ISS Daily Summary Report – 12/21/2016

Myotendinous and Neuromuscular Adaptation to Long-term Spaceflight Sarcolab-3: Today’s second operational day for the Sarcolab-3 experiment began with converting the Muscle Atrophy Research & Exercise System (MARES) from the ankle measurement configuration to the knee measurement configuration. The subject donned Percutaneus Electrical Muscle Stimulator (PEMS) and Electromyography (EMG) electrodes to stimulate and measure calf muscle and tendon response at the back of the knee (calf muscle origin). During the knee joint evaluation, the subject sat on the MARES dynamometer with the chair and pantograph set to obtain knee flexion and extension from 90 degree knee angle to full extension with the knee torque adapter securely fixed to the shin. The inflight data will be compared to pre and post flight measurements to measure the impact of a hypothesized microgravity induced muscle loss. Sarcolab investigates the adaptation and deterioration of the soleus, or calf muscle, where it joins the Achilles tendon which links it to the heel and carries loads from the entire body. Muscle fiber samples are taken from crew members before and after flight and analyzed for changes in structural and chemical properties. MRI and ultrasound tests and electrode stimulation are conducted to help assess muscle and tendon changes caused by microgravity exposure.

Packed Bed Reactor Experiment (PBRE) Module Exchange: The crew exchanged PBRE modules, removing Test Module/Wetting and installing the Test Module/Non-Wetting into the PBRE located in the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) Work Volume (WV).  The activity, originally scheduled for two days was successfully completed in one day. The PBRE investigation studies the behavior of gases and liquids when they flow simultaneously through a column filled with fixed porous media. The porous media or “packing” can be made of different shapes and materials and are used widely in chemical engineering as a means to enhance the contact between two immiscible fluid phases (e.g., liquid-gas, water-oil, etc.). Packed columns can serve as reactors, scrubbers, strippers, etc. in systems where efficient interphase contact is desired, both on Earth and in space. 

Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF): During yesterday’s cartridge exchange, a bolt floated away. It was subsequently found and the exchange activities were rescheduled for today. The crew successfully removed the calibration cartridge and installed the test cartridge in the ELF. The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) ELF is located in Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack (MSPR)-2. It is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.

Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Inter Module Ventilation (IMV) Cleaning: The crew cleaned the JEM Pressurized Module (JPM) starboard forward fan and IMV grille. The fan and grille were temporarily removed during the cleaning process. 

Medical Emergency On-Board Training (OBT): The 49S crew reviewed medical emergency procedures and rescuer roles during a medical event requiring Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) as follows:

  • Review emergency medical hardware configuration and determine desired deployed locations.
  • Determine individual preference for performing chest compressions in microgravity.
  • Discuss crew communication and coordination of care during an emergency medical event.

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • Crew Evaluation of New Food Items
  • Calf Volume Measurement
  • Personal CO2 Monitor iPad Application Restart
  • HMS PHS Evaluation Setup
  • HMS PHS – Subject
  • XF305 Camcorder Setup
  • MSPR2 ELF Retrieve
  • SARCOLAB. MARES knee configuration installation
  • MSPR2 ELF Retrieve Sub
  • JEM Airlock Press
  • Combustion Integrated Rack Hardware Return
  • Cleaning of TV System LIV voltage converter vent grille
  • MARES Knee Shaving Preparation
  • Study of veins in lower extremities
  • MRM2 comm config to support the P/L Ops
  • JEM Airlock Leak Check
  • Kulonovskiy Kristall Experiment Run
  • Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Ground Connection
  • EMG electrodes installation and Sarcolab knee protocol execution
  • SARCOLAB. subject electrodes equipment assistance
  • Electrostatic Levitation Photodetector(PD) Amplifier setting
  • MRM2 Comm Reconfig for Nominal Ops
  • Inspection of SM space behind panels for contamination
  • Study of veins in lower extremities
  • MSPR2 ELF Install
  • MSPR2 ELF Install Sub
  • KULONOVSKYI KRISTALL. Copying data to removable hard drive
  • Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
  • SARCOLAB. MARES Laptop and Hardware Powerdown
  • TIMER.  Battery Charge
  • Health Maintenance System (HMS) Periodic Health Status (PHS) Stow Hardware
  • Personal CO2 Monitor Power Cycle
  • ISS HAM Service Module Pass
  • Packed Bed Reactor Experiment Test Module Exchange
  • Greetings Video Footage
  • CheCS OBT
  • ТМ168-04 Sensor Inspection and Photography
  • Nikon D3 Camera Digital Image Sensor Cleaning
  • TIMER. Setup and Initiate Experiment Ops Video
  • Packed Bed Reactor Experiment Test Module Exchange
  • Perform SSC Server-1 Primary Hard Drive Reseat
  • VIZIR. Experiment Ops
  • JEM Inter Module Ventilation (IMV) Cleaning
  • Tightening QD Screw Clamps on MRM2-Soyuz 732 Docking Mechanism Interface
  • TIMER. Experiment Ops Video Termination and Cleanup
  • MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops
  • MOTOCARD. Operator Assistance with the Experiment
  • IMS Update
  • Early Mission Debrief Conference
  • Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB) Charge Initiate
  • Health Maintenance System (HMS) – ESA Nutritional Assessment
  • Personal CO2 Monitor Power Cycle

Completed Task List Items

  • EHS Dosimeter stow
  • SLM data transfer
  • TOCA WRS analysis
  • VEG03 pillow water

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • MSS powerdown

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Thursday, 12/22: EVA Tool Config, PBRE Module Exchange, J-SSOC Removal, EVA C&W OBT, Sarcolab
  • Friday, 12/23: EVA loop scrub, VEG03, Galley rack data cable install, Fluid Shifts
  • Saturday, 12/24: Crew off duty, housekeeping

QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

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