintenance Closeout 2
- Taking Pille dosimeter readings
- BioFabrication Facility Cleaning Syringe Install
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire
- Rhodium Space Microbiome US LAB HD Camcorder Video Setup
- Rhodium Space Microbiome MELFI Sample Retrieval
- Rhodium Space Microbiome SABL Sample Removal
- DATA TRANSMISSION RADIO LINK (RSPI) Vacuum Cleaning of БЗУ Ventilation fan Grid
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- Countermeasures System (CMS) Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection
- Potable Water Dispenser Aux Port Sample
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test
- Spaceflight Cognitive Assessment Tool for Windows (WinSCAT) Test
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire
- [ГНШ-К-24] headset hygienic covers inventory check
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test
- ARED Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Questionnaire
- BioFabrication Facility Test Cassette Removal
- Checking БД-2 treadmill carriage position and photography
- Private Medical Conference (PMC)
- MSG MLC Upgrade
- Exercise Data Downlink
- Water Recovery System (WRS) Waste Tank Sample
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill
- Nanoracks Module-9 Ops Session 3
- Rhodium Space Microbiome US LAB HD Camcorder Video Setup
- Rhodium Space Microbiome MELFI Sample Retrieval
- Rhodium Space Microbiome Historical Documentation Photography
- Rhodium Space Microbiome SABL Sample Removal
- Rhodium Space Microbiome MELFI Sample Insertion
- Reminder 2 Vascular Echo Resting Ultrasound Scan