ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/17/2022


Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air-2 (ANITA-2): The crew assisted with the initial power-up of the ANITA-2 system by closing switches and adjusting a video camera to monitor the unit.  Following this, the ground was unable to successfully ping the unit and is discussing the issue.  ANITA-2 is a compact gas analyzer which can analyze and quantify 33 trace contaminants in the atmosphere aboard the International Space Station (ISS) automatically. ANITA-2 can also detect the presence of unknown substances which can be evaluated later on the ground.

AstroPi:  The crew swapped locations of the AstroPi Vis from the Node 2 window to the Columbus, and the AstroPi IR from the Columbus to the Node 2 window.  The current Astro Pis are a very recent upgrade and replacement for the original Astro Pi hardware that flew to the ISS in 2015 for the mission of ESA astronaut, Tim Peake. They are two Raspberry Pi 4B computers enclosed in a space-proof case with a range of new environmental sensors and a 12-megapixel camera for Earth Observation.  Students in European schools who are participating in the European Astro Pi Challenge can control these computers using the python programming language.

Combustion Integrated Rack/Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (CIR/ACME):  After removing the ACME experiment insert, a pressure switch and igniter tip were replaced, and a mis-aligned fiber array was brought back into alignment.  This was performed in support of the on-going Flame Design part 2 experiment.  The silicon carbide fibers in the array allow temperature determination of various areas in and around the flame based on the color they glow.  The Flame Design investigation studies the production and control of soot in order to optimize oxygen-enriched combustion and the design of robust, soot-free flames. Soot can adversely affect efficiency, emissions, and equipment lifetime, so this may lead to more efficient and cleaner burner designs.

EXPRESS rack (ER) 10B:  The crew performed an audio recording in the ER 10B area to assist with the determination of what seems to be an uncharacteristic noise in the area.  EXPRESS Racks are multipurpose payload rack systems that store and support research hardware aboard the ISS. The EXPRESS Racks support science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.  ER 10B is one of 3 basic EXPRESS racks.  Basic EXPRESS Racks have been simplified to include only the most commonly required resources and feature more common connectors such as a standard ethernet cable.

Food Physiology: Saliva collection was performed in support of the Food Physiology investigation.  The samples will be preserved and returned to the ground for analysis. The Integrated Impact of Diet on Human Immune Response, the Gut Microbiota, and Nutritional Status During Adaptation to Spaceflight (Food Physiology) experiment is designed to characterize the key effects of an enhanced spaceflight diet on immune function, the gut microbiome, and nutritional status indicators. These factors are interlinked, but diet is the only one that can be easily and meaningfully altered on Earth or during flight. This investigation aims to document the effect of dietary improvements on human physiology and the ability of those improvements to enhance adaptation to spaceflight.

Fiber-optic Active Dosimeter (Lumina):  The crew transferred data from the Lumina device and used the EveryWear App on an iPad to input the parameter settings as appropriate.  Lumina is an active fiber dosimeter that monitors, in real-time, the received radiation dose by exploiting the capacity of optical fibers to darken when exposed to radiation.  The dosimeter provides reliable dose measurements in complex environments such as the ones associated with electrons, protons, gamma-ray or X-ray photons or neutrons.

Mainframe Alpha (MFA): Nanoracks Modules 94, and 96 were removed from MFA and prepared for return to the ground.  Experiments in these modules have been on-going for various amounts of time, with the exception of Module-96 which was never successfully activated.  Nanoracks Mainframe Alpha is an EXPRESS Rack sub-facility designed to provide thermal control, power, and data management to individual Nanoracks Module experiments. The modules themselves are designed to a very limited and specific form factor that fits inside Mainframe Alpha, so Mainframe Alpha supports a wide variety of science that can change on each mission.

Mass Measurement Device (MMD):  The crew reviewed the procedures and set up the MMD hardware.  This hardware will be used to individually weigh the Rodent Research-18 subjects, which are then returned to their habitats.  MMD provides a system to quantify the mass of objects, including live animal specimens, in the microgravity environment aboard the ISS by providing the capability to measure mass in the range of 1 to 100 grams with accuracies that exceed 0.1 grams.

Repository: Urine sample collection was performed in support of the Repository investigation.  The samples will be preserved and returned to the ground for analysis.  Repository supports scientific discovery that contributes to our fundamental knowledge in the area of human physiological changes and adaptation to a microgravity environment and provides unique opportunities to study longitudinal changes in human physiology spanning many missions.

Sampling Quadrangle Assemblages Research Experiment (SQuARE): The crew took photos of the SQuARE experiment sites located in the Galley, JEM, Columbus, Node 3 and US Lab.  SQuARE is an investigation that aims to document items within six defined locations around the ISS over time. The idea is to look at the ISS as an archaeological site, and each of the Squares as a “test pit”.

Veggie Monitoring: For historical documentation purposes, photos were taken of a crewmember performing a Veggie Monitoring surface sample.  Culture-based Environmental Monitoring of Crop-based Space Food Systems (Veggie Monitoring) collects microbial samples from the surface of the station’s Veggie plant production system in conjunction with quarterly Environmental Health System (EHS) sample collection. Longer exploration missions require space-based systems for growth of plants, and this investigation is expected to help establish requirements to protect these systems, plants, and crew from contamination.

Wireless Compose-2 (WiCo): The crew transferred the WiCo data to a Station Support Computer (SSC) for downlink to the ground.  Following this, the WiCo base station was relocated per plan.  The main scientific goal of the Wireless Communication Network (Wireless Compose-2) investigation is to provide a flexible and adaptable wireless network infrastructure to conduct and execute low-power, low-weight, and wireless experiments on the ISS. For this demonstration, Wireless Compose-2 operates several experiments, including an experiment to examine the impact of the space environment on the cardiovascular system. Additionally, Wireless Compose-2 demonstrates newly developed impulse radio ultra-wide-band (IR-UWB) hardware to enable precise localization applications and to analyze the energy harvesting potential on the ISS.


Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Hard Upper Torso (HUT) Remove and Replace (R&R): The crew previously reported difficulty installing an EMU Helmet onto EMU 3013 and could not get the Neck Ring Lock Assembly on the HUT to fully engage into the locked position. Today they swapped out the failed HUT and packaged it for return on SpX-24. 

Cargo Dragon Cargo Operations: The crew continued cargo transfer operations by loading cargo into Cargo Dragon in preparation for SpX-24 undock on Friday, January 21. 

Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis & Data Record: The crew performed an analysis of the water processing assembly (WPA) using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • Record ESA PAO Message
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Crew Active Dosimeter Battery Troubleshooting

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Survey of Crew Dragon
  • ACME Chamber reconfig support

Look Ahead Plan

Tuesday, January 18 (GMT 18)

  • CBEF-L
  • CIMON software load prep
  • ER9B coolant adjustment
  • Glovebox closeout
  • Food Physiology
  • LSG cleanup
  • POLAR transfer review
  • Rodent Research-18 mass measurement
  • Standard Measures
  • SQuARE
  • T-SCM remove for return


  • Dragon cargo ops
  • Max CEVIS

Wednesday, January 19 (GMT 19)

  • ANITA-2
  • APM status check
  • Cubesat deployer install (NRCSD-22)
  • Food Acceptability
  • Food Physiology
  • HRF centrifuge carrier photos
  • ICE-CUBES exchange
  • LSG filter exchange
  • MSRR/MSL SCA exchange
  • POLAR reviews and hardware transfers
  • Rodent Research-18
  • SQuARE
  • STP-H5-ICE photos
  • TangoLab-4
  • Touching Surfaces 


  • RS EVA 51
  • Polar Dragon transfer
  • Dragon cargo ops
  • Integrated Emergency Procedure Review

Thursday, January 20 (GMT 20)

  • Advanced Nano step
  • Cold Stowage packing
  • Food Physiology
  • Micro Monitor
  • MT-PCG prep for return
  • PAUL2 remove
  • POLAR transfers
  • Repository
  • Rodent Research-18
  • Rhodium Cryptobiology
  • SQuARE 


  • Dragon Hatch Seal Inspection
  • Polar Dragon transfer
  • Dragon cargo ops

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Setup and Frozen Blood Collection Subject
  • ExPRESS Rack 10B Audio Record
  • JEM Utility Outlet Panel (UOP) Cable Reconfiguration
  • Cell Biology Experiment Facility-Left (CBEF-L) Filter Detachment
  • AstroPi swap between Columbus and Node 2
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
  • Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Gather
  • AstroPi Camera Lens adjustment
  • Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air – 2 Power Up
  • EasyMotion Power Box charge
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) – Surface Sampler Kit (SSK) and Microbial Air Sampler (MAS) Analysis T + 5
  • Transfer Crew Dragon Cargo Operations
  • Veggie Monitoring Surface Sample Analysis Historical Documentation Photography
  • Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Hard Upper Torso (HUT) Remove and Replace (R&R)
  • Wireless Compose SD Card Data Transfer
  • Cold Atom Lab Grab Sample Operations
  • Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
  • Combustion Integrated Rack Hardware Gather
  • NanoRacks Mainframe Alpha Module Removal
  • Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Hard Upper Torso (HUT) Helmet Troubleshooting (T/S)
  • P/L Iceberg Sample Insert
  • ACME Chamber Insert Configuration
  • LUMINA data transfer and parameters changes with EveryWear
  • Mass Measurement Device Procedure Review
  • Polar Sample Transfer From Cold Stowage