ISS Daily Summary Report – 5/24/2023

Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom-2 (Ax-2):

Outreach, Payload, and Commercial Activities: Three ESA sponsored Ice Cube events, including a test event and two media outreach events, were performed. As part of the outreach events, John contacted the Oporto British School in Portugal and the Rathmore National School in Ireland to answer questions from students. The Ax-2 crew completed the first of many recordings that will be sent to the ground for use in outreach, social media, and commercial activities. The Ax-2 crew began several activities associated with ISS National Lab sponsored payloads including Cancer in LEO, Nebula Bio Samples, Space Tissue and Regeneration, and DNA Nano Therapeutics.


Bio Data (Ax-2): The Ax-2 crew reviewed the procedures and charged the electroencephalogram (EEG) system in preparation for later experiment activities. Bio Data consists of 4 separate experiments to be completed during the Ax-2 mission: Automated Pupillometry, Cerebral Perfusion and Alterations of Brain Position (NIRS: Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy), Neurophysical Changes in the Brain (EEG), and Optic Nerve Sheath Ultrasound. This collection of experiments benefits research on human nervous and cranial system changes in short-term space flight.

Cancer in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (Ax-2): Sample bags were removed from their BioCell Habitats and placed in the KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed (KERMIT) for observation. Modeling Tumor Organoids (Cancer in LEO) on the Ax-2 PAM expands on previous research using tissues cultured in orbit to develop models that predict development of cancers. Such models may contribute to development of countermeasures to mitigate cancer risk on future space missions and provide tools for detecting and treating cancer and other diseases on Earth.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Nano Therapeutics (Ax-2): Using the Life Science Glovebox (LSG), nano cuvette samples were mixed with water and protein. Biomimetic Fabrication of Multi-Functional DNA-Inspired Nanomaterials via Controlled Self-assembly in Space (DNA Nanomaterial Therapeutics) on the Ax-2 PAM evaluates the in-space manufacturing of nanomaterials that mimic DNA. These materials have a wide range of potential therapeutic applications, including as a drug-delivery platform.

ISS Ham Passes (Ax-2): Ham Radio contact was made with the Saudi Space commission. PAM ISS Ham Radio connects youth, educators, and members of the public with a crew member on the ISS via amateur radio. Prior to the event, the students learn about space, the space station, Earth observation from space, wireless technology, and radio science. These experiences give students first-hand exposure to life in space and inspires the next generation of explorers.

MIT Skinsuit (Ax-2): A stature measure and an unsuited exercise session was performed by the Ax-2 crew in support of the Skinsuit experiment. The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (MIT Skinsuit) demonstrates an intravehicular (IV) activity suit designed to simulate some of the effects of Earth’s gravity. The suit could help mitigate the physical effects of microgravity exposure, including muscle atrophy and impaired functional performance, and is intended to supplement exercise on future missions to the Moon and Mars, where there may not be room for large exercise equipment.

NanoRacks Space Kite (Ax-2): The Ax-2 crew set up and performed an experiment session. In this experiment, a kite is positioned to respond to a portable fan in various situations (different angles, distances, etc). NanoRacks Space Kite on the Ax-2 PAM explores the aerodynamic behavior of different shapes of kites in microgravity. A crew member conducts the demonstration and students can analyze images of the results and replicate the investigation at school or home to learn about fluid flow physics.

Nebula Human Research Bio Samples (Ax-2): Samples were collected in support of the Bio Samples investigation. Nebula Human Research Bio Samples on the Ax-2 PAM evaluates the effect of short-duration spaceflight on brain function and telomere length. Recent studies have shown that spaceflight causes changes in blood-borne markers of brain injury and changes in the length of telomeres (repetitive DNA sequences at the end of chromosomes). This investigation could provide new information on the safety of short-duration spaceflight to inform monitoring protocols and countermeasures to protect space travelers.

Ring Sheared Drop-Interfacial Bioprocessing of Pharmaceuticals (RSD-IBP): The existing syringe and test cell (Sample 24) were removed, and a new syringe and new test cell (Sample 25) were installed into the RSD hardware in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) Work Volume. The ISS’s RSD module is a containerless liquid system that makes it possible to study protein solutions without the effects of interactions with solid walls. RSD-IBP studies the behavior of high-concentration protein fluids and tests computer models for predicting that behavior. More accurate models could enable production of next-generation medicines for treating cancers and other diseases.

Space Tissue and Regeneration (ST&R) (Ax-2): Media exchanges were performed for the experiment Tissue Bags. Cell culture media contains nutrients, sugar, and a pH buffer to sustain cells, and needs to be exchanged periodically as the nutrients are used up and waste products accumulate. Vascularization of Engineered Liver and Kidney tissue constructs on the ISS, or ST&R, demonstrates approaches to creating human tissues in microgravity. The work examines the mechanisms involved in the overall structure of thick tissues and the development of vascular networks, which are critical to the ability to bioengineer entire organs for transplantation. Creating organ tissue could provide a bridge to transplantation and ultimately help address the shortage of donor organs.

Stellar Stem Cells (Ax-2): Two Stem Cell Plates were placed inside the KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed (KERMIT) microscope and the ground performed imaging. Establishing In-Space Production of Stem Cell Therapies (Stellar Stem Cells) evaluates the impact of gravity on terrestrial methods used to generate, proliferate, and differentiate stem cells into a variety of tissue types. Insight into stem cell growth in space may help address the challenges that currently limit using these cells as therapies in regenerative medicine.


In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Pre-Treat Tank Remove & Replace (R&R): Today, the ISS crew removed and replaced the Pre-Treat Tank in the Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) using a -01 configuration Pre-Treat Tank. The E-К Hose attached to the new Pre-Treat Tank will be removed and stowed for future use. To prevent crystallization of urea in urine and mitigate microbial growth, phosphoric acid-based pre-treat and water is pulled by the Dose Pump and sent downstream to mix with urine. WHC is the Russian-built ACY system that has been modified to fit within a standard USOS sized rack.

Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Suit IV Review: In preparation for the upcoming ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (IROSA) EVAs, the ISS crew reviewed the Suit IV Briefing Package containing reminders, emergency briefing, helpful tips, and procedures used during EVA preparations. Next, the crew updated and deployed new Crewlock Depress/Repress Cue Cards and made the associated updates to the ISS EVA Systems Checklist book. IROSA is a modification to the existing Solar Array Wings (SAWs), providing additional power to the station.

Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection: Today, the ISS crew verified the Portable Fire Extinguisher (PFE), Extension Hose Tee Kit, the Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA), and Pre-Breathe Mask were all free of damage to ensure functionality. The PBA consists of a Quick Don Mask (QDM) Assembly connected to a PBA Oxygen Reducer/Cylinder Assembly). The PEPS matrix tracks the location and status of all emergency provisions onboard the ISS.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • N/A

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • ARS Node 3 CDRA 6 Half Cycles
  • TCS TRRJ Locking/Unlocking
  • ST&R Media Change Support
  • HRF Rack 2 Rack Power Up/Down Commanding
  • ITCS IFHX Limits Set
  • TCS Reconfiguration
  • PRO LSG Facility Activation/Deactivation Commanding
  • SDMS Activation

Look Ahead Plan

Thursday, May 25 (GMT 145)

  • AstroPi Lens Removal
  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks (Ax-2)
  • RNA Response (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)
  • Food Physiology Diet Brief
  • JWRS MSPR closeout
  • NanoRacks Cloud Seeding MainFrame A Install (Ax-2)
  • RSD Operations
  • Standard Measures Pre-Sleep and Saliva prep


  • Cargo Transfer to Dragon
  • HMS – OCT2 Exam
  • HMS – Ultrasound 2 Scan

Friday, May 26 (GMT 146)

  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • Comm Systems (Ax-2)
  • Cosmic MultiShield (Ax-2)
  • Digital Voice (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
  • RNA Response (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • Standard Measures Saliva Collect and PostSleep


  • JEM WIS Environmental Monitor RSU Battery R&R
  • EVA DOUG Review
  • SpaceX-28 Dragon Rendezvous Review CBT
  • Cargo Transfer to Dragon
  • Dragon Docking System Cleaning
  • SSC Imagery Transfer Troubleshooting

Saturday, May 27 (GMT 147)

  • Bio Data Samples (Ax-2)
  • Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
  • Comm Systems (Ax-2)
  • Imagery Processing (Ax-2)
  • ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
  • JAMSS Odor Visualization (Ax-2)
  • MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
  • RNA Response (Ax-2)
  • STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)


  • PAM Facilitator Time

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • T2 Exercise Video Equipment Setup/Stow
  • Cargo Transfer to Dragon
  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • HMS Vision Test and Questionnaire
  • SpX-CREW DRAGON Emergency Departure Review
  • ST&R LSG Facilitator, Cleanup, and H/W Insert
  • ST&R Insert/Remove Habitat
  • IFM WHC Pre-Treat Tank R&R
  • LSG Front Glove/Sleeve Swap, Primary Crew Restraint Unfold/Fold
  • DNA Nano Therapeutics (AX-2) LSG Assist
  • ISS HAM Radio Power Down/Up in Service Module
  • ISS HAM Kenwood Radio Power Down/Up in Columbus
  • EVA Suit IV Review
  • PAO Event in Columbus
  • RSD-IBP Syringe and Test Cell Removal and Install
  • USOS Window Shutter Close
  • RSD MELFI Sample Retrieve
  • PAO Social Media Event
  • ECLSS PEPS Inspection
  • SODF EVA Systems Update
  • KERMIT Power Up, Power Down and Stow
  • EVA Service and Cooling Umbilical Route
  • JSL Router Reboot