CAL (Cold Atom Lab): The crew inspected, replaced when needed, and reconnected the Fiber Optics Cabling and ports. The CAL produces clouds of atoms that are chilled to about one ten billionth of a degree above absolute zero, much colder than the average temperature of deep space. At these low temperatures, atoms have almost no motion, allowing scientists to study fundamental behaviors and quantum characteristics that are difficult or impossible to probe at higher temperatures. In microgravity, researchers may be able to achieve even colder temperatures than what is possible on the ground, and observe these cold atom clouds for longer periods of time.
Confined Combustion: The crew continued the experiment using an acrylic samples with black baffles to ignite and observe combustion results. This project aims to study flame spread in confined spaces, specifically the interactions between spreading flames and surrounding walls. Flame spread in confined spaces (such as buildings and vehicles) may pose a more serious fire hazard than flame spread in open spaces because of acceleration caused by radiative heat feedback from the surrounding walls and a tunnel flow acceleration effect. However, several aspects of flame spread are difficult to study in normal gravity conditions. Gravity-driven buoyancy flow complicates the fire growth process and prohibits a fundamental understanding of the underlying physics. However, in microgravity, buoyancy is eliminated, allowing scientists to better study the physics of flame spread.
EXPRESS Rack (EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments for Space Station Racks): The crew verified the BIOS parameter setting for the Express 6 laptop and updated the software. The EXPRESS Racks support science experiments in any discipline by providing structural interfaces, power, data, cooling, water, and other items needed to operate science experiments in space.
Electro-static Levitation Furnace (ELF): The crew configured the Gas Bottle Unit to the open supply valve position and the ground initiated an experiment run. ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate, melt and solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the electrostatic levitation method. With this facility thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.
Rodent Research-19 (RR-19): The crew stowed the Rodent Research Habitats 1 and 3. Mighty Mice in Space: Preclinical evaluation of a broad spectrum Myostatin inhibitor to prevent muscle and bone loss due to disuse uses rodent models on the ISS to investigate the potential benefits of targeting the Myostatin and Activin signaling pathways to prevent skeletal muscle and bone loss during spaceflight and on the recovery of muscle and bone following return to Earth. This research could provide valuable preclinical data to support clinical trials for Myostatin therapies for a wide range of conditions that affect muscle and bone health. Such research is particularly important for conditions that involve disuse muscle atrophy (muscle wasting due to immobility or lessened activity) for example, patients recovering from hip fracture surgery, intensive care patients, and the elderly.
SlingShot: The crew reviewed procedures for the Slingshot deployable installation onto the Cygnus hatch. SlingShot is a small satellite deployment system that fits inside the Cygnus spacecraft’s Passive Common Berthing Mechanism (PCBM). SlingShot can accommodate up to 18 satellites that are deployed post Cygnus unberth.
STPSat-4: The crew performed video and still imagery photography of the STPSat-4 satellite deployment via the Cupola windows. One of the four arrays (Modular RF Tiles experiment) did not deploy as expected after the satellite was launched. It is hopeful that free flying thermal conditions will eventually allow the array to mechanically deploy. Launched from the ISS, Space Test Program Satellite-4 (STPSat-4) is a suite automated for robotic space tools and sensors that test new equipment configurations and monitor space conditions. STPSat-4 specifically includes space weather sensors, solar panels, an antenna array and devices for tracking location of both satellites and their astronomic surroundings. This project demonstrates how a range of new technologies can be integrated on nanosatellite platforms.
Vascular Aging: The Crew ingested the glucose drink and later performed blood draws which were processed and placed in cold stowage. Emerging data point towards linkages among cardiovascular health risk, carotid artery aging, bone metabolism and blood biomarkers, insulin resistance, and radiation. Data indicate that aging-like changes are accelerated in many ISS crew members, particularly with respect to their arteries. As part of the Vascular Aging investigation, ultrasounds of the arteries, blood samples, oral glucose tolerance, and wearable sensors from ISS Crew members are analyzed.
AstroRad Vest: The Crew took photos of the AstroRad vest hardware during a day pass in the Cupola and Lab. The AstroRad Vest is a personal protective equipment (PPE) device which functions as a radiation shield for astronauts. The AstroRad shields astronauts from space-borne ionizing radiation in an efficient way, provides operational simplification, and allows for the use of recycled material on-board the vehicle. The concept behind the AstroRad evolved from a commercially available device (360 Gamma Shield), which is an effective wearable shield for first responders to radiation incidents on the Earth.
Northrop Grumman 12 (NG-12) Departure Preparation: With the NG-12 Cygnus spacecraft planned for departure this Friday January 31st, the ISS crew completed the final cargo transfers and close-out procedures including inspecting the packing straps, tucking-in loose straps, and taking images of the final cargo configuration.
On-Board Training (OBT) Soyuz Descent Training: In preparation for 59S departure scheduled for February 6th, Luca and Sasha performed an OBT using the Soyuz simulator. During the drill, they practiced a nominal descent and the transition to Manual Entry Control [РУС]. Responses to emergencies caused by nominal decent hazards were also reviewed.
Completed Task List Activities:
- Dzus Fastener Photo Document
- Rodent Research Sample Trash
Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Thermal Amine de-activation
- Lab CDRA activation
- EPS ORU 5 year prefreshes
- RWS power cycle
Thursday, 1/30 (GMT 030)
- Vascular Echo Leg Scans and Blood Pressure Measurements (CSA)
- HISUI data recover unit relocated to the Forward side of JPM106 panel (JAXA)
- ELF Cartridge retrieve, clean and install (JAXA)
- Standard Measures –Post sleep – (NASA)
- Slingshot Deployer Install (NASA)
- Saliva and blood collect for Standard measures and Vascular Echo (NASA)
- Food Acceptability Survey (NASA)
- Confined Combustion Ops (NASA)
- ISS Experience H/W Stow (NASA)
- 59S Crew Departure Preparations
- Cygnus Egress and Hatch Close
- N1n CPA Installation
- PMD Setup
- N1 Nadir Depress
- Cygnus Vestibule Depress
Friday, 1/31 (GMT 031)
- Vascular Echo Leg Doppler scan (CSA)
- DOSIS-3D passive detectors de-install (10 PDP and 1 TDP) (ESA)
- CIMON procedures review and battery charge (ESA)
- HOURGLASS removal from CBEF (JAXA)
- CYCLOPS hardware JEM table retract and stow (NASA)
- CBEF Disinfect prep and Humidifier 2 installation (JAXA)
- JEMAL Slide Table retract and Cyclops hardware stow (NASA-JAXA)
- Food Acceptability Survey (NASA)
- VEGGIE Monitoring Review and surface Sample collect Photo (NASA)
- MIS-RECYCLER Print removal and photo and material kit A insertion (NASA)
- CAL Removal and Fiber Optics Inspection part 2 (NASA)
- ISS Experience H/W Stow (NASA)
- 59S Crew Departure Preparations
- Cygnus Command Link Verification
- Cygnus Release Command and Monitoring
- N1 Nadir VOK Stow
- PMD Teardown
Saturday, 2/1 (GMT 032) Crew Off-Duty
- CIMON unstow and sound-cam chk (ESA)
- Probiotics Fecal collect (JAXA)
- HRF Saliva setup (NASA)
- 59S Crew Departure Preparations
- Portable Computer System (PCS) Connect
- ISS Housekeeping
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Reminder Probiotics Intake & Operations
- KORREKTSIYA. Venous blood collection
- Reminder 3 Vascular Aging CSA Generic Frozen Blood Collection
- Reminder 3 Vascular Aging Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
- Reminder 1 Vascular Aging Resting Ultrasound Scan
- KORREKTSIYA. Processing venous blood sample using Plasma-03 centrifuge.
- Insertion of Russian experiments blood samples into MELFI
- KORREKTSIYA. Handover to USOS for MELFI Insertion
- Vascular Aging MERLIN Sample Removal
- HRF Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection
- KORREKTSIYA. Closeout Ops
- Satellite Deploy Video Setup
- Vascular Aging Glucometer Reading And Drink Consumption
- KORREKTSIYA. Data transfer from Actimeter device to data storage device
- Waste Hygiene Compartment (WHC) to Internal EDV
- Sampling condensate water [КАВ] upstream of [СРВ-К2М] Gas-Liquid mixture filter (ФГС) to drink bags, end
- Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- [СТТС] Configuration for MRM1
- Cell Biology Experiment Facility-Left (CBEF-L) and Video Compression and Recording Unit 2 (VRU2) Cable Reconfiguration 2
- PROBIOVIT. Plugging into power outlet and activation of ТБУ-В No.04 thermostat at +37 deg C
- Collecting condensate water samples [КАВ] up to СРВ-К2М БКО, equipment setup, sampler installation
- JEM Water Recovery System (JWRS) Bag Check
- PROBIOVIT. Insertion of Probiovit kit No.3 in Glovebox-S and turning the light on.
- ISS Crew departure preparation
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Operator
- Cygnus Cargo Closeout
- Vascular Aging HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection 15 Minutes Subject
- PROBIOVIT. Filling Kit No. 3 Water container from [СРВК].
- Vascular Aging Glucometer Reading And Data Transfer
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Configuration
- PROBIOVIT. Filling Kit No.3 “Product” container in Glovebox-S.
- Collecting condensate water samples [КАВ] up to [СРВ-К2М] БКО, sampler replacement
- CSA Generic HRF Centrifuge Frozen Blood Collection Spin Conclude
- CSA Generic MELFI Sample Insertion
- EXPRESS Rack 6 ELC6 BIOS check
- PROBIOVIT. Insertion of Probiovit kit No.4 in Glovebox-S.
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Gas Bottle Unit (GBU) valve opening
- PROBIOVIT. Filling Kit No.4 Water container from [СРВК].
- ISS Experience Solid State Drive Change out
- ISS Experience Z-Cam Setup on the MWA
- PROBIOVIT. Filling Kit No.4 Product container in Glovebox-S.
- Setup and Activate Crew Onboard Support Kit (КСПЭ) Equipment for Soyuz 746 Descent OBT Mpeg2 TV coverage from SM
- Countermeasures System (CMS) Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection
- Soyuz 746 Descent OBT, Returning Equipment & Stowage Consultation.
- Soyuz descent training
- EXPRESS Rack ZBook Setup
- PCS Laptop Relocate
- PROBIOVIT. Kit retrieval from Glovebox-S, Transfer and insertion of Priobivit kits No.3 and No.4 in ТБУ-В No.04 at +37 deg C. Photography.
- Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup
- Hourglass Box installation to Cell Biology Experiment Facility (CBEF)
- Environmental Health System (EHS) Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record
- Confined Combustion Test Operations
- Glacier Desiccant Swap
- On MCC Go Deactivate camcorder, TV system monitoring equipment, close applications
- HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Hardware Setup
- Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Initiation
- SlingShot Procedure Review 2
- Relocate SSC6 from CUP to NOD2S6 to support OCT2 ops.
- Sampling condensate water [КАВ] upstream of [СРВК-2М] БКО, removing sampler, equipment disassembly
- Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill Termination
- Cold Atom Lab Remove And Replace Fiber Optics Inspection Part 1
- COLUMBUS Bay 1, 2, 3 restow
- Soyuz 746 stowage operations
- Recharging Iridium EXTREME 9575 phone in Soyuz 744 – configuration setup, start recharge
- EDV Build for Water Balance
- Thermal Amine Scrubber Powercycle
- Gather Vestibule Outfitting Kit (VOK)
- Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration Initiation
- Food Acceptability Data Conference
- Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Cylinder Flywheel Evacuation
- Recharging Iridium EXTREME 9575 phone in Soyuz 744 – battery status check
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) – OCT2 Exam
- Recharging Iridium EXTREME 9575 phone in Soyuz 744 – Photography of configuration setup, disconnect the charge, disassemble the setup and stow
- Standard Measures Pre-sleep Questionnaire
- Reminder 2 Vascular Aging Resting Ultrasound Scan
- Reminder HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection
- Reminder Standard Measures Multi-day Saliva Collection
- HRF Generic Saliva Collection 10 Minutes
- Reminder Max CEVIS Exercise E-1