ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/22/2024

Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom 3:

ISS Familiarization, Emergency Overview, On-Orbit Adaptation, and Payloads: Yesterday, the Ax-3 crew successfully completed their first full day onboard ISS. The crew completed additional handover with ISS Crew, Emergency Equipment Transfer, Emergency Roles & Responsibilities Review, and ISS Emergency On-Board Training (OBT). The Ax-3 crew also had adaptation time yesterday and today to adjust to life in orbit. Yesterday, the Ax-3 crew initiated operations for MicroAlgae Life Science, Extremophyte CRISPR, Pranet Algal, PROtezione MEdiata da nanotecnologia antiossidanTE contro danni neuronali nello spaziO II (PROMETEO-II), Nanoracks Module-92, Cosmic Brain Organoids, and Orbital Architecture.

Outreach and Payload Activities: Multiple NASA-sponsored and ESA sponsored PAO events were performed today, including an ICE Cubes Media Set test event, two NASA sponsored PAO events, and the first of four scheduled Axiom outreach events utilizing Microsoft Teams.  The PAO events included a live event between Alper Gezeravcı and a Turkish delegation and a live event between the Ax-3 crew and the Space Generation Advisory Council.  The Ax-3 crew continued performing ISSNL sponsored investigations including Beta Amyloid Aggregation, Cancer in LEO, Vocalcord, Extremophyte CRISPR, Radiation Shielding, ISS HAM Radio, Pranet Algal, Imaging of Lightning and Nighttime phenomena from Space (ILAN-ES), MicroAlgae Life Science, MESSAGE, and questionnaires for multiple payloads. Marcus Wandt performed multiple ESA sponsored investigations including Plasma Kristall-4 (PK-4), Crew Interactive MObile companioN (CIMON), Bone Health, and Orbital Architecture.


Sally Ride Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle Schools (EarthKAM): The EarthKAM hardware was installed and activated in Node-2 for a weeklong mission. Not everyone can go to space, but everyone can see Earth from an astronaut’s perspective with the EarthKAM program. Thousands of students can remotely control a digital camera mounted on the ISS and use it to take photographs of coastlines, mountain ranges and other interesting features and phenomena. The EarthKAM team posts the students’ images on the internet, where the public and participating classrooms can view Earth from a unique vantage point.

Robotic Arm Repair Satellite (RSat): The crew performed the setup of the LAB Camcorder in front of the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) work volume, and the ground commanded RSAT operations. The RSat demonstrates how a small satellite platform could survey and repair larger conventional spacecraft on orbit. The CubeSat has robotic arms fitted with claws and cameras to obtain diagnostic information and is intended to operate while in constant contact with a host spacecraft. Results could advance the use of robotic assistance on future space missions.

STEMonstration: A crewmember gathered demonstration items and recorded a STEMonstration video session that featured thermal energy transfer. STEMonstrations are short, three- to five-minute educational videos that demonstrate popular K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) topics in microgravity. Each STEMonstration includes materials to help teachers explore the topics in their classrooms.

Cosmic Brain Organoids (CBO) (Ax-3): Yesterday, the Ax-3 crew took photos while transferring the CBO hardware from the Microgravity Experiment Research Locker/Incubator (MERLIN) to the Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL). The Effects of Microgravity on Microglia 3-Dimensional Models of Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis – Mission 4 (Cosmic Brain Organoids (Ax-3)) examines the growth and movement of microglial cells in 3D organoids in addition to potential changes in gene expression and protein secretion caused by microgravity. Microglia are a type of immune defense cell found in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Results may improve our understanding of Parkinson’s disease and primary progressive multiple sclerosis to facilitate the discovery of new drug and cell therapy options for these and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Beta Amyloid Aggregation (Ax-3): The Beta Amyloid Aggregation experiment hardware was gathered, and the science activities were initiated. The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effects of microgravity on the aggregation of Aβ peptides. This research is important because it could help to identify potential risks for astronauts who spend long periods of time in space. It could also lead to new insights into the mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease and other neurodegenerative diseases characterized by protein accumulation, ultimately helping develop new treatments and prevention strategies.

Bone Health (Ax-3): The crew donned the experiment hardware and performed a data collection session. The Assessment of Bone Turn-over and Bone Morphology – Is There a Post Re-entry Bone Loss in Short-duration Mission Crew Members? (Bone Health) investigation studies the existence, or non-existence, of protracted bone loss after short-duration spaceflight (up to two months). While such protracted bone loss is well established in experimental bed-rest studies (a ground-based analog of microgravity), such losses could not be found after long-term spaceflight. To assess the underlying effects, both radiological as well as biochemical methods of studying bone loss are used.

Cancer in Low Earth Orbit-2 (Ax-3): Experiment samples were loaded in the KEyence Research MIcroscope Testbed (KERMIT) microscope for observation and imaging. Cancer in Low Earth Orbit-2 expands on previous research to develop models that predict potential development of cancers. Such models may contribute to developing countermeasures that mitigate cancer risk on future space missions and tools for detecting and treating cancer and other diseases on Earth.

Crew Interactive MObile companioN (CIMON) (Ax-3): The crew prepared a bootable software disk for use by CIMON. CIMON is a technology demonstration project, and an observational study, that aims to obtain the first insights into the effects on crew support by an artificial intelligence (AI), in terms of efficiency and acceptance during long-term missions in space. Spaceflight missions put the crew under a substantial amount of stress and workload, and it is thought that AI could provide operational support to crew members.

Extremophyte Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) (Ax-3): Experiment hardware was set up and photos were taken of the experiment petri dishes. Extreme Salt Stress and CRISPR Gene Editing Efficiency in Plants Under Microgravity (Extremophyte CRISPR) tests the salt stress tolerance of two species of plants and examines how microgravity affects the CRISPR gene editing method. Results could lead to the use of these plants and CRISPR to enhance stress resistance in plants intended for use in life support and other systems during future long-duration space missions.

International Commercial Experiment Cubes (ICE Cubes): The crew performed a dry run (practice run) of an ICE Cubes media event. The event involved setting up the facility hardware and an exchange of questions and answers between the astronauts and ground team. The ICE Cubes Facility is a capable experiment platform that offers flexibility to host many different experiments for research, technology demonstration or educational objectives. During flight, users can monitor near real-time telemetry, and have tele-commanding capabilities from any location with an internet connection. The ICE Cubes service provides fast and direct access to the ISS for any country, institute, or entity.

Message (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew setup the hardware to support later sample collections for the Message experiment. Spaceflight is one of the harshest physical conditions that people can experience. The physiological alterations brought on by these harsh circumstances are still being studied in the Message experiment where the researchers aim to understand the effects of short-duration space travel on the human metabolism, the regulation of the immune system, and the related genes under microgravity stress.

MicroAlgae Life Science (UzMAn) (Ax-3): The Microalgae Life Science 1 Cube was inspected and photographed. Turkish Space Science Mission’s Microalgal Life Support Systems for Space Missions (UzMAn (Ax-3)) on the Ax-3 PAM tests the carbon dioxide capture, photosynthetic efficiency, growth, and endurance of specific microalgae species in the microgravity environment of the ISS.

NanoRacks MainFrame Alpha (MFA) (Ax-3): Yesterday, Nanoracks Module-92 was installed into the MFA facility. Nanoracks Module-92 contains the experiment Modulation of Granulosa and Theca Cells Activity in Real Microgravity: Consequences for Human Health and Reproduction. The experiment examines how microgravity influences maturation of Theca and Granulosa cells in the ovaries. Granulosa cells help modulate egg maturation and fertility, and Theca cells provide structural integrity for follicles, where egg formation occurs. Weightlessness may impair ovarian function and results could support development of countermeasures to protect reproductive function in humans spending extended periods of time on the Moon and Mars.

PROtezione MEdiata da nanotecnologia antiossidanTE contro danni neuronali nello spaziO II (PROMETEO II) (Ax-3): Experiment Containers (ECs) were loaded into the Kubik facility. PROMETEO II, also known as Nano Protection, investigates using antioxidant nanoparticles to protect neurons from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is involved in several diseases on Earth, including Parkinson’s disease, and is the mechanism behind deleterious effects of spaceflight that cause cognitive and behavioral impairment. Results could lead to countermeasures to preserve cognitive and motor functions in space and on Earth.

Orbital Architecture (Ax-3): Yesterday and today, the Ax-3 crew filled out an Orbital Architecture questionnaire using the EveryWear app. These questionnaires are designed to assess the perceived sleep quality and stress levels. The space habitats current and future astronauts live in can influence their mental performance and their stress. This investigation studies how architectural properties influence mental capacities and stress, and will try to inform the design of future space habitats using evidence based tests.

Plasma Kristall-4 (PK-4): In preparation for the next science campaign, the Ax-3 crew set up the appropriate hardware, connected the cleaning gas system, and later changed the gas supply from cleaning gas to neon gas. PK-4 is a scientific collaboration between ESA and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), performing research in the field of Complex Plasmas: low temperature gaseous mixtures composed of ionized gas, neutral gas, and micron-sized particles. The micro-particles become highly charged in the plasma and interact strongly with each other, which can lead to a self-organized structure of the micro-particles: so-called plasma crystals. Experiments in the facility aim to study transport properties, thermodynamics, kinetics and statistical physics, and non-linear waves and instabilities in the plasmas.

Radiation Shielding (Ax-3): The crew installed Radiation Shielding textiles and took photos of the different materials. Radiation Shielding (Ax-3) evaluates the performance and durability of advanced textiles in space radiation environments. A better understanding of how radiation affects these materials contributes to the design of spacesuits and spacecraft with enhanced radiation protection, helping to ensure the safety and success of future missions.

Sleep in Orbit Questionnaire (Ax-3): Today, Pre-Sleep questionnaires were filled out for the Sleep in Orbit investigation. The Long-term Sleep Monitoring Before, During and After Extended Spaceflight (Sleep In Orbit) investigation studies the physiological differences between sleep on Earth and in space using ear- electroencephalography (EEG) based sleep monitoring. A baseline picture of the individual astronaut’s natural sleep on Earth is established based on sleep recording before and after a space mission. This baseline picture is then compared to the sleep patterns observed during missions to the ISS.

Vocalcord Application Test (Ax-3):  The crew set up and tested the Vocalcord application. Vocalcord is a project developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can analyze respiratory, phonation, and cough sounds to detect over 70 types of diseases, including some cancers.


Node 3 Deck Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Cleaning: Today, as part of routine maintenance, the crew cleaned the Node 3 Deck IMV Starboard Fan Inlet Flow Straighteners and Inlet Silencer, which is responsible for providing air flow to the Cupola and the PMM. The IMV is responsible for moving air between modules so that ideal atmospheric conditions are maintained throughout the ISS.

Russian EDV Inspection: Today, the crew performed a visual inspection of a Russian EDV to determine if its contents can be processed through the Urine Processing Assembly (UPA). Imagery of the Russian EDV was downlinked for ground teams to analyze.

Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis & Data Record: The crew performed an analysis of the Water Processing Assembly (WPA) using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis.

Ax-3 Crew Dragon Thermal Protection System (TPS) Survey: Robotics Ground Controllers are performing a detailed survey of the Ax-3 Crew Dragon vehicle’s TPS with the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) and the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) following its arrival on Saturday, January 20th. TPS inspections are performed on returning vehicles prior to undock from the ISS to ensure the vehicle is in a good configuration for re-entry.

Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) Remove and Replace (R&R) LAB1S5: The crew removed and replaced the failed RPCM in MSS Rack 1, located at LAB1S5. RPCMs are part of the station’s secondary power distribution system and contain solid-state, or electromechanical switches, called Remote Power Controllers (RPCs). RPCs can be remotely commanded to control the flow of power through the distribution network and to the users.

Health Maintenance System (HMS) Vision Test and Questionnaire: The crew performed eye exams with the support of the Station Support Computer (SSC) Client. Eye exams are performed regularly on board in order to test visual acuity, visual field, and contrast sensitivity. Eyesight is one of the many aspects of the human body that is affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment. The physical test was followed by a crew vision questionnaire.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • CREW8-CAP-PREP [GMT 021]

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • RPCM R&R Systems Support
  • MSS Crew Dragon Endurance TPS Survey Part 1
  • MSS Crew Dragon Endurance TPS Survey Part 2 [Ongoing]
  • MT Translate from WS 4 to WS 6 [Planned]

Look Ahead Plan

Tuesday, January 23 (GMT 023)

  • Beta Amyloid Aggregation (Ax-3)
  • Bone Health Actibelt Donning and Doff (Ax-3)
  • Cancer in LEO Sample Insert (Ax-3)
  • Circadian Light Data
  • Extremophyte CRISPR Ops (Ax-3)
  • ICE Cube Media Set Prep (Ax-3)
  • ISS Ham Marcon-Audit
  • KERMIT Powerup and Down
  • LSG Glove Swap and Prep
  • Orbital Architecture PSS Assessment Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • PK-4 Video Monitor (Ax-3)
  • POLAR 1 Desiccant Swap
  • SCEM Valve Ops
  • Sleep in Orbit Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • Standard Measures Cognition Test and Questionnaire
  • STED Card Downlink
  • STEMonstrations MMTM/IMPLS Demo
  • Surface Avatar Checkout (Ax-3)
  • VR Exercise Charging


  • EVA EMU Swap, EMU Helmet Clean, and REBA H/W Checkout
  • ARED Cylinder Evacuation
  • HECA Install
  • OCT2 Scan
  • NG-20 Berthing Prep Operations
  • Toilet Motor Spin Test

Wednesday, January 24 (GMT 024)

  • AC-2 Touch
  • Ax-3 Ham Pass (Ax-3)
  • Beta Amyloid Aggregation (Ax-3)
  • Bone Health Actibelt Donning and Doff (Ax-3)
  • CIMON Ops (Ax-3)
  • Circadian Light Data
  • DOSIS Checkout (Ax-3)
  • Extremophyte CRISPR Ops (Ax-3)
  • ICE Cube Media Set Prep (Ax-3)
  • Message Blood (Ax-3)
  • Nano Protection Deinstall (Ax-3)
  • Orbital Architecture PSS Assessment Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • PK-4 Video Monitor and Gas Chamber Exchange (Ax-3)
  • Propolis (Ax-3)
  • Ready Pasta (Ax-3)
  • Sleep in Orbit Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • Smart Flight Suit-2 Photo (Ax-3)
  • THOR-Davis Session (Ax-3)


  • PMM Cleanup
  • EMU Loop Scrub
  • Node 1 IMV Fan Clean
  • WHC Recycle Tank Drain and Fill
  • UTS Offload EDV Swap
  • WinSCAT Test
  • OCT2 Scan
  • Cygnus ROBoT OBT

Thursday, January 25 (GMT 025)

  • AC-2 Touch
  • ANITA-2 Sample
  • Ax-3 Ham Pass (Ax-3)
  • Beta Amyloid Aggregation (Ax-3)
  • Bone Health Actibelt Donning and Doff (Ax-3)
  • ESA EPO Space (Ax-3)
  • Extremophyte CRISPR (Ax-3) Ops
  • G-Metal Review
  • ICE Cube Media Set Prep (Ax-3)
  • LIDAL 6-month Move (Ax-3)
  • LSG WV Deploy and Setup
  • Message Blood (Ax-3)
  • Myotones Charge (Ax-3)
  • Orbital Architecture PSS Assessment Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • PK-4 Video Monitor (Ax-3)
  • Propolis (Ax-3)
  • Sleep in Orbit Questionnaire (Ax-3)
  • VR Mental Care Session


  • SSC 9 and 12 Swap
  • AED Inspection CEVIS Isolator Inspection
  • EDV Fill Station Setup
  • Ultrasound 2 VTE Scan
  • Cygnus Offset Grapple OBT

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • MELFI 1 Ice Brick Insert
  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • Stowage Items Move
  • xPWD Deactivate
  • JEM CGSE Gas Bottle CO2 Troubleshooting Part 1
  • MELFI 2 Ice Brick Insert
  • MELFI 3 Ice Brick Insert
  • Questions for crew on OGS Airflow Sensor
  • Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Ice Brick Stow
  • Robot Station Support Computer Relocate
  • TOCA WRS WWB Changeout, Sample Analysis, and Data Record
  • Vision Test and Questionnaire
  • Flush Water Tank Lockwire Inspection
  • Robot Station Support Computer Return
  • xPWD Activation
  • Light Ions Detector Photo Operations
  • Food Consolidate
  • RWS Setup
  • ISS EVW Tracking
  • KERMIT SAMS TSH Relocate to EXPRESS Rack 6
  • Node 3 Deck Starboard IMV Cleaning
  • Antimicrobial Coatings Touch
  • LSG Work Volume Deploy
  • Russian EDV Inspection
  • RSP Checkout
  • Robotic Repair Satellite Lab Camera Setup
  • WHC Manual Fill
  • POMS Questionnaire
  • CYGNUS OBT Conference
  • EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup
  • Cygnus Robotics Review OBT
  • Cygnus Rendezvous Review OBT
  • VR Mental Care session execution
  • LSG Front Glove/Sleeve Swap
  • LSG Primary Crew Restraint Unfold
  • Extremophyte CRISPR LSG Facilitator First Activity
  • STEMonstration
  • LSG Primary Crew Restraint Fold