Capillary Flow Experiment-2 (CFE-2)-Vane Gap: Yui successfully configured the CFE-2 Vane Gap experiment including the lighting and video camera for appropriate viewing and data collection. He used the CFE-2 vessel to observe the fluid interface and critical wetting behavior in the cylindrical chamber with an elliptical cross-section adjustable central perforated valve. This was the 101st run of CFE-2. The goal of the Vane Gap experiment is to determine equilibrium interface configurations and critical wetting conditions for interfaces between interior corners separated by a gap. CFE involves many studies centered on a phenomenon called wetting which is the ability and degree that a liquid spreads across a surface. The original CFE tests were highly successful at uncovering the dynamics of wetting in microgravity. CFE-2 determines the critical wetting conditions for screens and perforated plates for perfectly wetting fluids. The impact of such ‘porous substrates’ has immediate implications to the design of passive geometries to manage highly wetting fuels, cryogens, thermal fluids, and contaminated aqueous solutions for urine processing. The unique vane gap critical wetting phenomena is greatly complicated by the presence of three-dimensional (3-D) porous walls.
Human Research Program (HRP) Operations: Today’s HRP operations included Lindgren’s Flight Day (FD) 7 blood draw for the Microbiome experiment. He and Yui also collected FD7 Microbiome saliva samples. Both sets of samples were inserted into Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) for return on a future flight.
- The Microbiome experiment investigates the impact of space travel on both the human immune system and an individual’s microbiome (the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body at any given time).
- Salivary Markers samples will be used to measure markers of latent viral reactivation (a global indicator of immune impairment and infection risk) in conjunction with salivary antimicrobial proteins and immune cell functional assays. This research study will help identify if there are any risks of an adverse health event in crewmembers due to an impaired immune system.
Node 1 (N1) Galley Rack Prep: Kelly continued with N1 reorganization of stowage, including moving infrequently used hardware to the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM). This reorganization is required to make room for the new Galley Rack that arrives on HTV-5.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) 3011 Return To Service (RTS): So far this week Lindgren and Kelly have completed gas trap, Water Line Vent Tube Assembly (WLVTA) and Fan Pump Separator (FPS) Remove & Replace (R&R) as well as cleaning and inspecting the Primary Life Support System (PLSS). Today, following cleanup from the FPS R&R, the crew performed a water tank dump and fill for EMUs 3005 and 3011 followed by a EMU 3011 flush, 60mL water sample and O2 leak checks. Tomorrow Kelly is scheduled to perform ionic and particulate filtration and bioicidal maintenance of EMU and Airlock cooling water loops.
High Beta Operations: Today the solar beta angle is +69.2 and increasing in magnitude. The beta angle is expected to peak at +69.6 on GMT 213 (8/1/15). Tonight ground specialist will be configuring power channel batteries in a high beta configuration to prevent overcharging.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
- NEIROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sampling Stress Test.
- HRF – Sample Collection and Prep for Stowage
- HRF Sample Collection
- MORZE. Measuring Bioimpedance using SPRUT-2
- HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion
- HRF Blood Draw
- HRF Blood Sample Collection (operator)
- CORRECTSIA. MORZE. Venous blood sample processing using Plasma-03 centrifuge.
- NEIROIMMUNITET. Venous blood sample processing (smear)
- HRF Refrigerated Centrifuge Configuration
- NEIROIMMUNITET. Venous blood sample processing using Plasma-03 centrifuge.
- Blood Samples Handover from Russian crew to USOS in Preparation for MELFI Insertion
- COSMOCARD. Preparation Ops. Starting 24-hr ECG Recording
- HRF – Blood Sample Collection Closeout Ops
- CONSTANTA-2. Cassette removal from TBU-V and setup on panel 418 for 1-hour warmup
- Russian Crew Blood Samples Insertion into MELFI
- HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion
- HRF Blood Collection Hardware Stowage
- Disconnecting Condensate Tank from Waste Water Bus
- CFE – Preparation and Hardware Setup
- BIOME – Survey Completion
- WRM Condensate Pumping Start
- MORZE. Psycho-physiological Evaluation: Tsentrovka, SENSOR Tests
- SM interior panels 313, 314, 317, 321 and 334 dimension check before repair activities to install cover plates on SM interior panels
- CORRECTSIA. Logging Liquid and Food (Medicine) Intake
- Node 1 Galley Rack Prep
- CONSTANTA-2. Prep and Execution 2.
- NEIROIMMUNITET. Psychological Testing
- WRM Condensate Pumping Terminate
- Connecting the wastewater bus to the Lab Condensate Tank and disconnecting it from WPA
- DC1 EVA Support Panel (ПОВ) Test.
- MORZE. Psycho-physiological Evaluation: SUPOS Test
- VEG-01 – Plant Pillow Fill
- CFE – Test Ops
- Hand Ergometry Assessment.
- ТК 717 Transfers and IMS Ops
- ПхО EVA Support Panel (ПОВ) Checkout.
- EMU – Water Tank Dump and Fill
- PEV Activation Test from DC1 ПОВ (EVA Support Panel).
- PEV activation test from ПхО EVA Support Panel
- EMU – Flush
- CORRECTSIA. Logging Liquid and Food (Medicine) Intake
- Replacement of urine receptacle (МП) and filter-insert (Ф-В) in АСУ
- АСУ Activation after Replacement
- DOUG Review
- On-orbit Hearing Assessment using EARQ
- СОЖ Maintenance
- BIOME – Sampling Setup
- Review EVA Translation Paths and Work Zones using DOUG Application.
- Review EVA Translation Paths and Work Zones through ISS Windows.
- CFE – Hardware stow
- Familiarization with Auxiliary Computer System.
- PAO Hardware Setup
- Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
- PAO crew prep
- PAO Event during a Year Long Mission
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- Flight Director / ISS Crew Tagup (Ku+S-band)
- NEIROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sampling Stress Test
- CORRECTSIA. Logging Liquid and Food (Medicine) Intake
Completed Task List Items
- None
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
- EMU flush support
- VEG-01 test ops
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 07/31: Sound Level Measurements, Microbiome
Saturday, 08/01: Crew off duty, housekeeping
Sunday, 08/02: Crew off duty, HRF sample collection
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | Off |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | Off |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Shutdown |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Process |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full Up |