NOAA’s JPSS-2 satellite is now in Sun acquisition mode (initial operations mode) with the solar array fully deployed. The operations team will continue to evaluate an earlier solar array deployment issue, but at this time, the satellite is healthy and operating as expected. The team has resumed normal activities for the JPSS-2 mission.
Category: Joint Polar Satellite System-2
Update on JPSS-2 Solar Array Status
Mission managers for NOAA’s JPSS-2 are working to deploy the satellite’s solar array. The satellite has adequate power to operate while teams work to deploy the array. This indicates that one of the four solar panels is currently exposed to the Sun.
LOFTID Recovery Underway
LOFTID landed close to the recovery ship. After assessing the situation, the crew aboard the Kahana-II have begun preparation for recovery operations, which will bring LOFTID aboard the vessel. NASA will post updates on the recovery process and the results of the demonstration as more information becomes available.
LOFTID Splashdown Confirmed
The LOFTID team has visually confirmed the heat shield’s splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. Splashdown occurred a few minutes later than originally thought based on the expected mission timeline.
Additional updates will be provided over the next few days, as available.
Splashdown! LOFTID Set for Retrieval in the Pacific
LOFTID has splashed down in the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles off the coast of Hawaii. Once the aeroshell’s location is determined, the recovery boat will head towards the aeroshell for attempted retrieval. Following retrieval, the team will recover the ejectable data recorder.
Additional updates will be provided over the next few days, as available.
LOFTID’s Parachutes Have Deployed
Teams confirmed the ejectable data recorder jettisoned and have received GPS data on its location. LOFTID’s parachutes are expected to have deployed, preparing LOFTID for splashdown in less than 10 minutes.
End of LOFTID Technology Demonstration
According to the team’s predictions, LOFTID should have slowed down to Mach 0.7 — from a maximum speed of Mach 29 — marking the end of the demonstration and data collection. As LOFTID approaches splashdown in approximately 16 minutes, the ejectable data module will jettison and the parachute will deploy.
LOFTID Reaches Maximum Re-entry Heating
Over the past few minutes, LOFTID’s thermal protection system should have reached maximum re-entry heating, and the inflatable structure should have reached maximum re-entry pressure load.
LOFTID is only sending limited real-time data during the demonstration. Full data, including the maximum heating and pressure load experienced, will be confirmed after landing and recovery.
LOFTID Re-entry Begins
The team was able to visually confirm full inflation of the re-entry vehicle. LOFTID is now estimated to be at about 78 miles in altitude, the point the LOFTID team considers the start of atmospheric re-entry.
LOFTID Aeroshell Fully Inflated; Re-entry in 25 Minutes
At this time, the aeroshell should have reached a full inflation pressure of 19 psi. LOFTID is only sending limited real-time data during the demonstration. Full data, including confirmation of the final inflation pressure, will be confirmed after landing and recovery.
LOFTID is now coasting toward the atmosphere and re-entry is expected to start in approximately 25 minutes.