Crystallization of LRRK2 Under Microgravity Conditions-2 (CASIS PCG 16): Today, a crewmember performed Microscope photo operations on the PCG 16 sample card. CASIS PCG 16 evaluates growth of Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) protein crystals in microgravity. LRRK2 is implicated in Parkinson’s disease, but crystals of the protein grown on Earth are too small and compact to study. Detailed analysis of larger, space-grown crystals can define the protein’s exact shape and morphology and help scientists better understand the disease’s pathology.
Materials International Space Station Experiment 10 (MISSE-10): Today the ground robotic teams continue to install MISSE-10 sample carriers onto the MISSE Flight Facility (MISSE-FF) external platform. MISSE-10-NASA hosts a suite of eight NASA investigations aboard the MISSE-FF. The MISSE-10 mission exposes 188 samples consisting of radiation protection, radiation detection, laminates, coatings, polymetric, high-efficiency low-mass solar cell systems, composites and additively-manufactured materials to the space environment.
Northrop Grumman 10 (NG-10) Cygnus Ingress: Today, the crew re-ingressed the Cygnus vehicle after the hatch had been closed for the past several weeks. Ground teams are working to provide cargo unloading messages for the crew.
Cygnus Cargo Operations: The crew completed about 2 hours of Cygnus cargo operations. Today’s tasks had the crew unpacking bags that were temporarily stowed onboard the ISS during the early destow activities.
Completed Task List Activities:
- Node 2 Smoke Detector (SD) Photographs
- In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning Part 1 and 2
- SSC-24 Battery Reseat
- Cygnus Cargo Ops
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- SPDM Operations in support of MISSE Sample Transfers
Three Day Look Ahead:
Friday, 1/4:
- Made In Space Fiber Optics 2 De-install
- NeuroMapping video test
- Standard Measures Body swab, urine and fecal collection
- Actiwatch Plus status verification
- Behavioral Core Measures questionnaires
- STaARS BioScience-4 EC removal
- NanoRacks Module 9 OBT
- Circadian Rhythms Hardware Donning
- NanoRacks Module 75-78, 80 removal
- TangoLab 1 card removal for return
- MISSE-10 MSC installs
- Dragon Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) Filter Bag Installation
- SPDM Operations in support of MISSE Sample Transfers
Saturday, 1/5: Crew Off Duty
- NanoRacks Module-9 Session 3 activations
Sunday, 1/6
- TangoLab-2 card removal
- STaARS BioScience-4 container removal
- CASIS PCG 16 Microscope photo ops
- Circadian Rhythms Hardware doffing
- MISSE-10 MSC Pack removal review
- Dragon Cargo Operations
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Behavioral Core Measures Profile of Mood States Questionnaire
- Behavioral Core Measures ROBoT-r Testing
- Behavioral Core Measures Team Measures Questionnaire
- Cygnus Ingress
- Dragon Center Stack Fence Install
- HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operations
- HRF Generic Sample MELFI Retrieval And Insertion Operations
- HRF Generic Urine Collection Female
- HRF Generic Urine Collection Male
- In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning
- Delta file prep
- ISS HAM Packet Module Locate
- Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency Sample MELFI Retrieval and Insertion
- Microscope Reposition Operations
- PCG-16 PCG Card Microscope Photo Operations
- Polar Sample Transfer From Cold Stowage
- Probiotics Question
- Probiotics Salive Sample MELFI Insertion
- Probiotics Saliva Operations
- Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media
- Robot Startup
- Standard Measures Cognition Testing HRF PC 1
- Standard Measures Fecal Collection Setup
- Standard Measures Pre-sleep Questionnaire
- Standard Measures Post-sleep Questionnaire
- Team Task Switching Experiment Survey Subject
- Cygnus Cargo Operations
- Preventive Maintenance of FS1 Laptop
- Routine monthly maintenance of BRI and disconnecting cable from BRI port 6-16
- Weekly monitoring of video recording equipment performance on the ISS RS
- Photography of ТП228 dummy thermal sensors on the external surface of MRM2
- Regeneration Micropurification Unit (БМП) Ф2 Absorption Cartridge
- СОЖ Maintenance
- Equipment transfer for removal to DC1 Progress #439, IMS updates
- VIZIR. Cleanout of areas behind panels (MRM1 behind panel 401)
- FGB Gas Analyzer Vacuum Cleaning