A Message From CYGNSS Principal Investigator Chris Ruf

Principal Investigator Dr. Christopher Ruf inspects CYGNSS in the lab, February 2015.

We have successfully contacted each of the 8 observatories on our first attempt. This bodes very well for their health and status, which is the next thing we will be carefully checking with the next contacts in the coming days.

It is an amazingly rewarding feeling to spend such an intense and focused time working on CYGNSS and then, in a matter of just a few hours, have the entire constellation suddenly come to life. I am excited (and a little exhausted) and really looking forward to diving into the engineering data in the coming days, and then into the science data in the weeks to follow.



Principal Investigator Dr. Christopher Ruf inspects CYGNSS in the lab, February 2015.
Principal Investigator Dr. Christopher Ruf inspects CYGNSS in the lab, February 2015.