Jan. 28

After two days of travel, the crew has reached their first stop: Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan.


Here the crew gave two presentations about their 16-day mission and went to see troops in their work areas. They were also able to visit students at a local school and a wounded soldier.


Some of the highlights for the crew included riding around in armored humvee vehicles, touring the aircraft on the base flight line, meeting with the base leadership and interacting with hundreds of troops.


Pictures and more detail to come soon …



2 thoughts on “Jan. 28”

  1. Hello, I know all the astronauts of STS-126 except Sandy are militars but the jobs are diferent on earth soldiers are fighthing men, what about astronauts? when they are not on space what are they doing? Is the ISS a militar proyect or the beginning of a new place to live?.
    I love the space flight but as all the people in the world including soldiers wants peace, and I wish war finish soon and work together to save our Earth.
    Oh, I want to tell Heidemarie I admire her and a very happy happy birthday I wish you more and more birthdays hope shake your hands one day nice lady.

  2. It’s a shame that the country has decided not to renew the base’s “lease”, but that’s their decision.

    Spaceflight is a unique experience, and sharing it with people all around the world is a wonderful way to allow everyone to experience as much of it as you can describe.

    I’m sure that along the way, you’ve been asked the same questions a million times, like Bill Pogue’s book “How Do You Go To The Bathroom In Space?”

    I will always remember Charlie Camarda’s tearful recollections of his STS-114 flight…it was probably how I would have expressed it, and at that moment, I wanted to give the man a hug, smile, and say “Thanks…I understand.”

    Although it’s eight months away, think about visiting Homer Hickam and his friends in Coalwood the first weekend of October.

    Don’t know if any of you have any more trips to the ISS in your futures, but savor the moments.

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