Loop Heat Pipe Radiator (LHPR) removal: Following a successful completion of the LHPR experiment on GMT 320, today the crew removed it from the MPEP and stowed the hardware. The Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP) was then removed from the Japanese Experiment Module Air Lock (JEMAL) slide table and troubleshooting was performed on a limit switch in the Passive Capture Mechanism. The LHPR, is an advanced two-phase heat transfer device that utilizes the evaporation and condensation of a working fluid (propylene in this case) to transfer heat, and the capillary force to circulate the fluid. This investigation demonstrates the heat transfer performance/functions under microgravity conditions using the LHPR experimental apparatus, which is grappled by the JEM Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS). This technology can be applied in the thermal control system of future satellites that generate large amounts of heat that could negatively affect satellite operations.
Nanoracks (NR) Platform 1: The crew removed Modules -75 and -76 from Nanoracks Platform-1, took photos of modules -75, -76, and -77 all together, and then installed all three modules into Nanoracks Platform-1. NR Module 75, known as Dream-Up Überflieger 2018 Project ARISE, is an experiment by University of Duisburg-Essen team on Planet Formation Due to Charge Induced Clustering. NR Module 76 is the Dream-Up Überflieger 2018 Project Pump Application using Pulsed Electromagnets for Liquid relocation (PAPELL) experiment. NR Module 77 is the Dream-Up Überflieger 2018 Project Experimental Chondrule Formation at the ISS (EXCISS). Chondrules are small spherical objects that can be found in most of all meteorites with a texture that indicates they have crystallized from a melt.
Veg-03G plant check and watering: The Veg-03 plants were checked for dryness, watered as necessary, and imagery was taken of the overall Veggie facility and individual plants with the bellows up. The ground team reports the plants are doing well, including the plants that were initially growing more slowly than the others were. The current plan is to harvest next week. Veg-03G is currently in a ~ 28-day growth cycle, which began on 25-October for the Red Russian Kale and Dragoon Lettuce plants. The primary goal of the Veg-03 G/H/I testing is to demonstrate plant growth in the Veggie hardware using leafy green vegetables as a test crops.
At Home in Space (AHIS): The crew completed a questionnaire in their morning (to prevent answers from being impacted by fatigue). This Canadian Space Agency investigation assesses culture, values, and psychosocial adaptation of astronauts to a space environment shared by multinational crews on long-duration missions. It is hypothesized that astronauts develop a shared space culture that is an adaptive strategy for handling cultural differences and they deal with the isolated confined environment of the spacecraft by creating a home in space. At Home in Space also uses questionnaires to investigate individual and culturally related differences, family functioning, values, coping with stress, and post-experience growth.
Northrop Grumman 10 (NG-10) Cygnus Cargo Operations: The crew continued to perform early cargo unloading operations today. Ground Teams estimate ~6 hours remain for unloading critical items. Once critical items have been unloaded from Cygnus, the hatch will be closed until after the SpX-16 Dragon mission.
Ku-Band High Rate Data Testing: This evening, ground teams will configure the on-board video system to maximize Joint Space LAN (JSL) throughput in order to test increased Ku-Band return data rates. Upgrades to both the onboard systems and ground networks have been put in place to allow for Ku-Band return rates of up to 600 Mbps. This test will specifically increase the amount of source data provided from the on-board system in order to observe the system while fully utilizing the bandwidth.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- LSR Checkout [Ongoing]
Four-Day Look Ahead:
Thursday, 11/22:
- Crew Off Duty for Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, 11/23:
- Food acceptability
- GLCAIER reconfig
- MERLIN4 status check
- MVP-Cell-05
- Veg-03G plant check
- Cygnus Cargo Operations
Saturday/Sunday, 11/24-25:
- MERLIN sample transfers
- Tangolab 2 card cube replace
- Crew Off Duty, Housekeeping
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- ARED Photo/TV Reminder
- Reminder Probiotics Saliva Operations
- Bringing ODF on IPAD and Samsung up to date
- Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media
- ECON-M. Observations and photo (Task list)
- Recharging Soyuz 739 Samsung PC Battery, remove from charging
- Probiotics Saliva Operations
- PHOTOBIOREACTOR. Visual monitoring and photography
- JEM Airlock Press
- On MCC Go Regeneration of Micropurification Unit (БМП) cartridge Ф2 (start)
- KONYUGATSIYA. Removal of Recomb-K from thermostat (+4°С) and Insertion in thermostat at +29°С.
- XF305 Camcorder Setup
- JEM Airlock Leak Check
- COSMOCARD. Closeout Ops.
- JEM Airlock Slide Table (ST) Extension to JPM Side
- Loop Heat Pipe Demo Removal
- KONYUGATSIYA. Process activation, setup in ТБУ-В at +29 °С
- MOTOCARD. Experiment Ops
- Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP) Removal JEM Airlock Slide Table
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Medical Accessories Kit (IMAK) Unpack from SPX-16
- KONYUGATSIYA. Complete activation process, setup in thermostat (+29°С).
- At Home In Space Questionnaire Version 2 Subject
- JEM AL Passive Capture Mechanism Troubleshooting Part 1
- Crew Prep for PAO
- TV Conference with the participants of CosmoStart forum and with the participants of ROSCOSMOS DAYS
- JEM Airlock Slide Table (ST) Retraction from JPM Side
- KONYUGATSIYA. Retrieval from thermostat (+29°С) and transfer to thermostat (+4°С).
- Filling (separation) of ЕДВ (КОВ) for Elektron-VM or ЕДВ-СВ
- Loop Heat Pipe Demo Cable Reconfiguration2
- VEG-03G Plant Check/Water
- Environmental Health System (EHS) – Compound Specific Analyzer-Combustion (CSA-CP) Checkout
- СОЖ Maintenance
- Polar Samples to Cold Stowage
- Early unstow, priority, and US cargo transfers from Progress 440 [AO] and IMS Ops
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Cygnus Cargo Operations Conference
- Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation
- Photo/TV Camcorder Setup Verification
- NanoRacks Platform-1 Module Install
- Scheduled monthly maintenance of Central Post Laptop. Downlink of Log-files via OCA per r/g 0130. Tagup with specialists as necessary.
- PRODUTSENT. Removal from ТБУ-В No.02 (+29 deg C) and Transfer to ТБУ-В No.05 (+4 deg C)
- PRODUTSENT. Deactivation of ТБУ-В No.02 thermostatic container
- Status Check of MERLIN in Cygnus
- Onboard Training (OBT) Cygnus Debrief Conference
- Photo T/V (P/TV) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Exercise Video Stow