Flow Boiling and Condensation Experiment (FBCE): FBCE Avionics 1 was replaced within the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR) and test fluid was refilled. A test Module data cable was left capped as the connector was clocked 180 degrees from the expected configuration. Ground teams are assessing to address this issue. FBCE seeks to validate a model for flow boiling critical heat flux (CHF) and develop an integrated two-phase flow boiling and condensation facility for the ISS. Data from microgravity and the ground are compared to determine the influence of various forces and processes needed for gravity-independent flow boiling and condensation. Results could support development of boilers and heat exchangers that work in both microgravity and partial gravity.
NanoRacks Bishop Airlock (NRAL) Preparations for Gambit: Today, the crew cleared stowage from the Node 3 Port Endcone and gathered Gambit materials to support upcoming setup and installation activities in NRAL. The crew set up a Pressure Management Device (PMD) to prepare for NRAL depressurization. The objective of Gambit is to evaluate and catalog performance of the NRAL external sites. Gambit will be moved to all six external NRAL sites throughout the course of the investigation, and various sensors measure temperature, vibrations, and radiation to characterize each site. Results could support design and development of future science investigations that use these sites.
Project EAGLE: Media bag S/N 1 was retrieved from Minus Eighty-degree Laboratory Freezer for the ISS
(MELFI)-1 and placed into the Microgravity Experiment Research Locker Incubator-3 (MERLIN-3) facility. Culturing human cardiomyocytes or heart cells holds potential for disease modelling and drug discovery. In microgravity, cardiac cells can grow into 3D cultures that have better structural maturation compared with 2D cultures grown on Earth. ISS: Engineering Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Microtissues with Metabolic Regulators in Space to Promote Cardiomyocyte Maturation (Project EAGLE) grows 3D cultures of cardiomyocytes that could provide a better model of heart disease and improve assessment of therapeutic measures.
Crew-6 Dragon Endeavour Deorbit Paper Simulation: The Endeavour crew completed a Crew Dragon paper simulation with the ground team and participated in a discussion afterwards to prepare for their departure from the ISS, which is planned for September 1st.
Crew Quarters Cleaning: In preparation for Crew-6 departure, the crew cleaned the intake and exhaust ducts, fans, and airflow sensors in the Overhead crew quarters. Due to the large amounts of dust seen during previous crew quarter cleanings, the crew removed all relevant panels, temporarily stowed them, and then cleaned all areas at once. The crew also completed troubleshooting by adjusting the flapper valves improve airflow which resolved the crew quarters fan error seen today.
Crew-6 Dragon Endeavour Thermal Protection System (TPS) Inspection: Robotics Ground Controllers are continuing the second day of the TPS survey for the Crew-6 Dragon using the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) and the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM). The survey will conclude this evening. TPS inspections are performed on returning vehicles prior to undock from the ISS to ensure the vehicle is in a good configuration for re-entry.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- MSS Survey of Crew Dragon
- Potable System Configuration for EDV fills
- Crew Quarters Overhead Activation
Look Ahead Plan
Wednesday, August 23 (GMT 235)
- HRF Collections
- LSG Front Glove Swap
- NRAL Orientation Labels
- NanoRacks-Gambit Install
- POLAR 9 Content Trash
- Project Eagle Cell Inoculations (A,B,C)
- SAMS (KERMIT) Relocate
- SUBSA/ugGA Stow
- Crew Dragon Suit Checkouts
- Departure Preparation
- UTS Card R&R
- Port CQ Clean
Thursday, August 24 (GMT 236)
- BioServe Centrifuge Teardown
- CAL Power LED Check
- HRF Collections
- JWRS Assembly and Install into MSPR
- KERMIT Power-up
- Neuronix Ops
- Project Eagle Media Bag Insert
- 85P Dock
- Emergency Equipment Staging
- CASA Outfitting for Crew Sleep
- NAS HDD Swap
Friday, August 25 (GMT 237)
- ISS Ham Pass
- MaRVIn Setup
- NanoRacks Airlock Hatch Inspection
- POLAR-9 Desiccant swap
- Project Eagle Media Exchange
- ISS Communication Data Converter (ICDC) Installation
- NRAL Vestibule Configuration
- NRAL Depressurization
- HAZ Vacuum Debris Bag Remove
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) Power Cycle
- Crew 6 Prepares for Departure
- Crew Choice Event
- Crew Quarters Overhead Cleaning
- Deorbit Paper Sim with Ground Team
- EDV Swap as Part of Water Transfer from USOS
- Equipment Gather
- FIR FBCE Hardware Replacement
- Fluids Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open and Close
- Generic Sample Collection and Insertion
- Iceberg Desiccant Swap
- ISS Crew departure preparation
- KERMIT USB Key Locate
- LSG Work Volume Deploy
- NanoRacks GAMBIT Hardware Gather
- Node 3 Endcone Stowage Cleanout
- NRAL Stowage Clear
- On Board Training (OBT) Dragon Forward Rendezvous Review
- On-Board Training (OBT) Crew-5 OBT Conference after deorbit sim
- PLT5 and IPU2 Cable Reconnect
- Pressure Management Device (PMD) Equipment Setup Part 1 for NRAL Depressurization
- Project EAGLE MELFI Sample Retrieve
- Project EAGLE MERLIN Sample Insertion
- Russian Urine EDV Inspection
- Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
- TOCA Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
- TOCA Buffer Container (BC) Changeout
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Unplug All Peripheral Devices from SSC27 prior to Security Patch
- Urine Transfer System (UTS) SD Card Move and Restow