Airway Monitoring: Today the crew performed the Airway Monitoring US Airlock Session. The science session consists of two different protocols that are performed at both ambient, and reduced (10.2 psi) pressure in the US airlock. These protocols are the low Nitric Oxide (NO) protocol that determines how much NO is exhaled with the respiration, and the high NO protocol which determines how much NO is diffused into the blood. The Airway Monitoring investigation aims to determine in detail the pulmonary nitric oxide turnover in weightlessness and in combined weightless, hypobaric and hypoxic environments as well as determining the lung diffusion capacity for nitric oxide. With dust particles present in the ISS atmosphere, this investigation studies the occurrence and indicators of airway inflammation in crewmembers, using ultra-sensitive gas analyzers to analyze exhaled air. This will help to identify health impacts and support maintenance of crewmember well-being on future human spaceflight missions, such as to the Moon and Mars, where crewmembers will have to be more self-sufficient in identifying and avoiding such conditions.
Rodent Research-7 item gather and Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) setup: In today’s activity, the crew performed setup activities in preparation for next week’s science session. These setup activities consisted of the installation of life science filters, floor covering, Velcro strips, mounting brackets, etc. into the MSG. The RR-7 investigation examines how the space environment affects the community of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract of mice (also known as the microbiota). It also looks at microgravity’s effects on multiple physiological systems known to be affected by the microbiota, including the gastrointestinal, immune, metabolic, circadian, and sleep systems. These studies should help explain mechanisms underlying interactions between these systems and the role of the microbiota in these interactions.
H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Offset Grapple On-Board-Training (OBT) and Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Operations: Robotics Ground Controllers powered up the MSS this morning in support of today’s HTV-7 Offset Grapple training session. During this OBT, the crew maneuvered the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) for training/familiarization and practiced grappling a Power Data Grapple Fixture (PDGF) in preparation for HTV-7 capture. To provide more realistic training, the Robotics Ground Controllers also simulated an SSRMS failure requiring the crew to practice their emergency procedures. Later tonight, flight controllers will perform MSS diagnostics and checkouts on both the Prime and Redundant SSRMS strings. HTV-7 capture is currently scheduled on Friday, 14 September.
Eye Exams: Today the crew completed Ultrasound eye exams that were deferred from last Thursday due to the anomalous leak in Soyuz 55S. Eye exams are performed regularly onboard in order to monitor crewmembers eye health as eyesight is one of the many aspects of the human body that is affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment.
Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Li-Ion Battery Data Logging: Today the crew initiated a charging Autocycle of two EMU Long Life Batteries-2 (LLB-2s) with data logging. Over the course of three days, the Autocycle will capture battery health data and help ground experts understand the charge and discharge capacities of these new and improved LLB-2 batteries. The data will also be used to compare charging system performance between the on-orbit and ground based systems.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- JEMAL Depressurization
- MSS Power-up and Offset Grapple OBT Support
Two-Day Look Ahead:
- Saturday, 09/08: ESA PAO Event (German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier), Weekly Housekeeping, Crew Off-Duty
- Sunday, 09/09: Crew Off-Duty
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Handover Velocicalc for temporary use on Russian Segment.
- ALGOMETRIYA measurement session.
- Airway Monitoring Preparation
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Recycle Tank Drain
- Rodent Research 7 Mass Measurement Restock Procedure Review
- Recharging Soyuz 739 Samsung PC Battery
- ISS Crew and ГОГУ (RSA Flight Control Team) Weekly Conference (S-band)
- Wireless Compose SD Card Data Deletion
- Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup
- Measuring air flow in SM using Velocicalc anemometer.
- LIOH and PFA Setup
- Repairs to SM Interior Panel by installing overlay sheets, day 2.
- SREDA-ISS. Charging NIKON Still Camera Battery
- Rodent Research Gather
- Airway Monitoring – Low NO measurement at low pressure
- Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Inspection
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- Rodent Research LAB SD Camcorder Video Setup
- MSG Hardware Setup for RR Mass Measurements
- ALGOMETRIYA Pressure Algometry Measurement Ops
- On-board Training (OBT) HTV Offset Grapple
- Retrieve Velocicalc from Russian Segment and restow.
- Joint Station Local Area Network (LAN) (JSL) Network Information for JSL Administration (NINJA) Print
- Team Task Switching Experiment Survey Subject
- URAGAN. Observation and Photography using VSS
- СОЖ Maintenance
- JEM Airlock Vent
- Health Maintenance System (HMS). Ultrasound Eye Imaging
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Long Life Battery (LLB) Initiate
- ALGOMETRIYA Closeout Ops