I am not even sure what to do with myself. I can’t believe how many things are in the news that I am positive you will want to know. For my third post in one day, I must tell you about this story: The President of the United States has nominated Air Force Lt. Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger for a promotion to a four star general. The first four starred female general in the Air Force. Way to go, Lt. Gen Wolfenbarger.
Now I don’t know too much about the military, but I am fairly certain my excitement is appropriate for this news.
Although, I guess I am also fairly surprised this hasn’t already happened… This is often my reaction to the many news stories I see about the “first female to…”. I somehow manage to remind myself that now is better than never. And to stop wondering why it took this long.
Ah, Mamta, one generation takes for granted what the previous generation fought for and achieved. As I recall, in the 1950s, a woman could join the Air Force – IF she had a college degree and was unmarried and had no children. Lack of military flight time was a handicap for the first women who wished to take to space. I was thrilled when, in 1977, the first women were graduated from T-38 training. It wasn’t until 2005 that a woman joined the Thunderbird demonstration team. The US Navy was a few years ahead of the Air Force having designated the first female naval aviator in 1974; although, I don’t think there has yet been a Blue Angel demonstration team pilot who is female.
Congratulations to General Wolfenbarger!
(We still have a long way to go.)
P.S. I would be happy to have anyone correct my “data”.
Hi Cop Car-I certainly hope I don’t take it for granted but I will admit that every time I read about women in history, I realize how much easier it is today. But as you said, we have a long way to go. Thanks for those facts-very insightful. And interesting.
If there was any doubt, I include myself in those who are insufficiently aware of the sacrafices of previous generations. I get chills thinking about the lives of my foremothers. Even my mother’s generation could not take for granted that children borne would live to age one, let alone that female children would grow up in a world where reliable birth control was available and women might aspire to careers in STEM. My hat is off to all of our foremothers!
For context: My mother, born in 1914, bore five children – three of whom survived to age 1. All three of the survivors (2 boys + me, a girl) became engineers.