Crew-4 Freedom Departure: Due to unfavorable weather conditions at the splashdown site, the Crew-4 Freedom spacecraft undock was delayed from the previous departure date of October 13th. The next undock opportunity is tomorrow, October 14th at 10:30 am CT. The crew instead had a light duty day in preparation for undock slated tomorrow.
Dynamics of Microbiomes in Space (DynaMoS): DynaMoS Science Bag S/N 004 was retrieved and inserted into MELFI 1. DynaMoS examines how microgravity affects metabolic interactions in communities of soil microbes. On Earth, communities of microorganisms carry out key functions in soil, including cycling of carbon and other nutrients and support of plant growth. This research focuses on the soil microorganism communities that decompose chitin, the second most abundant carbon polymer on Earth. Results could improve understanding of the function of soil microorganisms in space compared to on Earth.
GRIP: GRIP science tasks in the seated and supine positions were performed. The GRIP experiment studies long-duration spaceflight effects on the abilities of human subjects to regulate grip force and upper limbs trajectories when manipulating objects during different kind of movements such as oscillatory movements, rapid discrete movements and tapping gestures.
Japanese Excursion Module Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS) Backup Drive System (BDS) Checkout: The crew connected the BDS Cable 1 to Utility Outlet Panel (UOP) b2 and activated the Backup Controller (BUC). A BDS checkout was performed, after which the BDS Cable 10 was connected to the original position for JEMRMS nominal operations. The JEMRMS BDS provides redundancy for the zero fault tolerant, single-string JEMRMS. This redundancy is essential if the arm becomes stranded due to hardware failure and in some cases a stranded arm could become a collision hazard if it is close enough to structure and subject to certain loads.
Brine Processor Bladder Changeout: As part of regular maintenance, the crew completed a BPA bladder changeout. The BPA utilizes the forced convection of dry spacecraft cabin air coupled with a robust membrane distillation process to recover water from brine. The added water recovery from brine contributes directly to NASA’s goal to achieve an overall water recovery rate of 89% for future water recovery systems.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- C2V2 Activation/Deactivation
- [deferred] Dragon Undock Prep
- [deferred] Dragon Zenith Hatch Close
- [deferred] Dragon Vestibule Depressurization
- [deferred] Dragon Undocking
- [deferred] Dragon Undock Departure Ops
Look Ahead Plan
Friday, October 14 (GMT 287) (tentative due to Crew-4 Undock slip)
- GRASP Seated Sessions (ESA)
- Repository Urine Collect (NASA)
- Standard Measures Blood Collect (NASA)
- TELLAS Equipment Setup (JAXA)
- XROOTS Fluid Recovery and Plant Check (NASA)
- Veggie Cover Teardown (NASA)
- ISS Crew Orientation
- Emergency Equipment Return
- IFM Node 1 J304 Reclock
Saturday, October 15 (GMT 288)
- Off Duty
- Crew Off-Duty
Sunday, October 16 (GMT 289)
- Off Duty
- Crew Off-Duty
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic Saliva Collection/Stow
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
- Sleep Station Teardown
- Dragon Camera Uncover
- Campout Sleeping Bag Stow
- Crew Dragon Station Support Computer Relocate
- Dragon Initial Configuration for Undock
- Actiwatch Plus Watch Doff
- Dragon Node 2 Zenith SSC Relocate and Deroute
- Cold Stowage Double Coldbag Pack
- HRF Generic Ambient Blood Collection
- Crew Dragon Cargo Closeout
- GRIP science performance in seated position
- Dragon Zenith Final Cabin Configuration for Departure
- Regenerative ECLSS Odor Control Mask Label
- Docking Dragon Monitoring Tools Setup
- [deferred] Crew ID Bracelet Don
- Dragon Nadir Center of Gravity (CG) Correct
- [deferred] Dragon Space Suit Donning for Return
- Emergency Equipment Lite Configuration Teardown
- [deferred] IDA Egress in Preparation for Departure
- [deferred] Dragon Zenith Hatch Close
- JEMRMS Backup Drive System (BDS) Checkout
- JEMRMS Back Up Controller (BUC) Power On/Off after BDS C/O
- [deferred] Dragon Crew Departure from ISS Activity
- [deferred] Dragon Departure Monitoring
- GRIP science performance in supine position
- [aborted] Bose Headset Stow
- [aborted] Crew-5 iPad Deploy
- ISS Crew Orientation
- [deferred] Actiwatch Plus HRF Rack 1 Setup/Stow
- [Stow deferred] HRF Generic Frozen Blood Collection Hardware Setup/Stow
- JEM Dragon26 Stowage Reconfiguration
- [deferred] Dragon Monitoring Tools Teardown
- [deferred] Dragon Station Support Computer Return
- Food Physiology Crew Diet Briefing
- DynaMoS Hardware Retrieve
- DynaMoS MELFI Sample Insertion
- GRIP partial stowage
- Brine Processor Bladder Changeout
- Inventory Management System (IMS) Conference
- [aborted] PCS Laptop Relocate
- Flight Director/ISS Crew Conference
- Program Management/ISS Crew Conference
- Standard Measures Pre-Sleep Questionnaire