EML (Electromagnetic Levitator) Lens switch: The crew changed the measurement mode of the EML High Speed Camera to STD mode to support the ongoing campaign. The EML is a multi-user facility designed for containerless materials processing in space. It supports research in the areas of meta-stable states and phases along with the measurement of high-accurate thermophysical properties of liquid metallic alloys at high temperatures. EML can accommodate up to 18 samples, each 5 to 8 mm in size. Heating rates of up to 100 Kelvin per second can be achieved with a maximum temperature of 2,100°C. PCG Temperature Controller Closeout: The crew performed cleanup activities following the completion of the PCG Temperature Controller checkout, which occurred on 22-February. Completion of these closeout activities also allows the resumption of the Marangoni investigation. The objective of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Protein Crystallization Growth (JAXA PCG) investigation is to grow high quality protein crystals in microgravity. The crystals are returned to Earth to determine protein structures in detail; the structures are used to develop pharmaceutical drugs, and to explore the mystery of our lives. PK-4 (Plasma Kristall) Experiment Campaign 6: The crew reviewed the familiarization document for the upcoming PK-4 campaign 6. Complex plasmas contain electrons, ions, neutral gas and micro particles. When these micro particles get charged, they interact strongly with each other and can lead to structures called plasma crystals. Plasma Kristall-4 aims to study transport properties, thermodynamics, kinetics and statistical physics, dynamical processes, and instabilities in complex plasmas. On-Orbit Fitcheck Verification (OFV) Measurements: Anne and David completed a series of anthropometric measurements. These were performed to measure their on-orbit growth prior to a series of EVAs. Next week, the crew will perform full OFVs to evaluate the EMU suit fit prior to allow for necessary adjustments prior to the EVAs. SpaceX Demo-1 Docking Preparations: The crew performed preparation activities for the upcoming Demo-1 docking. The JEM Portable Computer System (PCS) laptop was relocated to the Lab. Space Station Computers (SSCs) 12, 16, 9, and 8/5 were repositioned for various monitoring capabilities during the docking. The crew set up and checked out crew monitoring tools that are required for the docking including the Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Program (RPOP) in the Lab as well as the Cupola. Completed Task List Activities:
- Battery Stowage Assembly (BSA) Operation Initiation
- Initial Troubleshooting of the Deck CQ
- EMER-1a SODF Print Package
- Assembly of a Waste Water Filter to support LSR operations
Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Nominal Ground Commanding
Look Ahead: Saturday, 03/02 (GMT 061): Crew Off-Duty Payloads:
- No payload activities
- None
Sunday, 03/03 (GMT 062): Payloads:
- No payload activities
- Dragon Docking Operations
Monday, 03/04 (GMT 063): Payloads:
- ISS Experience
- PK-4
Today’s Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Dragon Forward Contingency Dry Run
- Dragon Forward Contingency hardcopy Print
- Dragon Forward Monitoring (CUP) Setup
- Dragon Forward Monitoring (LAB) Setup
- Dragon Forward – Station Support Computer Relocate
- EML. High Speed Camera Lens Switch
- FPS Pack for SpX Return
- Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) On-orbit Fitcheck Verification (OFV) Measurements
- IMS tagup (S-band) per r/g 1442
- Delta file prep
- Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
- In-flight Maintenance (IFM) Lab Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Sorbent Bed Remove and Replace
- LAB1O2 Clean Up Activity
- On-Board Training (OBT) SpX-DEMO1 OBT Approach Conference
- SpX-DEMO1 Ingress Review and conference
- PCG Temp Cntlr Closeout
- PCS Laptop Relocate
- Protein Kristal-4 (PK-4). Session 2, Overview
- Rodent Research Habitat Stow
- Team Task Switching Experiment Survey
- Charging RSK2 laptop for video recorder ops
- Monthly health check of video recording equipment in the RS
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- MATRYOSHKA-R. Monitoring Tritel Readings
- Audit of protective caps for RS power outlets
- Verification of ИП-1 Flow Sensor Position
- СОЖ maintenance. ИК0501 Gas Analyzer 02 readings adjustments. Uout =2.88 V