Resist Tubule: Commander (CDR) Swanson retrieved the Resist Tubule Measurement Experiment Unit B from inside the Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) micro-gravity Incubator Unit (IU) and inserted the samples into the Clean Bench (CB) microscope for observation. Resist Tubule clarifies the mechanisms of gravity resistance. Gravity resistance is a principal gravity response in plants, and plays an important role in the transition of plant ancestors from an aquatic environment to a terrestrial environment (about 450 million years ago), and in the consequent establishment of land plants. This present study clarifies the mechanisms of gravity resistance, in particular the processes from signal transformation and transduction, to response.
Materials Science Laboratory (MSL) Sample Cartridge Assembly (SCA) Exchange: Swanson installed a new cartridge for the Solidification along an Eutectic Path in Ternary Alloys (SETA) experiment. Ground teams will process the sample via ground commanding. SETA will study the effect of different processing velocities on the microstructure evolution; the influence of elimination of gravity component on the force balance and the influence and behavior of foreign particles added to the alloy.
Very High Frequency (VHF) Emergency Communication Checkout: Today Swanson conducted a successful VHF comm check through Dryden. The comm check through White Sands was not successful due to a low elevation angle.
Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) Operations for Camera/Light/PTU Assembly (CLPA) Remove and Replace R&R: Ground controllers continue preparations for the CLPA R&R operations. Today, the Robot Micro Conical Tool (RMCT) was taken out of its holster and the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) was unstowed. Tomorrow, ground controllers will use the SPDM to remove the SSRMS Boom CLPA and install it in the Mobile Berthing System (MBS) Mast. Next week, a new CLPA will be installed in the SSRMS Boom location.
Today’s Planned Tasks
- Laptop RS1(2) Reboot / Onboard Computer System [Complete]
- SM ПСС [Caution & Warning Panel] Test [Complete]
- Morning Inspection. RSS1,2 Reboot / r/g 1009 [Complete]
- Daily Planning Conference (S-band) [Complete]
- ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position Check / SM Pressure Control & Atmosphere Monitoring System [Complete]
- RGN-REC TK – R&R [Complete]
- OTKLIK. Installation of БК and sensors r/g 5684 [Complete]
- RST. Procedure review [Complete]
- RST. Resist Tubule Parts Gathering [Complete]
- RST – Lens Replacement [Complete]
- RST. Resist Tubule Clean Bench (CB) Installation [Complete]
- RGN – Initiate drain into EDV [Complete]
- RGN – Terminate drain into EDV [Complete]
- OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from БСПН (Payload Server) r/g 5161 [Complete]
- MSL. Sample Cartridge Exchange [Complete]
- OTKLIK. Installation of БК and sensors. r/g 5684 [Complete]
- OBSTANOVKA. Download of Obstanovka P/L Data from БСПН (Payload Server) r/g 5684 [Complete]
- СОЖ Maintenance [Complete]
- VHF1 Test via US Ground Sites (DRY, WHI) from SM [Complete]
- IMS Update [Complete]
- MELF3 – Insert Ice Bricks [Complete]
- Video Footage of Greetings / r/g 5691 [Complete]
- Terminate EMU METOX Regeneration [Complete]
- Start EMU Metox Regeneration [Complete]
- VEG – Daily Plant Check [Complete]
- SHD – Weekly Questionnaire [Complete]
- IMS and Stowage Conference [Complete]
Task List
- ARED Cylinder Evac
- WHC KTO replace
- Roscosmos Report
- Ekon Photo
- EDV fill
- 39S CMS Pregather [Complete]
- 3DA1-Cam-Ops
- ARED Dashpot inspect
- CEVIS Isolator MOD
- Cygnus pre-gather
- EMU 3005 Photos
- EMU LLB Auto-Init
- EMU LLB SSC Relocate
- EMU LLB SSC Return
- EVA ORU Bag Inspection
- IFM MOOT restow
- PEPS Inspect
- No-skid tape audit
- P/TV D3S sensor clean
- NOD3 PEPS assessment
- P/TV Hardware questions
- PMM cleanup
- Viable Crew OBT
- Viable PL Photo
- Viable PL Touch
- WRS MRF Remove
- Nominal commanding
- MSS – RMCT and SPDM unstow in preparation for tomorrow’s CLPA ops. [Complete]
Three-Day Look Ahead:
- Friday, 05/23: Crew half duty, Sprint BP/ECG, Resist Tubule samples, move CLPA from SSRMS boom to MBS mast
- Saturday, 05/24: Crew day off, VEG-01 daily check
- Sunday, 05/25: Crew day off, VEG-01 daily check, VIABLE
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Override |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Stop |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Standby |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full up |