ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/11/2024


Complement of Integrated Protocols for Human Exploration Research on Varying Mission Durations (CIPHER): CIPHER Sample Collections and tests were completed. CIPHER consists of 14 studies designed to improve our understanding of physiological and psychological changes in humans on missions that range from weeks to one year in duration. Conducting the same research over missions of different durations allows scientists to extrapolate to multi-year missions, such as a three-year round-trip to Mars. This data could provide deeper knowledge about changes that may occur on such missions and support development of countermeasures to promote astronaut health and well-being. 

EPO Logbook: The crew answered questions from their EPO Logbook, providing text and video responses to questions like “What I ate today”, “How I view Earth”, and “How I communicate with Home”. ESA’s ISS Education Program makes use of human spaceflight and the ISS as a means to capture the attention and the interest of students, to attract them to study, in particular, scientific, and technical disciplines, and to appreciate and understand the benefits, challenges, importance of space for Europe, and as a member of a global economy. 

Gaucho Lung: The crew setup the hardware and continued the experiment session. The crew only ran two samples (Sample 3 and 4) today due to issues experienced in the first run.  Troubleshooting continued, and a forward plan has been developed. Wicking in Gel-Coated Tubes (Gaucho Lung) studies how mucus linings affect the transport of liquid plug drug treatments through airways. This treatment method must account for the effects of capillary or wicking forces, the characteristics of the mucus, and gravity, and these effects can be isolated in microgravity. Results may support the development of new strategies for administering these treatments and for preventing the contamination of tubing used for liquid flows in the health care and food industries.

Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF): In support of the PCRF periodic maintenance activities, the crew relocated the three maintenance units from locations 2, 3, and 4, to locations 1, 5, and 6. The PCRF is a JAXA subrack facility which investigates protein crystal growth in microgravity. PCRF is housed in the Ryutai (fluid) Experiment Rack, along with the Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF), Solution Crystallization Observation Facility (SCOF), and the Image Processing Unit (IPU). 

Sleep in Orbit: The crew performed the Sleep in Orbit close out activities and downlinked the experiment data. The Long-term Sleep Monitoring Before, During and After Extended Spaceflight (Sleep in Orbit) investigation studies the physiological differences between sleep on Earth and in space using ear-Electroencephalography (EEG) based sleep monitoring.

STEMonstration: The crew performed two demonstration activities today: Friction and Momentum & Impulse. STEMonstration activities are educational videos recorded by crewmembers onboard the ISS. These recorded videos are edited on the ground and are targeted at teachers and students from grades 5 to 8. The purpose of the first video is to describe and demonstrate the three main types of friction (static friction, kinetic friction, and fluid friction).The purpose of the second video is to explain momentum and impulse using the microgravity environment of the ISS to visually showcase this concept and describe how understanding the Momentum-Impulse Theorem is used to help save lives.


EVA Preparation Operations: Today, the crew performed two tasks in preparation for the upcoming RFG Retrieval 2.5 EVA. The first was to remove adhesive from the inside of two Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) helmet bubble. The second was to inspect the Load Alleviating Straps on Safety Tethers, Waist Tethers, and the soft straps on D-Ring Extenders. These inspections are performed prior to each series of EVAs to ensure the safety of the crew.

Columbus Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Maintenance Operations: Today, the crew closed out Columbus ITCS maintenance operations by removing the biocide canister from the ITCS loop. This was followed by a water sample to confirm that the correct amount of biocide had been introduced into the system. 

Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Wireless Temperature System (WTS) Troubleshooting (TS) Cable Swap: The crew ingressed BEAM to perform troubleshooting of the WTS system. This was completed by swapping the current BEAM USB to Serial Adapter with a USB to Aerial Converter cable; however, this swap was unsuccessful at reestablishing communication between WTS and a Station Support Computer (SSC). The crew reversed the swap to the original configuration.

Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA) 3 Stowage Reconfiguration: The crew performed a stowage reconfiguration in PMA3, located on the Node 2 Zenith Port, to ensure that bags stored along the wall are only one bag deep. This configuration is important as it maintains the egress path for the crew in case of emergencies.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • PAM-BPW-RVW [GMT 010]

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • SPDM Stow
  • SSRMS Walkoff from Lab to MBS3 [Ongoing]
  • SSRMS Walkoff from MBS3 to Node 2 PDGF [Planned]
  • SPDM Unstow and Reduced Ridge Tension Test [Planned]

Look Ahead Plan

Friday, January 12 (GMT 012)

  • Antimicrobial Coatings-2
  • Circadian Light
  • EDR-2
  • Gaucho Lung
  • MELFI-2/3 Ice Brick insert
  • Plant Habitat-06 Plant Thinning
  • SCEM
  • VR Exercise


  • SSC 9 and 12 Swap
  • COL ITCS Maintenance Operations
  • Sample Reclamation Operations
  • Coliform Water Sample Analysis
  • Ax-3 Dragon Rendezvous OBT

Saturday, January 13 (GMT 013)

  • Crew Off Duty

Sunday, January 14 (GMT 014)

  • Crew Off Duty

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Sleep in Orbit Post-measurement Activity and Data Downlink
  • Body Mass Measurement – BMMD
  • Sample Reclamation Operations
  • CIPHER Sample Collection and MELFI Sample Operations
  • Standard Measures Post-Sleep Questionnaire
  • Bio-Mole MELFI Retrieve
  • T2 Series Bungee System Secure
  • Bio-Mole DNA Prep and Sequencing
  • COL Payload Laptop 2 Deploy
  • Bio-Monitor Hardware Stow
  • PMA3 Stowage Reconfiguration
  • STEMonstration
  • US EVA Tether Inspection
  • Columbus ITCS Maintenance Operations
  • POSSUM Payload Photo
  • Astronaut Logbook Entries and Unasked IFC Questions
  • JEM Stowage Consolidation
  • T2 Unmanned ACO Video Stow
  • LSG Work Volume Deploy and Stow
  • Glovebox Freezer – LSG – Teardown
  • WinSCAT Test
  • Axiom-3 SSL Relocate
  • LSG UV-C Decontamination System Install
  • EVA EMU Helmet Clean
  • VR Mental Care Session Execution
  • VR Controller, VR Anchor and ESA Power Bank Charging
  • ISS EVW Tracking
  • WHC Cue Card Print
  • BEAM WTS TS Cable Swap
  • Russian Food Gather
  • Polar Desiccant Swap