Water Recovery System (WRS) In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Procedure Review: On February 25th, the Water Processor Assembly (WPA) had a fault due to a leak into catalytic reactor (approximately 1 liter of water). The catalytic reactor is scheduled to be removed and replaced (R&Rd) tomorrow. Flight Engineer (FE)-3 Hopkins and FE-5 Mastracchio conducted a procedures review followed by a crew conference with ground teams. In addition, Mastracchio finished tools that will be needed for the activity.
In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection: Hopkins performed this routine maintenance, conducting inspections to verify Portable Fire Extinguishers (PFE), Portable Breathing Apparatuses (PBAs) and Extension Hose Tee Kits (EHTKs) are free of damage.
Ocular Health (OH) Cardiac and Ocular Ultrasounds: Mastracchio assisted Wakata in conducting ocular and cardiac ultrasound scans as part of Wakata’s Flight Day 120 OH session. Remote guidance was provided by ground experts to ensure proper positioning and data collection. These ultrasounds are used to identify changes in ocular globe morphology, including flattening of the posterior globe, and document optic nerve sheath diameter, optic nerve sheath tortuosity, globe axial measurements, and choroidal engorgement. Researchers believe that the measurement of visual, vascular and central nervous system changes over the course of this experiment and during the subsequent postflight recovery will assist in the development of countermeasures, clinical monitoring strategies and clinical practice guidelines.
Microbiome: As part of his ongoing Return minus 14 (R-14) flight day session of the Microbiome investigation, Hopkins completed survey questions and performed body sample collections. The Microbiome experiment investigates the impact of space travel on both the human immune system and an individual’s microbiome (the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body at any given time). Samples from different parts of the body and the surrounding ISS environment are taken periodically. The study will assess the likelihood and consequences of alterations in the microbiome due to extreme environments and the related human health risks.
Marangoni Operations: Wakata cleaned the inside of the Marangoni Deformation 30 (MD30) Core that was removed from the Fluid Physics Experiment Facility (FPEF) yesterday. He exchanged MD30 O-rings and Absorbent. Tomorrow he will install the MD10 Core in the MD10 Body and on Friday he will close out the Marangoni operations with installation of the Infrared Imager and MD10 in the FPEF.
NanoRacks Module 9 Investigation: Mastracchio activated and shook designated mixing tubes for the fifth of six NanoRacks Module 9 sessions. For this investigation student teams from across the United States designed their own experiments using flight approved fluids and materials. This investigation is part of the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP), which is sponsored by the commercial Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education program that is overseen by the National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (NCESSE).
Remote Power Controller Module (RPCM) Firmware Update: Today, ground controllers updated the firmware in RPCM’s P12B_A and P11A_A. The update provides the capability for hot mate/demate and additional data gathering.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
- SM ПСС (Caution & Warning Panel) Test [Complete]
- Laptop RS1(2) Reboot / Onboard Computer System (БВС) [Complete]
- HRF Saliva Sample Collection [Complete]
- HRF – MELFI Sample Insertion [Complete]
- BIOME – Surface Sample Collection Operations [Complete]
- HRF – Urine Sample Insertion Into MELFI [Complete]
- USND2 – Hardware Setup and Activation [Complete]
- SEISMOPROGNOZ. Seismoprognoz P/L Data downlink (start). r/g 5003 [Complete]
- Study of veins in lower extremities / r/g 5016 [Complete]
- Charging GoPro HERO3 Camcorder Battery – start / r/g 5015 [Complete]
- СКПФ1, СКПФ2 Dust Filter Replacement and MRM1 ГЖТ Cleaning [Complete]
- Discard the removed items. Reflect changes in IMS) /Thermal Mode Control System [Complete]
- URAGAN. Photo Spectrum System Battery Charge (start) / r/g 3620 [Complete]
- Crew Departure Prep [Complete]
- OH – Ocular Health (OH) – Blood Pressure Operations [Complete]
- Flow water from through MRF [Complete]
- СТТС Configuration for MRM1 /SM Communication System [Complete]
- Ocular Health (OH) Blood Pressure Operations (assistance) [Complete]
- KAPLYA-2. Pre-pack Kaplya-2 P/L for Stowage. [Complete]
- BIOME – Hardware Setup for Sampling [Complete]
- Kentavr Suit Adjustments [Complete]
- Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill [Complete]
- EXPRESS Rack 3 Locker Removal [Complete]
- Ultrasound Scanning – Closeout Ops [Complete]
- Ultrasound – Scanning Prep [Complete]
- Ultrasound Scan – Operator [Complete]
- Ultrasound Scan – Data Export [Complete]
- NANO – Activation and Mixing [Complete]
- Charging GoPro HERO3 Camcorder Battery – end / r/g 5015 [Complete]
- Comm reconfig for nominal ops (MRM1) [Complete]
- Video camera GoPro Setup and Adjustment for Operation during ТК 710 Descent. / r/g 5015 [Complete]
- Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operations [Complete]
- Consultation on GoPro Camcorder Operation and Setup in ТК 710 r/g 5015 [Aborted]
- СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
- SEISMOPROGNOZ. Downlink of Seismoprognoz P/L data (end). r/g 5003 [Complete]
- Elektron-VM Liquid Unit Pressurization before Activation [Complete]
- BIOME – Perspiration Sampling Operations [Complete]
- FPEF Experiment Conference No. 1 [Complete]
- HRF – Urine Sample Insertion Into MELFI [Complete]
- G1 – Camcorder Setup [Complete]
- MD30 – Core Cleaning [Complete]
- HAM radio session from Columbus [Complete]
- ТК 710 Packing for Disposal / r/g 4970 [Complete]
- Monthly vacuum cleaning of the instrument surface with BRI power off r/g 5020 [Complete]
- URAGAN. Observation and Photography using Photo Spectrum System / r/g 5019 [Complete]
- USND2 – Ultrasound 2 Hardware Power Off [Complete]
- WRS-IFM Procedure Review [Complete]
- BRI log dump from RSS1 / RODF Auxiliary Computer Systems [ВКС], r/g 5020 [Complete]
- IFM Crew Conference [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R BUBBLE-dosimeter gathering and readings. r/g 5014 [Complete]
- BIOME – Sample Collection Ops [Complete]
- Condensate Tank Offload to CWC [Complete]
- HRF – Urine Sample Insertion Into MELFI [Complete]
- BIOME – Hardware Stow [Complete]
- Retrieval of Radi-N dosimeters from deployed locations [Complete]
- G1 – Closeout Ops [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R. Handover of BUBBLE-dosimeters from USOS. r/g 5014 [Complete]
- Handover of RADIN dosimeters [Complete]
- MATRYOSHKA-R BUBBLE-dosimeter gathering and readings.r/g 5014 [Complete]
- PAO Hardware Setup [Complete]
- Crew Prep for PAO [Complete]
- PAO Event [Complete]
- On MCC Go Urine transfer from EDV-U to ТКГ 422 Rodnik Tank 1 r/g 5017
- ТК 710 Loading Completion Report (S-band) / r/g 4970 [Complete]
- Termination of Condensate Tank Offload to CWC [Complete]
- EXPRESS Rack 8 Locker Removal [Complete]
- Inspection of Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) and Portable Fire Extinguisher (PFE) [Complete]
- WRS-IFM – Pre-gather [Complete]
- IMS Update [Complete]
- BIOME – Collecting Surface Samples [Complete]
- HRF – Urine Sample Insertion Into MELFI [Complete]
- BIOME – Equipment Stowage [Complete]
Task List
- ARED Cylinder Evac
- ETCS Loop A Vent Imagery
- SM Panel Photo
- WHC KTO replace
- WHC EDVy R&R [Complete]
- Preparation of reports for Roskosmos site
- EKON-M. Observations and photography
- HMS Winscat (FE-5, FE-6)
- HMS Winscat Test (FE-3)
- Laptop Speaker Audit
- WHC EDV Build [Complete]
- AC Vacuum Bag R&R
- 36S Pre-pack [In work]
- COL Cable Search [Complete]
- Crew Departure Prep [In work]
- CSA CP Battery Check
- Data Prep for Crew Return [In work]
- Nominal Commanding [Complete]
- RPCM Firmware update [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
- Thursday, 03/6: WRS Cat Reactor R&R, HAM Video Install
- Friday, 03/07: Soyuz OBT, Aniso Tubule, Emergency Roles and Responsibilities Review
- Saturday, 03/08: Crew day off, crew departure prep
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Operate |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Off |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Standby |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Normal |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |