ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/05/2024

Private Astronaut Mission (PAM) Axiom 3:
Outreach, Commercial, and Payload Activities:

With the undock slip, the Ax-3 crew performed cargo operations to unload the Dragon on Saturday, had a crew off day on Sunday, and have repacked Dragon cargo today. On Monday, the crew recorded multiple outreach videos. Additionally, throughout the weekend and today, Marcus Wandt performed multiple ESA sponsored science investigations including Bone Health, Orbital Architecture, Sleep in Orbit, and Thor-Davis. Today, Marcus and Walter both performed Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilization (CEVIS) exercise sessions.


Boeing Environment Responding Antimicrobial Coatings-2 (Antimicrobial Coatings-2): The crew performed the routine periodic touching of the six experiment placards deployed in various locations throughout the ISS. They also took photos of the placards. Antimicrobial Coatings-2 tests an antimicrobial coating on several different materials that represent high-touch surfaces. Some microbes change characteristics in microgravity, which could create new risks to crew health and spacecraft systems as well as creating the possibility of contaminating other planetary bodies. The samples remain in space for approximately six months then return to Earth for analysis.

Advanced Plant Experiment-10 (APEX-10): The crew gathered the appropriate hardware and installed the forty APEX-10 petri plates into the two Veggie facilities to begin the experiment. Plant and microbial associations are key to the success of individual plants, but scientists do not yet understand how the space environment may alter these associations. Plant-Microbe Interactions in Space (APEX-10) tests whether the beneficial microbe Trichoderma harzianum confers increased stress resilience and improved growth to seedlings of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) when the two are grown together in microgravity.

Bone Health (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew donned the Actibelt experiment hardware and performed a data collection session. The Assessment of Bone Turn-over and Bone Morphology – Is There a Post Re-entry Bone Loss in Short-duration Mission Crew Members? (Bone Health) investigation studies the existence, or non-existence, of protracted bone loss after short-duration spaceflight (up to two months). While such protracted bone loss is well established in experimental bed-rest studies (a ground-based analog of microgravity), such losses could not be found after long-term spaceflight. To assess the underlying effects, both radiological as well as biochemical methods of studying bone loss are used.

Flawless Space Fibers-1: The crew reviewed the on-board training (OBT) package in preparation for hardware installation and experiment activities later in the week. Production of Flawless Space Fiber (Flawless Space Fibers-1) tests new hardware and processes for producing high-quality optical fibers in space. Previous studies have shown improved properties in fibers produced in the absence of Earth’s gravity, which can degrade the fibers. The ISS provides a platform for rapid production of high-quality fibers with applications in remote sensing and communications in space and on the ground.

Immunity Assay: Samples were collected, processed, and inserted into the Kubik incubator. The Monitoring the Cellular Immunity by In Vitro Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) Assay on the ISS (Immunity Assay) investigation aims to monitor the impact of spaceflight stressors on cellular immune functions in a blood sample, with the help of a functional immune test. This was the first day of the multi-day science session. 

Integrated System for Autonomous and Adaptive Caretaking (ISAAC): Stowage was cleared from the area, and cameras were set up to support the ISAAC 14 experiment session. In this session, an Astrobee to navigate its way from the Lab to its dock in the JEM. The ISAAC project demonstrates using autonomous robots in human exploration vehicles to track vehicle health, transfer and unpack cargo, and respond to critical faults such as leaks and fires. ISAAC uses the ISS’s Astrobee robots for the demonstration. This technology could be used on vehicles and habitats on future exploration missions to the Moon and Mars to maintain vehicles while astronauts are away for extended periods.

Orbital Architecture (Ax-3): The Ax-3 crew filled out an Orbital Architecture questionnaire using the EveryWear app and performed cognitive assessment tests. These questionnaires are designed to assess the crew’s perceived sleep quality and stress levels. The space habitats that current and future astronauts live in can influence their mental performance and their stress. This investigation studies how architectural properties influence mental capacities and stress and will try to inform the design of future space habitats using evidence-based tests.

Rhodium Crystal Preservation-02 (RHCP-02): The RHCP-02 bags were inspected after removal and before insertion into cold stowage. Advancing A Novel Crystal Preservation Method for Biological Materials (Rhodium Crystal Preservation-02) studies an enhanced crystal formation technique to preserve biological material for research. Preservation of such materials outside of standard laboratory settings can be challenging. Crystallizing a material may provide a way to maintain its structure for future analysis without special conditions such as cold stowage.


Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations: Today, the crew performed cargo transfer operations between the ISS and the NG-20 cargo vehicle. NG-20 arrived on February 1st and is scheduled to remain on the ISS until July when it will be unberthed for an eventual destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere. Due to its destructive re-entry, Cygnus provides an opportunity to offload some of the unwanted mass onboard the ISS.

Ax-3 Departure Preparations: The crew performed various activities to prepare for Ax-3 undock and return. These activities included an Emergency Equipment Transfer and various cold stowage reinstallations. Ax-3 undock, originally planned for February 3rd, has been delayed due to weather, and the next undock opportunity for tomorrow, February 6th, will be assessed overnight.

HyperVisor (HV) Relocate: Today, the crew performed an activity to relocate the HV-3 server in order to comply with a clearance groundrule for an Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) oxygen outlet. HV-1 was located in the nominal HV-3 position, and the crew returned both to their nominal positions.

Completed Task List Activities:


Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Astrobee Operations Support
  • ARS MCA Zero Calibration

Look Ahead Plan

Tuesday, February 6 (GMT 037)

  • Circadian Light Data
  • DCB Ice Brick Stow
  • Flawless Space Fibers Setup
  • Immunity Assay
  • MABL-A
  • RHCP-02
  • STED Card D/L
  • VR Mental Care Battery Charge


  • Emergency OBT Simulator Functionality Review
  • Regenerative ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain & Fill
  • CSA-CP Checkout
  • P/TV Z9 Camera Battery Gather
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • ARED EIB Install

Wednesday, February 7 (GMT 038)

  • AC-2 Touch
  • APEX-10 Petri Photo
  • BRIC-25 Cannister Retrieve and MELFI Insert
  • Circadian Light Data
  • Earthshine Execution
  • EDR-2 LPT Install and Terminal Set
  • Flawless Space Fibers
  • JEM Camera Robot Checkout
  • Iceberg Desiccant Swap
  • ISS Ham Pass
  • Kubik Battery Swap
  • NanoRacks Module 95 Installation
  • VR Exercise Battery Charge
  • VR Mental Care Session


  • ISS Emergency OBT Simulation
  • Russian EDV Inspection
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • JEM CGSE Gas Bottle Unit CO2 Leak Check

Thursday, February 8 (GMT 039)

  • Astrobee Operations
  • Earthshine Moon Photos
  • EDR-2 Commissioning
  • ELF Gas Bottle R&R and Sample Holder Exchange
  • Flawless Space Fibers Sample Swap and Deactivation
  • Glacier Tray Removal
  • HRF Supply Inventory
  • Immunity Assay
  • LSR ADLink R&R
  • Robotic Surgery Install
  • SABL CO2 Controller Swap


  • UTS Offload EDV Swap

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Immunity Assay Sample Collections, Processing, & Stowage
  • Immunity Assay EveryWear Questionnaire
  • JAXA Asia Try Zero-G Review
  • Astrobee Operations
  • RWS Teardown
  • APEX-10 Operations
  • PAM Facilitator Time
  • VCA1 FOV adjustment
  • Polar Desiccant Swap
  • xPWD Power Cycle
  • Emergency Equipment Transfer
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • Flawless Space Fibers OBT Review
  • Extremophyte CRISPR Item Relocate
  • EXPRESS Locker Install on Dragon
  • Antimicrobial Coatings Touch & Documentation Photos
  • Rhodium Crystal Preservation 02 Operations
  • Microgravity Science Glovebox Activation
  • Hypervisor Relocation
  • LSG Work Volume Deploy