Fluids Integrated Rack/Light Microscopy Module (FIR/LMM)/CDM Change-out: As a continuation of the CDM experiment, the crew installed the seventh of the ten experiment modules on the FIR/LMM. Capillary-Driven Microfluidics in Space (Capillary Driven Microfluidics or more simply, CDM) examines the drawing of fluids into a tiny narrow tube in microgravity. Results may improve current mathematical models and understanding of microfluidic systems and improve fluid control in various devices. Diagnostic devices require separation of blood cells and plasma, which have different densities, and the absence of sedimentation and buoyancy-driven convection in microgravity improves the efficiency of this separation.
Droplet Formation Study (DFS) Gather/Overview: In preparation for tomorrow’s hardware installation, the crew reviewed the appropriate material and gathered the hardware needed for the installation. Droplet Formation Studies in Microgravity (Droplet Formation Study, or more simply DFS) evaluates water droplet formation and water flow of Delta Faucet’s H2Okinetic shower head technology. To conserve water, flow rates in shower devices have been reduced, but this lower flow rate also reduces the effectiveness of these devices and often causes consumers to take longer showers, undermining the goal of using less water. Gravity’s full effects on formation of water droplet size are unknown, and research in microgravity could help improve the technology, creating better performance and improved user experience while conserving water and energy.
Urine Transfer System (UTS) installation: The crew performed several of the steps needed to install the new UTS hoses, power cables, and other hardware in the Node 3 area. The UTS is part of a new toilet system that will serve as both a technology demonstration, and a capability to support additional crew members on the ISS. The UTS is used to collect pre-treated urine and connects to the ISS Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) for recycling. The UTS allows operation of both the existing Russian Toilet (ACY) located in the WHC rack and the new Toilet. The UTS consists of valves and controllers which open and close depending on the priority flow path from either the Toilet or WHC. Each toilet can deliver pretreated urine to the UPA or a Russian urine tank (EDV-Y).
Dragon Vehicle Demonstrations: The crew performed two habitability demonstration activities in support of data gathering on SpaceX Demo-2. The demos were performed with Endeavour awake and were divided into two segments. The first activity required the Dragon crew to isolate in the Dragon vehicle. The second activity was a demonstration to assess sleep operations with four crew. The crew completed the demonstrations with a debrief conference to discuss observations and provide feedback.
Lab Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly (CDRA) Air Selector Valve (ASV) Remove and Replace (R&R): Today the crew performed an R&R of a faulty valve that was exhibiting near-end-of-life signatures which the ground teams had been trending for several weeks. The crew replaced the LAB CDRA CO2 Selector Valve 105. Once the selector valve was replaced, the ground performed a successful valve checkout and the crew closed out the CDRA rack.
74 Progress (74P) Undock: Progress undocked from the Docking Compartment (DC) 1 at 1:23 PM CT. After a successful de-orbit burn, the vehicle will complete its mission following destructive re-entry at 5:09 PM CT.
Ultrasound Eye Exam: Today the crew used an ultrasound device to perform an eye scan, one of several routine ultrasound eye exams during their stay on ISS. Eye exams are performed regularly onboard in order to monitor crewmember’s eye health. Eyesight is one of many aspects of the human body affected by long-duration stays in a microgravity environment.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Lab CDRA CSV Checkout
- Process UPA in prep for UTS Install Pt 5
- RPCM P32B_A Powerdown prior to RPCM R&R
- Ground Ops Support for 74P Undock
- Video Support and Ku Masking for Robotics Ops
Look Ahead Plan
Thursday, 7/9 (GMT 191)
- MSG/Droplet Formation Study Install
- MSRR/MSL Furnace Exchange Overview
- Urine Transfer System Installation
- Hatch Seal Inspection
- OCT Eye Exams
- Emergency Drill OBT
- JEM Remote Sensor Unit Battery R&R
- HTV Cargo Ops
Friday, 7/10 (GMT 192)
- FIR/LMM/CDM Plate Change
- HISUI Troubleshooting
- HRF1 Supply Resupply
- MSR/MSL Furnace Exchange
- PL NAS Vent Clean
- Vection
- EMU Water Dump/Fill
- OCT Eye Exam
Saturday, 7/11 (GMT 193)
- No payload activities
- EVA EMU Swap
- Crew Off Duty
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- OMIKi-SPK. Test-tubes of blood collection.
- In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Urine Transfer System (UTS) Installation Part 1-4
- TERMINATOR. Terminator-Limb PL Installation and Deinstallation.
- Crew Habitability Demonstration Big Picture Words Review
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) ISS Food Intake Tracker (ISS FIT)
- ISS HAM Radio Power Down in Columbus
- URAGAN. SOVA and VSS PL closeout ops and hardware stow
- Vacuum Cleaning ПН28-120 Voltage Converter for SM printer (behind panel 231А). Visual inspection of GFCI cable and extension cable
- Audit of Available Stowage Space in FGB
- iWatch Charge for SpX CREW DRAGON
- Crew Habitability Demonstration Preparation and Dragon Hatch Close
- Crew Habitability Demonstration While Dragon Hatch is Closed
- SM and FGB Enclosures Audit
- Medical Kits Audit
- Crew Dragon Waste System Demonstration While Dragon Hatch is Closed
- Recharging Soyuz 745 GoPro HERO3 Batteries (6)
- Dragon Restow after Demonstrations and Dragon Hatch Open
- Investigating the reason for a long-term cyan on the СМ
- Remove SpX-CREW DRAGON iWatch from charger
- Checking cover closure on SM windows 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14. Note 12
- Health Maintenance System (HMS) Ultrasound 2 Scan with Post Exam
- Capillary Driven Microfluidics Plate Changeout
- Droplet Formation Study Payload Overview & Hardware Gather
- In Flight Maintenance Carbon Dioxide Removal Valve Gather
- Life on the Station Photo/Video
- Lab Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly Selector Valve Remove & Replace
- USOS Window Shutter Close
- ISS HAM Radio Power Down in Service Module
- Crew Dragon Sleep Habitability Assessment
- Environmental Health System (EHS) – Microbial Capture Device (MCD) and Coliform Water Sample Analysis 44 +/- 4 hours post processing
- Activation of TV Data and MPEG2 Multicast Monitoring Equipment
- Photography of Progress 443 Docking Assembly through SM Window No.7 while undocking from DC1
- LAB1D6 Closeout
- Activation of mpeg2 multicast video recording mode
- Mode DC1-Soyuz PEV to CLOSED position
- Closing Applications and Downlink of MPEG2 Multicast Video via OCA
- Dragon Habitability Demonstration Debrief
- Recharging Soyuz 745 Samsung PC prior to OBT
- In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Water Container-Urine (ЕДВ-У) Configuration