ISS Daily Summary Report – 6/29/2022


Autonomous Medical Officer Support (AMOS): The crew set up the appropriate hardware, logged into the AMOS application, and performed several ultrasound science scans. As missions venture farther from Earth, astronauts need the capability to diagnose and treat acute medical conditions without ground support. The AMOS Software Demonstration, for which data collection is now complete, tests a software tool designed to help minimally trained or untrained users conduct complicated medical procedures, without assistance from Earth. For the study, the crew uses AMOS to perform ultrasound imaging of the bladder and kidneys, a plausible Mars mission medical scenario.

Sally Ride EarthKAM: The current 50 mm camera lens was exchanged for an 85 mm lens in the EarthKAM camera system. This is nominally performed about halfway through the experiment session and allows different aspects of the ground targets to be studied. As of the last report, EarthKAM Mission 79 had a total of 48 schools representing over 4500 students from 20 countries participating in the event. EarthKAM allows thousands of students to photograph and examine Earth from a space crew’s perspective. Using the Internet, the students control a special digital camera mounted on-board the ISS. This enables them to photograph the Earth’s coastlines, mountain ranges and other geographic items of interest from the unique vantage point of space. The EarthKAM team then posts these photographs on the Internet for viewing by the public and participating classrooms around the world.


NanoRacks Bishop Airlock (NRAL) Trash Deploy Preparations: Today, in preparation for the planned NRAL Trash Deploy this weekend, the crew installed trash deployment hardware and loaded it with trash to create a large sphere. Crew completed a checkout of the trash bag to verify free movement for deployment. NRAL is the first-ever commercially owned and operated airlock on the ISS. It provides a variety of capabilities including jettisoning of payloads such as CubeSats, deployment of external payloads, support for small exterior payloads and locker-sized internal payloads, recovery of external on-orbit replaceable units (ORUs), and the ability to move hardware outside in support of extravehicular activities (EVAs) and remove trash from station. It is approximately five times larger than the JEM Airlock so it can accommodate more and larger payloads. NRAL’s capabilities support many different types of scientific investigations.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • NRAL Depressurization Support 1 using PMD [Deferred]
  • Crew Dragon Freedom Weekly Quiescent Checkout
  • AMOS Demonstration Ultrasound 2 Scan Operator
  • Space Station Computer (SSC) LGU Login

Look Ahead Plan

Thursday, June 30 (GMT 181)

  • Actiwatch HRF1 Setup
  • COSMIC USB Cycling
  • DOSIS LED Check
  • Intelligent Glass Optics (IGO) Sample Restore
  • Russian Experiment MELFI Insertion
  • WiCo-2 Measurements
  • XROOTS Fluid Recovery and Wick Open


  • Lab and Node 3 Cable Management
  • Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) Quarterly Maintenance
  • Portable Emergency Provisions (PEPS) Inspection
  • CST-100 One-Time-Use Thumb Drive Reformat
  • Airlock Node 1 MTL Swap

Friday, July 1 (GMT 182)

  • CAL Jumper Check
  • CEO Payload Ops
  • CIR/SoFIE Hardware Configure
  • ESA EPO Ops
  • FSL/SMD Sample Cell Inspection
  • MVP Hardware Wanted Poster
  • SCEM Gas Bottle Exchange and Valve Configuration
  • WORF Laptop CLS 14 Software Load


  • SAW 1B Photo Survey
  • Node 1 and Node 2 Cable Management
  • Station Reorganization
  • Short Extravehicular Mobility Unit (SEMU) Launch Enclosure (SLE) Return Preparation
  • Treadmill 2 System (T2) Monthly Inspection

Saturday, July 2 (GMT 183)

  • No Utilization Activities


  • Off Duty Day

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • AMOS Demonstration Historical Documentation Photography
  • AMOS Demonstration Ultrasound 2 Scan Operator
  • AMOS Demonstration Ultrasound 2 Scan Scanee
  • Astrobee Battery Swap and Stow
  • Contingency Water Container (CWC) Fill, Terminate, and Swap Wastewater Tank
  • EarthKAM Node 2 85MM Lens Change
  • Icebrick Removal from Merlin 5
  • MELFI Sample Transfer to Glacier
  • Mesh Bag Video Audit
  • Microgravity Science Glovebox Activation
  • NRAL NRAL Trash Bag Verify
  • NRAL Trash Deployer Install
  • NRAL Vestibule Config and Hatch Closure [Deferred]
  • NRAL Utility Outlet Panel Configuration
  • NRAL Trash Bag Loading
  • Pressure Management Device (PMD) Equipment Setup Part 1 & 2 for NRAL Depressurzation
  • PMD N3 Port MPEV open
  • Repack of ESA Concrete Mixers for return with SpX-25
  • RSE3 handover from USOS to RS