Functional Immune: The crew performed saliva collection activities as part of the Functional Immune experiment. Functional Immune analyzes blood and saliva samples to determine the changes taking place in crewmembers’ immune systems during flight. The changes in the immune system are also compared with crewmembers’ self-reported health information. Results are expected to provide new insight into the possible health risks of long-duration space travel, including future missions to Mars, asteroids, or other distant destinations.
Mobile Procedure Viewer (MobiPV): The crew performed the hardware checkout today. Although some issues were encountered with the user interface and connectivity, progress was made. MobiPV is intended to allow users to view procedures hands-free and aims to improve the efficiency of activity execution by giving crewmembers a wireless set of wearable, portable devices that utilize voice navigation and a direct audio/video link to ground experts. A smartphone is the primary device to interface with procedures. Images provided in procedure steps can be displayed on a Google Glass display.
Plant Hab-01: The crew performed the science carrier-2 plant thinning. In this activity, the young Arabidopsis plants were thinned from 5-6 in each location, to 1 or 2 plants in each location. This gives the remaining plants a better chance to continue their growth. Understanding how plants respond to the space environment will help crews on future missions successfully grow plants for food and oxygen generation. The Plant Habitat-1 investigation compares differences in genetics, metabolism, photosynthesis, and gravity sensing between various Arabidopsis plant lines grown in space and on Earth. This investigation is expected to provide key insights on major changes occurring in plants exposed to microgravity.
Crew Quarters (CQ) Clean: The 54S USOS crewmembers cleaned their CQs in preparation for their departure this week. During this task, the crew cleaned the intake and exhaust ducts, fans and airflow sensors. Velcro panel fasteners were installed on the Port CQ to replace the previous fasteners; the new Velcro panels will save crew time for future CQ cleanings.
H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) Rack Transfer: Today the crew transferred the Resupply Stowage Rack from Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) to HTV. After the rack transfer was complete, the crew performed hatch seal inspections on the following locations:
- Node 3 – Forward and Starboard
- Node 1 – Port and Forward
- Lab – Aft and Forward
- Node 2 – Port, Starboard, Aft, and Nadir
- Columbus
- Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Pressurized Module (JPM) – Starboard
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Lab MCA Zero Calibration
- Common Communications for Visiting Vehicles (C2V2) Radio Frequency (RF) Checkout Pass [Planned later today]
Two-Day Look Ahead:
Wednesday, 10/03:
- BEST experiment 3
- Functional Immune (continuing)
- LSG Software Load verification
- J-SSOD 10 Install part 2
- ER 9B and 10B umbilical mate
- Change of Command
- SSC Zbook Deploy
- HTV Cargo Ops
- 54S Packing
Thursday, 10/04: 54S Undock and Landing
- Functional Immune (continuing)
- METEOR laptop recovery
- PMD Unpack and setup
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic Saliva
- HRF Generic Sample MELFI Retrieval And Insertion Operations
- Functional Immune Saliva Collection Dry Book
- Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry
- Auxiliary Computer System [ВКС] Laptops Antivirus Software Checkout and Report
- MobiPV Troubleshooting Preparation
- 8K Setup Red Helium Camera for PLANT HABITAT-01 PLANT THINNING
- Sanitary-Hygiene Status Monitoring
- BIORISK. Biorisk-KM No.1 Tablet Dismantling and Transfer to stow in Soyuz 738
- JEM Regenerative Heat Exchanger (RHX) Water pH testing and Wipe
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Hardware Gather
- FENIKS. Dismantling Bioekologiya kits and handover for transfer to Soyuz 738
- JEM System Laptop Terminal Reboot
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Procedure Review
- Sanitary-Hygiene Status Monitoring
- Plant Habitat-01 MWA Preparation
- Soyuz 738 Samsung tablet recharging (start)
- Plant Habitat-01 Door Removal
- LBNP Training
- Cyclops ICE Experiment Photos
- Multi purpose Small Payload Rack 2(MSPR2) Microgravity Measurement Apparatus (MMA) Cable Connection
- Binary Colloidal Alloy Test-Cohesive Sedimentation SB-800 Flash Battery Changeout
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Part 1
- Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill
- Glacier Ice Brick/Cold Block Retrieval
- ISS Crew departure preparation
- mobiPV Setup
- СОЖ maintenance
- PCS Battery Swap
- mobiPV Checkout
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Part 2
- Microbial Air Sampling
- Crew Quarters (CQ) Battery Remove and Replace
- mobiPV Stowage
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Glacier Insertion
- Plant Habitat-01 Plant Thinning Part 3
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- Stowage PMM Rack Front Clear
- Port Crew Quarters (CQ) Cleaning and Velcro Fastener Installation
- Replacement of СРВК-2М Gas-Liquid Mixture Filter
- Soyuz 738 Samsung tablet recharging, end
- Soyuz 738 stowage ops for return. Note 7
- Resupply Stowage Rack (RSR) Transfer from PMM1O2 to HTV-7
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) High Definition (HD) Config JEM Setup
- PAO Preparation
- СРВ-К2М Filter-Reactor R&R
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in High Definition (HD) – JEM
- Crew Quaters (CQ) Starboard Cleaning
- HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection Setup
- Changeout of СРВ-К2М purification column assembly [БКО]
- Stowage PMM Replace
- HTV-7 Rack Transfer Stowage Restow
- USOS Hatch Seal Inspections after HTV-7 Rack Transfers.
- Stowage of the equipment for return on Soyuz 738.
- ISS HAM Service Module Pass
- Crew Quaters (CQ) Starboard Cleaning
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Personal Medication Stow