Meet the Communications Interns!

Hello, I’m Katrina Jackson, and I am interning in the Office of Communications at Goddard.  I am a graduate student at the University of North Dakota working on a master’s in space studies.  My career interests are in doing outreach and informal education through multimedia, so it is a real treat that I get to work in communications at Goddard this summer.  Eventually I would like to get into television and work on science-related programs.  I have had other great internships, such as working in astronomy education at the National Air and Space Museum downtown, and I hope this will be my best summer yet.  Keep an eye out for Goddard stories written by me, and for upcoming blog entries written by more Goddard interns! 


Hello World!  I’m Becky Strauss, one of the graduate interns in the Office of Communications, AKA Code 130.  This summer, I am working with the Planetary Science team to write articles and update press materials for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).  You might have seen me around campus tailing Grace or Katrina with a camera in hand – I’m Felipe’s semi-official photographer.

When I’m not masquerading as a science writer or shutterbug, I’m working on my master’s degree in geophysics at the University of Minnesota.  My research focuses on changes in the Earth’s magnetic field over geologic timescales, as recorded in cave materials like stalagmites.

I look forward to meeting more of you over the course of the summer!


My name is Grace Montalvo and I’m a returning intern here at the Office of Communications. I’m a senior undergrad, with a marketing and arts background, from the University of Puerto Rico. I love drinking coffee and going out with friends. Drawing and painting are my passions. 

What I enjoy the most about being in the Office of Communications is being in touch with all the great science that goes on here at Goddard Space Flight Center. Also, I love interacting with people, which is a very important factor when you work in such an environment.


Hey everyone, I’m Felipe!  On the most unexpected day you can see me around Goddard.  I’m always traveling around.  My hobbies are taking over people’s desks and hanging out with interns.  They are way too cool!

From left to right:  Katrina, Felipe, Grace, and Becky