42 Soyuz (42S) Undock and Landing: Today, 42S and its Crew (Padalka, Mogensen, and Aimbetov) undocked from the Service Module Aft docking port at 4:29pm CDT. The Soyuz deorbit burn was subsequently performed at 6:59pm CDT which set the stage for a nominal landing in the Kazakhstan southern zone at 7:51pm CDT.
Human Research Program (HRP) Operations: The USOS crewmembers collected blood samples for an ambient return on 42Soyuz. Kelly collected for his Flight Day 180 (FD180) Microbiome, Yui collected for FD90 Salivary Markers and Telomeres, and Lindgren collected for Telomeres. The samples were packed and handed to Padalka for stowage in the 42S descent module. Kelly also collected cheek swab (buccal) samples for his participation in the Twins Study. Kelly and Yui collected saliva samples that were inserted into Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI) for Microbiome and Salivary Markers, respectively, and Yui will finish his urine collections for Salivary Markers.
- Twins Study: Twins Study is an integrated compilation of ten different studies led by multiple PI’s at multiple centers. The studies take advantage of a very unique opportunity to look at the effects of space travel on identical twins, one of whom experiences space travel for one year; the other mains earth-bound for that same year. The study looks at changes in the human body in the fields of genetics, psychology, physiology, microbiology, and immunology.
- Microbiome: The Microbiome experiment investigates the impact of space travel on both the human immune system and an individual’s microbiome (the collection of microbes that live in and on the human body at any given time).
- Telomeres: Telomeres are “caps” on the ends of chromosomes that protect them from fraying, much like the end of a shoelace, and an enzyme, called telomerase, maintains their length. Telomeres shorten over time, and the rate at which this occurs can be increased by stress, leading to accelerated aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and an impaired immune system. The Telomeres investigation collects crew member blood samples to determine how telomeres and telomerase are affected by space travel.
- Salivary Markers: Salivary Markers samples will be used to measure markers of latent viral reactivation (a global indicator of immune impairment and infection risk) in conjunction with salivary antimicrobial proteins and immune cell functional assays. This research study will help identify if there are any risks of an adverse health event in crewmembers due to an impaired immune system. Maintaining a robust immune system during prolonged spaceflight missions (i.e., to other planets or asteroids) will be important to ensure mission success. If any impairment in immunity is found due to spaceflight, this will allow the development of appropriate countermeasures to help mitigate the risks.
JAXA Protein Crystal Growth (PCG): Yui removed the PCG canister from the Protein Crystallization Research Facility (PCRF), installed temperature loggers, and handed the sample to Padalka for packing and return on 42S. JAXA PCG aims at the growth of crystals of biological macromolecules by the counter-diffusion technique. The main scientific objective of the JAXA PCG experiment is to make high quality protein crystals under microgravity environment. Under microgravity conditions, convection and sedimentation are suppressed. Therefore, diffusion areas are maintained, the density around the crystals decreases, the crystals grow slowly, the capture of impurities and microcrystal decreases, and a crystal will grow well.
Capillary Beverage: Yui performed a session of Capillary Beverage using the Tropical Punch drink to observe fluid interface and critical wetting behavior during drinking and draining activities. Microgravity affects the way fluids behave, and as such, crew members must drink from special sealed bags instead of using straws or normal cups. Capillary Effects of Drinking in the Microgravity Environment (Capillary Beverage) studies the process of drinking from specially designed Space Cups that use fluid dynamics to mimic the effect of gravity.
HTV Cargo Transfer Status: Lindgren and Kelly completed about 3 hours of HTV-5 Cargo transfer operations today. Cargo specialist estimate the crew will need approximately 12 hours to complete the HTV-5 cargo operations.
Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
- TWIN – Saliva Collection
- HRF – Sample Collection and Prep for Stowage
- TWIN – Buccal Saliva Collecting
- HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion
- HRF Urine Sample Collection
- HRF – Sample MELFI Insertion
- ECLSS Recycle Tank Remove and Replace
- ТК 716 Stowage Ops
- Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
- NAPOR-miniRSA. Cleaning БЗУ-М vents
- Mating CO2 Supply umbilical cable to JPM1F2 Z-Panel
- Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet charging – start
- BLR48 – Data Saving
- RELAKSATSIYA. Initiate v/camera battery charge
- HRF1 – Hardware Setup and Activation
- Verification of settings for mobiPV alternate configuration
- Removing Canister and handing it over to Russian crew
- CASKAD. Removal of Bioreactor from ТБУ-В No. 04 and Installation in Ababioz incubator.
- HABIT – Conference Ops
- RSS1 Status Monitoring
- HRF1 – Hardware Setup and Run
- KRISTALLIZATOR. Photography of PCG Kit Handover
- PRODUTSENT. Retrieval of Bioecologia case from thermostat and Transfer to ТК 716
- KRISTALLIZATOR. Reception of stacking PCG, Inspection, and Transfer to TK 716 for return
- SLAMMD Temp Stow
- BIOPLENKA. Transfer to Soyuz 716
- ISS HAM RADIO Power Down
- CASKAD. Deactivation of Anabioz Thermostat.
- Removal of Recomb-K from Thermostat and Transfer to ТК 716
- ТК 716 Stowage Ops
- Setup GoPro HERO3 cameras in [СА]
- HRF Blood Draw
- CASKAD. ТК 716 Transfers. Tagup with specialists
- BIOEMULSIYA. Retrieval from incubator (+4 deg C) and transfer to ТК 716
- TWIN – Stow Saliva Sample Collection Equipment
- HRF – Blood collection pack and handover to RS
- ENDO – Container Deinstallation and Packing for Return
- Removal of deployed Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Monitors
- ENDO – Photography
- Verification of settings for mobiPV basic configuration
- Soyuz 718 Samsung tablet charging
- WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
- ENDOTHELIAL – Packing for Return
- ENDO – Hardware handover for return to the ground
- HRF – Equipment stowage after sample collection
- Photo of [СА] and returning stowage prior to ТК 716 undocking
- Crew time for ISS adaptation and orientation
- Photography of the external surface of ТК 716 СА hatch/manhole cover
- СОЖ maintenance
- ТК 716 Return Stowage Ops (USOS priority cargo). Photography of Equipment in СА
- WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
- Soyuz 716 СА-БО hatch cover photo downlink via OCA or РСПИ after completion of cargo stowage for return
- HRF – Blood collection pack and handover to RS
- Space Headaches Daily Questionnaire
- THOR – Camcorder stowage
- LUNCH / r/g 9938 (for VC SFP, VC FE)
- ТК 716 Transfers Status Report
- Comm Config for ТК 716 Undocking and Descent
- ТК 716 Activation. Transfer standard EMER-1 book with the attached white book Depress Supplement (Space Flight Participant) from ТК 716 to NOD1O4_G (long narrow pullout drawer SODF Keep Location at the bottom of soft Node 1 Overhead 4 ZSR, behind the foot restraint)
- Comm check from Soyuz 716 via RSA2-SG2
- Take to Soyuz with you r/g 9938, 9883, 9955
- Closing window shutters 6,8,9,12,13,14
- WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
- HMS – Food Frequency Questionnaire
- RSS1 Status Monitoring
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- Gathering and Connecting КСПЭ Equipment for “Removal of Quick Release Screw Clamps” and “Hatch Closure from SM” coverage in mpeg2 format via Ku-band (with recording to CF card)
- Removal of ССВП Screw Clamps from SM Aft and MPEG2 Video (Recording) of interface
- Closing USOS Window Shutters
- Closure of Soyuz/SM Aft Hatches. Hatch Closure TV Coverage
- Closure of Soyuz 716
- HTV Transfers Ops
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- CAPBEV – Preparation of Maintenance Work Area surface
- Remove depress hose for nominal operations
- On MCC GO ТК 716-SM Aft hatch leak check
- On MCC GO Downlink of MPEG Video “Hatch Closure from SM” and “Removal of Quick Release Screw Clamps” via Ku-band
- CAPBEV – Hardware Setup
- HRF – Blood Collection Stowage
- IMS Delta File Prep
- WRS – Recycle Tank Fill
- CAPBEV – Photography
- CAPBEV – Test Ops
- HTV Transfers Ops
- КСПЭ hardware Deactivation and Closing Applications on ЦП SSC
- HMS – Food Frequency Questionnaire
- ТК 716 ODF Ops; Undocking and Descent Ops
- RGN – Initiate drain into EDV
- CAPBEV – Stowage
- RGN – Terminate water drain into EDV
- HTV Transfers Ops
- Emergency Ammonia Hardware Deployment for direct handover
- SALMARK – Survey Completion
- Monitoring ТПК 716 Undocking, ТПК 716 СтА Photos through SM Window No.26 after Separation from ISS
- On MCC GO Mode ПрК-ТК PEV to CLOSED position
- Crew Discretionary Conference
- Monthly Inspection of T2 Treadmill System
- JRNL – Journal Entry
- HTV – Cargo
- Journal Questionnaire
- SHD – Questionnaire
- ISTOCHNIK-M. Preparations for carrying out measurements.
- RELAKSATSIYA. Hardware Setup.
- ISTOCHNIK-M. Activation of ТК 716 TLM Recording Mode.
- RELAXATSIYA Parameter Settings. Tagup with specialists
- RELAKSATSIYA. Observation of Soyuz 716 re-entry.
- ISTOCHNIK-M. Closeout ops
- RELAKSATSIYA Closeout Ops.
- ТК 716 Comm reconfig for nominal ops after landing
- Preparation of reports for Roscosmos site
- Introduction to OPTIMIS Viewer
Completed Task List Items
- FE-5 OPTIMIS and IPV Training [Completed]
Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.
- System commanding in support of Soyuz undocking
Three-Day Look Ahead:
Saturday, 09/12: Weekly Cleaning, Crew Off duty
Sunday, 09/13: Crew Off Duty
Monday, 09/14: HTV Cargo Ops, HTV Robotics OBT, Crew Off Duty
QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:
Component | Status |
Elektron | On |
Vozdukh | Manual |
[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”) | On |
[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”) | Off |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab | Standby |
Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3 | Operate |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab | Shutdown |
Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3 | Operate |
Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA) | Standby |
Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) | Standby |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab | Off |
Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3 | Full Up |