Saibo Experiment Rack Clean Bench (CB) Checkout: The crew completed the yearly relief valve check of the CB in the JAXA Saibo Rack. Saibo includes a Clean Bench glovebox with microscope that isolates the organisms being studied, and Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF) that includes incubator and centrifuges.
Hermes Facility: The crew installed the HERMES facility and Space Acceleration Measurement System (SAMS) tri-axial sensor heads (TSH). Hermes is an experimental microgravity facility that enables science experiments, microgravity exposure testing, testing of engineering components, testing of CubeSats, concept trials, and any payloads that fit within the Hermes design and operations constraints. It is open to any investigation that benefits from microgravity exposure.
Combustion Integration Rack (CIR)/Advanced Combustion via Microgravity Experiments (ACME) /Flame Design: The crew replaced the igniter tip which burned out this week to complete the final Flame Design runs. The investigation studies the production and control of soot to optimize oxygen-enriched combustion and the design of robust, soot-free flames. Soot can adversely affect efficiency, emissions, and equipment lifetime, so this may lead to more efficient and cleaner burner designs. The experiment is conducted with spherical flames of gaseous fuels in the CIR as part of the ACME project.
Photobioreactor (PBR): The crew performed troubleshooting for the Photobioreactor by powering up the unit from a different locker power port. Today the life support systems that sustain astronauts in space are based on physicochemical processes. The Photobioreactor investigation aims at demonstrating that microalgae (i.e. biological processes) can be used together with existing systems to improve recycling of resources, creating a hybrid life support system. This hybrid approach could be helpful in future long-duration exploration missions, as it could reduce the amount of consumables required from Earth, and will first be tested in space on the ISS.
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) Laptop Relocation: The AMS laptop was located in Columbus Express Rack (ER)1 where the Payload Ethernet Hub Gateway (PEHG) will be upgraded to an improved PEHG. The laptop must remain continuously powered to retain collected data. Today the crew relocated the laptop to Columbus ER3 which will provide continuous power.
Completed Task List Activities:
- EDaR troubleshooting part 2
- Email transition prep
- USOS hatch seal inspection
- CWC-I degas
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Office 365 SSC loading onto 59S Crew SSCs
- Payloads Ops Support
Look Ahead:
Thursday, 7/18 (GMT 199)
- KUBIK (5,6) connect to portable power sply (ESA)
- Florescence Microscope reconfiguration (JAXA)
- Standard Measures (NASA)
- ISS Experience Stow (NASA)
- MSL ops review and Motor Valve R&R and water loop chk (NASA)
- HERMES Vacuum vlv to open (NASA)
- JEMRMS BDS Checkout
- Dragon Offset Grapple OBT
- CUCU Checkout
Friday, 7/19 (GMT 200)
- CBEF video cable config and vent fan covering (JAXA)
- Food Acceptability (NASA)
- Light Effects Performance test (NASA)
- Team Task Switching (NASA
- Actiwatch data downlinks (HRF)
- MSRR Z-book setup and s/w load (NASA)
- Cell Science-02 hardware setup (NASA)
- PK-4 Campaign-7 Familiarization (Joint)
- WHC Pre-Treat R&R
- Emergency Procedure Review OBT
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Node 2 Nadir Hatch to Unlatch
- Portable Wireless Camera Activation
- Relocation of a bag with additional Docking and Internal Transfer System from MRM2 to SM
- Hermes Facility Installation
- Voice check on S/G1 from Baikonur (S-band)
- RS3 Laptop Inspection and Cleaning
- Environmental Health System (EHS) Grab Sample Container (GSC) Sampling Operations
- Hermes Cassette Installation
- JEMRMS BDS Final Activation
- СОЖ maintenance
- Clean Bench (CB) Valve Checkout
- EXPRESS Rack 1 Locker Removal
- EXPRESS Rack 1 Rack Power Switch Hardware Inspection
- EXPRESS Rack 1 Locker Install
- EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup
- Water Resource Management (WRM) Condensate Sample Init
- SEPARATION. Activation of [СРВ-У-РС] system. Starting Distillation Cycle 1
- Packing Equipment for disposal in Progress 441 (DC1) and IMS Ops
- Photobioreactor Power Troubleshooting
- Combustion Integrated Rack Rack Doors Open
- AMS Laptop Relocate
- Combustion Integrated Rack Front End Cap Open
- ACME Igniter Tip Replace (Spherical Burner Installed)
- EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup Start
- EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup Finish
- SEPARATION. Starting Distillation Cycle 2.
- INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops
- Combustion Integrated Rack Front End Cap Close
- Combustion Integrated Rack Rack Doors Close
- Water Resource Management (WRM) Condensate Sample Terminate
- ARED Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- MSRR Door Open
- SEPARATION. Deactivation of [СРВ-У-РС] system. Log-file downlink
- Standard Measures Pre-sleep Questionnaire