USOS Extravehicular Activity (EVA) #52: Today Anne McLain (EV-1) and Nick Hague (EV-2) exited the Joint Airlock and performed US EVA #52 (Lithium Ion Battery R&R EVA #1) with a Phased Elapsed Time (PET) of 6h 39m. The primary purpose of this EVA was to facilitate the installation of new P4 Li-Ion batteries and completed tasks included:
- Deploy V-Guide Bag on the S0 Starboard Wedge Face
- Retrieve Adapter Plate A and B from the EP
- Install Adapter Plate A in Slot 6
- Relocate Battery 4 to Adapter Plate A
- Install Adapter Plate B in Slot 4
- Relocate Battery 2 to Adapter Plate B
- Retrieve and Install Adapter Plate C in Slot 2
- Channel 2A Battery Prep
The crew was also able to complete the following get ahead tasks: N1N Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) cleaning, Truss Jumper imagery, P4 (4A) Solar Array Blanket Boxes (SABB) restraint bolt engagement, P4 (2A) SABB restraint bolt engagement, Airlock thermal cover imagery, and V-Guide bag imagery.
Completed Task List Activities:
- Veggie plant check
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- EVA support
Look Ahead:
Saturday, 03/23:
- No utilization activities
- EVA debrief
- EMU Water Recharge
- METOX Regeneration Initiation
- Housekeeping
Sunday, 03/24:
- No utilization activities
- Crew off duty
Monday, 03/25:
- Myotones
- Cerebral Autoregulation
- Food Acceptability
- Material Science Laboratory Gas Supply Exchange
- EVA #53 prep
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Reminder for EVA In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Preparation
- USOS Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Communication Configuration
- External Wireless Instrumentation System Network Control Unit EVA Inhibit
- ISS HAM Radio Power Down in Service Module
- ISS HAM Radio Power Down in Columbus
- EVA COTS UHF Communication Unit (CUCU) Verify off
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Preparation
- Closing of SM windows № 6,8,9,12,13,14 SM
- VOZDUKH Deactivation. Activation of Vozdukh Atmosphere Purification System in mode 4. Vozdukh Vacuum Valve Group (БВК) -1,2,3, [СОА] CYCLE =20 min, Fan [ВН] = 1 min, Air Regeneration [РВ] =100%
- Recovery of Central Post Laptop RS3 File System.
- CARDIOVECTOR. Experiment Ops (Session one).
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Purge
- CARDIOVECTOR. Photography of the Experiment Session
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) In-Suit Light Exercise (ISLE) Prebreathe
- Countermeasures System (CMS) VELO Exercise session
- Deinstallation of GoPro HERO3 cameras in Soyuz 742. Transfer of Video to Hard Drive. Flash card closeout ops. Start recharging batteries (6). Tagup with specialists as necessary
- Crewlock Depress
- ПФ1, ПФ2 Dust Filter Cartridge Replacement and В1, В2 Fan Screen Cleaning in DC1 (ФГБ1ПГО_4_424_1, Bag 440-21 (00074645R) Discard the removed items. Reflect changes in IMS)
- Crewlock Post Depress
- Crewlock Egress
- Photo/TV Node 3/Cupola Camcorder Setup
- VGuide Bag Deploy
- P4 Battery 4A R&R Worksite Preparation
- ISS Crew Orientation
- Familiarization with Auxiliary Computer System [ВКС].
- SM Air Sampling for CO using ИПД
- P4 Battery R&R Battery Adapter Plates Retrieval
- Collecting SM and FGB Air Samples Using АК-1М Sampler
- СОЖ maintenance
- P4 Battery R&R Battery Adapter Plate A Install
- Removal of TV cameras 1, 2 and Light Units ССД-302 in Soyuz 742 [CA] (Temp stow TV cameras КЛ-152М in Soyuz 742. ССД-302 light units – for disposal on Progress 440.)
- ПФ1, ПФ2 Dust Filter Cartridge Replacement and В1, B2 Fan Screen Cleaning in MRM2
- P4 Battery R&R Battery 4 Relocate
- P4 Battery R&R Battery Adapter Plate B Installation
- Soyuz 742 HERO3 GoPro camera batteries (6) recharge termination and stowage.
- Progress 440 (SM Aft) Transfers and IMS Ops
- P4 Battery R&R Battery 2 Relocate
- Crew Time for ISS Adaptation and Orientation
- P4 Battery R&R Battery Adapter Plate C Retrieval
- PROFILAKTIKA-2. Exercise in [КОР-01-Н] set. Tagup with specialists as necessary
- P4 Battery R&R Battery Adapter Plate C Installation
- P4 Battery R&R Prepare 2A Battery and Cleanup 4A Worksite
- Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Get Ahead Tasks
- Crewlock Ingress
- Crewlock Pre Repress
- EVA Glove Photo Setup
- Crewlock Repress
- Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Post-EVA Activities
- VOZDUKH Deactivation. Vozdukh Atmosphere Purification System [СОА] Mode 3 Activation. Vozdukh Vacuum Valve Group (БВК) 2,3, [СОА] CYCLE =20 min, Fan [ВН] = 1 min, Air Regeneration [РВ] =100%
- Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA) Post-EVA Glove Photos
- External Wireless Instrumentation System (EWIS) Network Control Unit (NCU) Enable
- Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Camera Disassembly
- Photo/TV Extravehicular Activity (EVA) GoPro Downlink
- EVA Glove Photo Downlink
- Return to nominal comm configuration after USOS EVA
- Extravehicular Activitiy (EVA) Suit Intravehicular (IV) Review