ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/27/2017

H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)-6 Departure:  This morning, the crew finished closing out the Node 2 vestibule by demating all umbilicals and depressurizing the vestibule between HTV-6 and Node 2 in preparation for the unberth. Commands were sent to the release Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) bolts prior to unberth.  Robotic Flight Controllers then maneuvered HTV-6 to the release position utilizing the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). HTV-6 was released at 9:45 am CST. HTV-6 re-entry is scheduled for February 5, 2017Note:  The IMC Daily Summary Report of January 25, 2017 incorrectly reported that both the General Luminaire Assembly (GLA) and Light Emitting Diodes (LED) lights were removed from HTV prior to hatch closure.  Only the two GLAs were removed. 

Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Zero Robotics (ZR) Challenge: Today, the crew executed the on-board portion of the SPHERES ZR Challenge.  The crew configured the satellites and then executed student written algortithms.  Live downlinked video was broadcasted to student teams on the ground representing the countries of Germany, Italy, Australia, Poland, UK, Romania, Greece, France, and the USA. The SPHERES Zero Robotics investigation establishes an opportunity for high school students to design research for the ISS. As part of a competition, students write algorithms for the SPHERES satellites to accomplish tasks relevant to future space missions. The algorithms are tested by the SPHERES team and the best designs are selected for the competition to operate the SPHERES satellites on board the ISS. 

Human Research Program (HRP) Collections (Biochemical Profile, Repository, Marrow): A crewmember performed their Flight Day 60 (FD60) collections in support of the Biochemical Profile, Repository and Marrow experiments.  Blood and urine samples were collected and placed in thje Minus Eighty Degree Celsius Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI). The Biochemical Profile experiment tests blood and urine samples obtained from astronauts before, during, and after spaceflight. Specific proteins and chemicals in the samples are used as biomarkers, or indicators of health. Post-flight analysis yields a database of samples and test results, which scientists can use to study the effects of spaceflight on the body. Repository is a storage bank used to maintain biological specimens over extended periods of time and under well-controlled conditions. This repository supports scientific discovery that contributes to our fundamental knowledge in the area of human physiological changes and adaptation to a microgravity environment and provides unique opportunities to study longitudinal changes in human physiology spanning many missions. The Marrow investigation looks at the effect of microgravity on the bone marrow. It is believed that microgravity, like long-duration bed rest on Earth, has a negative effect on the bone marrow and the blood cells that are produced in the bone marrow. 

Veg-03: The crew performed nominal thinning and watering of the Chinese Cabbage plants in the Veggie facility. The overall goal of Veg-03 is to further demonstrate proof-of concept for the Veggie plant growth chamber and the planting pillows. Future long-duration missions into the solar system, finally culminating on Mars, will require a fresh food supply to supplement crew diets, which means growing crops in space. Previous investigations focused on improving productivity in controlled environments, but the limited quarters of the Space Shuttle and ISS made it difficult to conduct large-scale crop production tests. Veg-03 expands on previous validation tests of the new Veggie hardware, which crew members have used to successfully grow flowers and lettuce in space. Tests determine which types of microorganisms are present in space-grown cabbage, providing baseline data for future crop-growing efforts. Behavioral health surveys assess the impact of growing plants on crew morale and mood.

Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) Pressure Control and Pump Assembly (PCPA) Operations: Today, the crew demated the connection between the Fluid Control and Pump Assembly (FCPA) and PCPA at Quick Disconnect 27 (QD27), which is located on the PCPA. This will help to determine if the FCPA is the source of the high conductivity seen in the UPA distillate. Advanced Recycle Filter Tank Assembly (ARFTA) Serial Number (S/N) 2 is currently installed in the UPA.  This ARFTA may contain more conductive fluid, so additional data trending is desired with ARFTA S/N 2 installed. 

Sabatier Restart – Last month, the Sabatier system could not be restarted after being in Standby for an extended period of time.  During the attempted restarts, the system showed little to no reaction occurring in the reactor and no water being produced.  Yesterday, ground teams executed a procedure to warm up the reactor prior to a restart attempt and successfully restarted the Sabatier. The team believes that the higher temperature and additional duration of the heat soak allowed the reaction to kick off.  Water continued to be produced overnight.  Teams will continue monitoring Sabatier performance. 

Today’s Planned Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry – Subject
  • Reminder HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Double Spin
  • Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media
  • HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Double Spin Collection
  • HRF Generic Refrigerated Centrifuge Double Spin Configuration
  • HTV Vestibule Configure for Demate
  • HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion
  • HRF Generic Refrigerated Centrifuge Spin Conclude
  • Inventory Management System (IMS) conference
  • HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Conclude Stow
  • Cleaning ПФ1, ПФ2 dust filters and В1, В2 Fan Grilles in DC1
  • Delta file prep
  • Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink
  • Study of veins in lower extremities
  • Status Monitoring of БД-2 Treadmill Belt End Sensor
  • Making a documentary about life onboard the ISS
  • HRF Generic Urine Collection Setup
  • VEG-03 Plant Thin
  • Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill
  • VEG-03 Plant Pillow Prime.
  • SPHERES Payload CTB Move
  • Filling up Progress 433 (DC1) СрПК Section 2 with N2
  • PILOT-T. ECG cable КМ. Continuity Check.
  • METEOR Laptop Reboot
  • SPHERES Crew Conference
  • SPHERES Zero Robotics Setup and Checkout
  • СОЖ maintenance
  • USOS Window Shutter Close
  • In-flight Maintenance (IFM) Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) QD 27 Demate
  • MSS HTV Release Setup
  • SM [СТТС] Comm Panel ПА1 speaker R&R.  Post-replacement check. 
  • SPHERES Zero Robotics Welcome
  • SPHERES  Zero Robotics Run
  • HTV Departure Preparations
  • SSRMS HTV Release and Departure Monitoring
  • MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops
  • MOTOCARD. Operator Assistance with the Experiment
  • Space Headaches – Weekly Questionnaire
  • SPHERES Zero Robotics Shutdown
  • Restow Node 2 Nadir Vestibule Outfitting Kit (VOK)
  • SPHERES Payload CTB Move
  • Remote Workstation Monitor HD Video Downlink Deactivation RWS

Completed Task List Items

  • Wanted poster for missing ARED detent plates
  • Node 3 Nadir Hatch Seal Cover Installation
  • Node 3 Hatch Stowage Latch Override Knob Install 

Ground Activities
All activities were completed unless otherwise noted.

  • Node 2 CBM Demate
  • HTV-6 Maneuver to Release 

Three-Day Look Ahead:

  • Saturday, 01/28: Weekly Housekeeping, Crew Off Duty
  • Sunday, 01/29: Crew Off Duty
  • Monday, 01/27: Story Time: Light Demo, Cupola ATU Mod Kit, PMA2 Ingress/Stowage, FineMotor, Rapidscat/COL SDX Nadir Troubleshooting

 QUICK ISS Status – Environmental Control Group:







[СКВ] 1 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV1”)


[СКВ] 2 – SM Air Conditioner System (“SKV2”)


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Lab


Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Node 3


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Lab


Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Node 3


Oxygen Generation Assembly (OGA)


Urine Processing Assembly (UPA)


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Lab


Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Node 3

Full Up