Astrorad Vest: The AstroRad Vest was worn overnight, doffed, and a questionnaire filled out to give feedback on the session. Comfort and Human Factors AstroRad Radiation Garment Evaluation (CHARGE) tests a special vest designed to protect astronauts from radiation caused by unpredictable Solar Particle Events (SPEs). Astronauts provide input on the garment as they wear it while performing daily tasks, including how easy it is to put on, how it fits and feels, and the range of motion it allows. Garment developers can use this input to improve design, and the use of the vest will protect crew members on missions to the Moon and Mars.
Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF): The crew checked the O-ring on the checkout cartridge in the Sample Cartridge Automatic Exchange Mechanism (SCAM), verified it was free of dust/debris, and cleaned if necessary. The GHF is a vacuum furnace that contains three heating blocks. Their positions and temperatures can be independently controlled, and various temperature profiles can be realized. This facility will be mainly used for high quality crystal growth experiments using unidirectional solidification
Nutrition Monitoring for the International Space Station (NutrISS): In support of the NutrISS investigation, an ESA Nutritional Assessment (ENA) was performed. In the NutrISS investigation, a periodic assessment of body composition (body weight, fat mass, and fat-free mass) during spaceflight aboard the ISS is carried out using a dedicated bio-impedance analysis device to allow for the measurement of long-term energy balance modification over time. It is hypothesized that an adjusted diet maintaining a near-neutral energy balance, and/or increasing protein, intake can limit microgravity-induced bone and muscle loss.
Snowcone Cloud Edge Compute Demonstration (Snowcone): Following the successful science operations late last week, the crew removed and stowed the Snowcone experiment hardware. Snowcone demonstrates technology to screen astronaut images and identify those that may contain sensitive information not for public release. The technology includes reduction of large-scale data and processing of data near the source, known as edge computing, capabilities integral to future space exploration.
Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurements: As part of Station’s standard system health monitoring, the crew used a Velocicalc tool to measure the amount of airflow through ventilation inlets and outlets in the Airlock, Node 1, Cupula Vestibule, NanoRacks Airlock (NRAL), and Node 3. The IMV system circulates air between modules to air revitalization equipment so that ideal atmospheric condition is maintained throughout ISS.
Hatch Seal Inspections: As part of periodic maintenance, the crew cleaned and inspected the USOS hatch seals and hatch plate sealing surface for the Node 1 Forward, Starboard, and Port hatches. The crew also inspected the crank handle mechanism and hatch seal interlocking joints for foreign object debris (FOD) or damage. Due to a buildup of food on the surface, the crew will need to come back and complete the cleaning and inspection on the hatch.
Remote Power Control Modules (RPCM) P12B_C RPC 5 Swap: On Friday May 27, RPCM P12B_C RPC 5 which powers multiple channels of the Port Thermal Radiator (PTR) Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) Solenoid Driver Output (SDO) Card tripped. The primary impact was the loss of power to the two Integrated Motor/Controller Assemblies (IMCAs) which controls the Port 1-2 Radiator Isolation Valves. Beginning yesterday evening and lasting through early this morning, ground teams robotically swapped RPCM P12B_C with RPCM P11A_A to return isolation capability to protect for the loss of the External Thermal Control System (ETCS) system in the event of a Port 1-2 radiator leak to space.
Emergency Russian ISS Very High Frequency (VHF-1) Communication Checkout from USOS: The Russian ISS VHF-1 Emergency Communication was checked out from the USOS. The communication tested the ability for the Houston, Huntsville, Munich, Tskuba, and Moscow control centers to communicate with the crew while over a US VHF site. The ISS can communicate via the Russian Segment’s VHF radios when the ISS is over a VHF ground site and both the ISS and the ground site are configured to transmit and receive VHF signals. The ability to use VHF communications from a US groundsite is periodically verified in the event that it is needed during an emergency where the nominal communication path is unusable.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- RPCM P12B_C RPC 5 Swap
- Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM) Robotics Micro Conical Tool (RMCT) Stow
- Payload Rack Officer Fluids Integrated Rack Activation Commanding
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, June 10 (GMT 161)
- Astrobee/SVGS
- CAL MTL jumper check
- HRF1 drawer inspect
- Mochii review and prep
- Touching Surfaces prep for Mochii
- Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM) Ingress
- BEAM Battery Replacement
- Food Consolidate
Saturday, June 11 (GMT 162)
- AstroRad Vest
- Crew Off-Duty Day
Sunday, June 12 (GMT 163)
- XROOTS manual fluid recovery
- Crew Off-Duty Day
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Astrobee OBT Review
- Astrobee Stowage Replace
- AstroRad Vest Doff
- AstroRad Vest Survey 2
- Nitrogen Oxygen Recharge System (NORS) Low Pressure Oxygen Supply
- BioCell Hardware Locate
- CBEF-L Centrifuge Measurement, Installation, and Removal
- Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) and Battery swap.
- Emergency RS ISS VHF-1 Comm Checkout from USOS
- Gradient Heating Furnace (GHF) Check Out Cartridge Confirmation.
- Hatch Seal Inspection
- ISS Node 3 Aft 2 Audit [Deferred]
- ISS Node 3 Overhead 2 Audit
- IWIS (Internal Wireless Instrumentation System) RSU (Remote Sensor Unit) Firmware Update
- NutrISS – ESA Nutritional Assessment
- On MCC Go Turning off SM Camcorders, TV System Monitoring Tools, Closing Applications
- Payload Hardware Audit
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event – Lab
- Public Affairs Office (PAO) Event in Columbus
- Radio Frequency Identification Logistics Reader Troubleshooting
- Snowcone Hardware Removal
- Intermodule Ventilation (IMV) Flow Measurement Survey
- Transfer CST-100 Cargo Operations
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations [Deferred]
- USOS Barcode Reader/RFID Scanner Deploy