ISS Daily Summary Report – 7/01/2022


Behavioral Core Measures (BCM): The crew performed a BCM research session consisting of a set of 12 runs/tests. The Standardized Behavioral Measures for Detecting Behavioral Health Risks during Exploration Missions (Behavioral Core Measures) experiment initially examined a suite of measurements to reliably assess the risk of adverse cognitive or behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders during long-duration spaceflight, and evaluated the feasibility of those tests within the operational and time constraints of spaceflight for two crewmembers. Subsequent subjects perform a subset of the original activities to measure the performance capabilities of deconditioned crew members to complete either individual or crew telerobotic operations within the first 24 hours after landing. This information could help characterize what tasks a crewmember who has spent months in weightlessness can reasonably be expected to perform after landing on the surface of Mars.

Cold Atom Lab (CAL): A visual inspection was performed of the CAL Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Jumper to check for leaks and report any observed leakage. The MTL Jumper has been susceptible to a small leak and periodic crew monitoring has been implemented while the ground assesses future remediation options. The CAL produces clouds of atoms that are chilled to about one ten billionth of a degree above absolute zero — much colder than the average temperature of deep space. At these low temperatures, atoms have almost no motion, allowing scientists to study fundamental behaviors and quantum characteristics that are difficult or impossible to probe at higher temperatures. In microgravity, researchers may be able to achieve even colder temperatures than what is possible on the ground and observe these cold atom clouds for longer periods of time.

Crew Earth Observation (CEO): The crew used the Window Observational Research Facility (WORF) or Cupola as appropriate to capture CEO targets. In CEO, crew members on the ISS photograph the Earth using digital handheld cameras from their unique point of view located 200 miles above the surface. Photographs record how the planet is changing over time, from human-caused changes like urban growth and reservoir construction, to natural dynamic events such as hurricanes, floods, and volcanic eruptions. A major emphasis of CEO is to monitor events needing immediate (disaster-level) response in support of the International Disaster Charter (IDC) (coordinated through the US Geological Survey). CEO imagery provides researchers on Earth with key data to understand the planet from the perspective of the ISS. Crew members have been photographing Earth from space since the early Mercury missions beginning in 1961. The images taken from the ISS ensure this record remains unbroken.

Fluid Science Laboratory/ Soft Matter Dynamics (FSL/SMD): Six Foam Coarsening samples were inspected for hardware degradation and/or signs of humidity impacts. In space, foams are more stable because there is no drainage in weightlessness. This allows scientists to study the slower phenomena of a bubble becoming bigger and bursting, which on Earth are masked by the drainage that destabilizes the foam.

Solid Combustion Experiment Module (SCEM): The crew exchanged the unit air gas bottle in the Multipurpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR) and configured the valves in the system to support a leak check by the ground team. The SCEM is designed to investigate the oxygen concentration required to sustain a flame over solid fuels. It is also possible to obtain the limiting electric current caused by self-ignition of the insulated wires due to short-circuit. Combustion characteristics of solid materials in the microgravity environment where no buoyancy-induced convection occurs will be identified, as well as the effect of gravity on the combustion limit of solid materials, through studies by SCEM.


Crew Maintenance Activities: The crew completed several maintenance activities, beginning with cleaning of the intake and exhaust ducts, fans, and airflow sensors in the Port Crew Quarters (CQ). Due to the large amounts of dust seen during previous CQ cleanings, the crew removed all relevant panels, temporarily stowed them, and then cleaned all areas at once. Stowage and crew preference items across the station were then organized per crew discretion. Clean-up of the cabling and electronic equipment in Nodes 1, 2, and 3 was completed to reduce clutter and snag hazards and increase habitability.

Solar Array Wing (SAW) Blanket Survey: After configuring two D5 cameras, the crew took still and video imagery of the 1B SAW Blankets and inboard Flat Collector Circuit (FCC) from the MRM2 Forward and Starboard windows in order to assess potential damage in the area. Ground teams will be analyzing the imagery in the coming weeks.

Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance: Today, the ISS crew completed regularly scheduled maintenance which included inspection of the X-rotation dashpots, cycling of the main arm through full range of motion, and applying grease to the ARED rails and rollers. This quarterly maintenance allows the ARED exercise device to keep operating nominally as well as verifying if any wear and tear exists on the hardware.

Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit (SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Return Preparation: In preparation for installation of EMU 3015 into the Launch Enclosure for SpX-25, the crew configured the EMU for return. The EMU Battery, Rechargeable EVA Battery Assembly (REBA), and Metal Oxide (METOX) canister were removed, cables and harnesses rerouted, and the Secondary Oxygen Pack (SOP) and other ancillary hardware installed.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • ESA EPO message recording

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • JEMRMS SFA Preparation Maneuver for Joint Zeroing
  • TCS S1 TRRJ Reposition
  • ISS External Video Survey

Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, July 2 (GMT 183)

  • No Utilization Activities 


  • Resupply Air Tank Teardown

Sunday, July 3 (GMT 184)

  • XROOTS Wick Open and Fluid Recover 


  • PMD Equipment Config for NRAL Pressurization and N3 Port MPEV Open

Monday, July 4 (GMT 185)

  • CAL MTL Jumper Leak Check 


  • Crew Off-Duty Day

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Port Cleaning
  • Station Reorganization
  • Confocal Space Microscopy (Microscope) and Payload Laptop Terminal 5 (PLT5) Closeout
  • JAXA Payload Laptop Terminal 5 (PLT5) Relocation Part2
  • FSL Soft Matter Dynamics Sample Cell Units Inspection
  • Inventory Management System (IMS) conference
  • Node 1 and Node 2 Cable Management
  • Photo/TV 1B SAW Blanket Survey
  • Cold Atom Lab MTL Jumper Leak Check
  • Solid Combustion (SCEM) Gas Bottle Exchange
  • EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup
  • Emergency Personal Breathing Apparatus (PBA) Stow
  • Swap SSC (Station Support Computer) 20 and 12 Swap
  • Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance
  • EPO message recording
  • Node 3 Cable Management
  • Acoustic Monitor Setup for Static Measurements
  • Solid Combustion (SCEM) Valve 0 and 1 Open
  • Crew Earth Observation Operations
  • Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit (SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Return Preparation
  • Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Research Testing 2
  • [deferred] Countermeasures System (CMS) Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection
  • CST-100 One-Time-Use Thumb Drive Reformat
  • Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS EveryWear (EVW) Nutrition Tracking
  • MVP Hardware Locate
  • [deferred] ISS SAFETY VIDEO
  • On-orbit Hearing Assessment (OOHA) with Kuduwave Software Setup and Test
  • Resupply Air Tank Setup and Initiation