ISS Daily Summary Report – 10/29/2020
Drop Vibration Setup: The crew performed the necessary steps to install the Drop Vibration hardware in the Microgravity Sciences Glovebox (MSG). Although we were able to get the hardware installed successfully, the team is discussing some video issues which were encountered at the end of the activity. Inertial Spreading with Vibration and Water Coalescence (Drop Vibration) examines the behavior of big liquid drops whose perimeter of contact, called the contact line, moves rapidly as the drops change shape either forced by vibration or freely by merger. These motions, fast and small on Earth, become slower and larger in microgravity and so can be more closely observed. Such observations improve the currently limited understanding of contact lines, important in applications such as self-cleaning surfaces, water harvesting devices, anti-frost coatings and the fabrication of semiconductors.
EPM (European Physiology Module) Board Removal: In a continuation of the troubleshooting for the EPM Rack, the crew removed Science Module Support Computer (SMSC) Extension Board 3. Recovery of the EPM rack will simplify GRIP science operations in the next few weeks, but a work-around is in place if the troubleshooting is not successful. This EPM SMSC issue first occurred on 01 September of this year. EPM is designed to investigate the effects of short- and long-duration space flight on the human body. It includes equipment for neuroscientific, cardiovascular, and physiological studies.
Completed Task List Activities:
- AC Inverter Secure
- Spotlight Battery and Bulb R&R
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Stow SPDM on MBS 2
- SSRMS Direct Drive Test [Currently In Progress]
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, 10/30 (GMT 304)
- Cubesat review
- Hero Product
- HRF blood/urine setup
- Plant Habitat-02 science install
- RS EVA Preparations
- Nitrogen/Oxygen Recharge System configure to Low Pressure Oxygen
Saturday, 10/31 (GMT 305)
- No utilization activities scheduled. Crew off duty day
Sunday, 11/1 (GMT 306)
- Repository
- Crew off duty day
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Reminder Portable O2 Monitor (POM) Reading
- Reminder Periodic Health Status (PHS) Evaluation
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Operations
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. Operations
- Changeout of Elektron-VM Purification Column Assembly (БКО)
- Preparation for Troubleshooting FGB Power Supply System Filter Units (БФ-1М) and Main Bus Assembly (БСШ-1М).
- EPM Science Module Support Computer (SMSC) Board 3 removal
- Replacement of filters in FGB dust collectors 1, 2 (ФГБ1ПГО_1_109, bag 441-14 (00076074R) or ФГБ1ПГО_4_425_1). Discard removed filters. Reflect deltas in the IMS)
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- Transfer of portable ССД305 lights from DC1 to MRM2
- Preventive maintenance of SM ventilation subsystem. Group А
- Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
- Drop Vibration Hardware Setup
- On MCC GO Urine/brine transfer from ЕДВ to Progress 444 (DC1) Rodnik H2O tank 2, flushing Progress 444 (DC1) H2O tank 2 B2 connector
- СОЖ Maintenance
- Audit of disposable covers for Low-Noise Headsets ГНШ-К-24
- Changeout of ПФ1-4 dust filter cartridges in SM (ФГБ1ПГО_4_424_1, bag 435-20 (00071061R) or ФГБ1ГА, bag 440-22 (00074646R). Discard removed filters. Reflect changes in IMS)
- IMS delta file prep