Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom-2 (Ax-2):
Commercial, Outreach, and Payload Activities: Multiple NASA-sponsored and ESA-sponsored PAO events were performed today, including three ICE Cubes Media Set events and two NASA-sponsored PAO events. The PAO events included a live event with students from Middlesboro Middle School in John’s hometown of Middlesboro, Kentucky. Two HAM radio events were also completed. The Ax-2 crew continued performing ISS National Lab sponsored investigations including MIT Skinsuit, Nebula Bio Data, Nebula Bio Samples, RNA Response, Stellar Stem Cells, Cancer in LEO, Nanoracks Heat Transfer, Imagery Processing and Collection, Communications Systems, Digital Voice Assistant, and Cosmic Multishield. Photo and video activities that will be used for commercial and outreach purposes were completed.
Cancer in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) (Ax-2): In support of day 3 of the experiment, samples were observed in the KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed (KERMIT) and then transferred back to their Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL) incubator. Modeling Tumor Organoids (Cancer in LEO) on the Ax-2 PAM expands on previous research using tissues cultured in orbit to develop models that predict development of cancers. Such models may contribute to development of countermeasures to mitigate cancer risk on future space missions and provide tools for detecting and treating cancer and other diseases on Earth.
ISS Ham Passes (Ax-2): Ham Radio contact was established with The Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). ISS Ham Radio connects youth, educators, and members of the public with a crew member on the ISS via amateur radio. Prior to the event, the students learn about space, the space station, Earth observation from space, wireless technology, and radio science. These experiences give students first-hand exposure to life in space and inspires the next generation of explorers.
MIT Skinsuit (Ax-2): An Ax-2 crewmember stature was measured, and an exercise session was performed while wearing the Skinsuit. The Gravity Loading Countermeasure Skinsuit (MIT Skinsuit) demonstrates an intravehicular (IV) activity suit designed to simulate some of the effects of Earth’s gravity. The suit could help mitigate the physical effects of microgravity exposure, including muscle atrophy and impaired functional performance, and is intended to supplement exercise on future missions to the Moon and Mars, where there may not be room for large exercise equipment.
Nebula Human Research Bio Data (Ax-2): Pupillometry, electroencephalography (EEG), Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS), and Cerebral Perfusion measurements were performed in support of the Bio Data experiment. Cerebral Perfusion measurements include blood pressure, blood oximetry, and heart rate data. Bio Data consists of 4 separate experiments to be completed during the Axiom-2 mission: Automated Pupillometry, Cerebral Perfusion and Alterations of Brain Position (or NIRS), Neurophysical Changes in the Brain (or EEG), and Optic Nerve Sheath Ultrasound. This collection of experiments benefit research on human nervous and cranial system changes in short-term space flight.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) Response (Ax-2): The crew prepared the inoculum, seeded the 48-well cell culture plates, and then transferred them to the SABL incubator. This was performed in support of a half-life experiment session (the half-life of messenger RNA is believed to change in microgravity). mRNA Response and Stability in Microgravity and Consequences for Inflammation Research and Biotechnology (RNA Response) investigates changes in mRNA stability in microgravity and resulting effects on the inflammatory response of human cells. Results could provide insight into whether microgravity changes the mechanism that turns off inflammation.
Stellar Stem Cells (Ax-2): Experiment operations continued, including observations of Plates 1 and 4 in KERMIT. Media exchange and transfection operations were also performed, which is the introduction of foreign nucleic acids into the cells. Establishing In-Space Production of Stem Cell Therapies (Stellar Stem Cells) evaluates the impact of gravity on terrestrial methods used to generate, proliferate, and differentiate stem cells into a variety of tissue types. Insight into stem cell growth in space may help address the challenges that currently limit using these cells as therapies in regenerative medicine.
Kibo-Robot Programming Challenge 4: Targets and Quick Response Code were printed in preparation for the upcoming event. The Astrobee Perching Arm was also installed as the flyer hardware will also be used for the event. Kibo-Robot Programming Challenge 4 is an educational competition for students in Asia-Pacific region. The students are tasked to create a program that demonstrates accurate control of Astrobee. This will be the 4th competition upcoming in September after the successful 3rd competition last year
ISS Ham Radio: An ISS Ham contact was made with St. Francis Xavier High School in Gloucester, ON, Canada. Since the earliest space station expeditions, ISS Ham Radio has allowed groups of students in schools, camps, museums, and planetariums to hold a conversation with the people living in space. As the ISS passes overhead, students have about nine minutes to ask crew members 10 to 20 questions.
Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Wireless Instrumentation System (WIS) Environmental Monitor Remote Sensor Unit (RSU) Battery Remove and Replace (R&R): Today, the ISS crew removed and replaced AA batteries from JEM WIS Environmental Monitor RSUs A1, B1, and B4. WIS sensors are deployed across the interior and exterior of the ISS to measure structural loads and dynamics. RSUs store data collected from Tri-Axial Accelerometers and Strain Gauges in non-volatile memory, which is then downloaded to the External WIS Network Control Unit (NCU).
Portable Onboard Computers (POC) Dynamic Onboard Ubiquitous Graphics (DOUG) Software Review: In preparation for the upcoming ISS Roll-Out Solar Arrays (IROSA) Extravehicular Activities (EVA), the ISS crew performed a DOUG software review. The crew configured DOUG with and without real-time Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) joint angle telemetry. IROSA is a modification to the existing Solar Array Wings (SAWs), providing additional power to the station.
Station Support Computer (SSC) Network Attached Storage (NAS) Shell Swap: In efforts to restore functionality to the SSC NAS, the ISS crew temporarily connected a spare NAS device in Node 2 in order to load the latest NAS firmware. After configuring the spare NAS, the failed SSC NAS was replaced with the spare. SSCs are the laptops associated with non-command activities onboard the International Space Station.
Completed Task List Activities:
- N/A
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- RNA Response Half Life Seeding Operations Support
- Stellar Stem Cells Media Exchange Operations Support
- ARS Node 3 CDRA 6 Half Cycles
Look Ahead Plan
Saturday, May 27 (GMT 147)
- Bio-Data Measurement and VITALS collect (Ax-2)
- Bio Samples Collection (Ax-2)
- Cancer in LEO (Ax-2)
- ISS HAM Pass (Ax-2)
- MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
- NanoRacks Liquid Fireworks event (Ax-2)
- RNA Response (Ax-2)
- STELLAR Stem Cells (Ax-2)
- Standard Measures Collections
- STIIVIS Cameras Cupola Operations Set Up (Ax-2)
- PAM Facilitator Time
Sunday, May 28 (GMT 148)
- Bio-Data Measurement and VITALS collect (Ax-2)
- JAMSS Odor Visualization (Ax-2)
- MIT SkinSuit (Ax-2)
- NanoRacks Kite (Ax-2)
- RNA Response Plate Treatment and Sampling (Ax-2)
- Space Tissue and Regeneration Media Change and Closeout (Ax-2)
- Standard Measures Collections
- PAM Facilitator Time
Monday, May 29 (GMT 149)
- Bio-Data Measurement (Ax-2)
- DNA Nano Therapeutics (Ax-2)
- EXBAS Removal from JEMAL
- NanoRacks Heat Transfer (Ax-2)
- Food Physiology Sample Collect
- NanoRacks Cloud Seeding MainFrame A Removal (Ax-2)
- POLAR Desiccant Swap
- Robo Pro-4 Rehearsal
- Space Hematopoietic Collections (Ax-2)
- Standard Measures Collections (Ax-2)
- Standard Measures Collections
- EHS PWD Sample Collect
- Emergency Equipment Transfer
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- EHS Coliform Water Processing
- WHC Manual Fill
- HMC-OCT2 Exam
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic MELFI Collection, Sample Insertion Operations
- Standard Measures Post-Sleep Questionnaire
- Targets Print for Kibo Robot Programming Challenge 4 Technical Rehearsal
- LSG Serial Adapter Swap
- PAM Facilitator Time
- Astrobee Perching Arm Installation
- JEM WIS Environmental Monitor RSU Battery R&R
- Cargo Transfer to Dragon
- RNA Response Inoculation Thaw and Insert, Insert LSG Hardware, LSG Facilitator
- JEM Dragon28 Stowage Reconfiguration
- POC DOUG Software Review
- P/TV ARED Exercise Video Setup
- SpaceX-28 Dragon Rendezvous Review CBT
- RNA Response LSG Remove, Plug Insert
- ARED Cable Inspection
- MELFI 2 Ice Brick Insert
- Stellar Stem Cells LSG Facilitator, Hardware Insert, SABL Remove, Insert, Swap, and Cleanup
- NODE 2 RFID Troubleshooting
- SSC 9 and 12 Swap
- SSC Network Attached Storage Shell Swap
- ISS HAM SM Pass Kenwood
- Dragon Docking System Cleaning
- LSG Primary Crew Restraint Unfold/Fold
- KERMIT Power Up, Down and Stow
- Bio Data Vitals Collection Operator
- HMS WinSCAT Test