Human Research Facility-2 (HRF-2): The HRF Boot Drive was inserted into the HRF PC2 laptop. The HRF PC2 was restarted, and the crew entered the BIOS settings to start the software image load. HRF-2 provides an on-orbit laboratory that enables human life science researchers to study and evaluate the physiological, behavioral, and chemical changes induced by spaceflight. Research performed using HRF-2 provides data to help scientists understand how the human body adapts to long-duration spaceflight.
Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI): Ice bricks were inserted into MELFI units 1, 2, and 3. The MELFI is a cold storage unit capable of maintaining experiment samples at ultra-cold temperatures throughout a mission. The MELFI units use nitrogen as a working fluid and have standard set points of -95°C, -35°C and 2°C.
Plasma Kristall-4 (PK-4): The USB Hard Drives were removed from the PK4 hardware and connected to the Multi-Purpose Computer and Communications (MPCC) laptop in preparation for Data Downlink. PK-4 is a scientific collaboration between ESA and the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos), performing research in the field of Complex Plasmas: low temperature gaseous mixtures composed of ionized gas, neutral gas, and micron-sized particles. The micro-particles become highly charged in the plasma and interact strongly with each other, which can lead to a self-organized structure of the micro-particles: so-called plasma crystals. Experiments in the facility aim to study transport properties, thermodynamics, kinetics and statistical physics, and non-linear waves and instabilities in the plasmas.
Systems (Crew Half-Day):
Simplified Air for Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Rescue (SAFER) Activities: Today the crew removed the SAFER lithium manganese dioxide battery, installed the SAFER battery adapter, and performed a checkout of the SAFERs in preparation for EVAs. Essentially a “life jacket” for spacewalks, SAFER is a self-contained maneuvering unit that is worn like a backpack. The system relies on small jet thrusters to let an astronaut move around in space.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- MSS Hover Maneuver
- SSRMS LEE High Definition Survey
- MSS Maneuver to Park
Look Ahead Plan
Wednesday, March 1 (GMT 060)
- Anita-2 Relocate to EPM (ESA)
- GLACIER Desiccant Swaps (NASA)
- HRF VEG POMS Questions (NASA)
- MELFI Icebrick Inserts (NASA)
- Plant Habitat-03A H2O Add/Remove (NASA)
- Repository Collect (NASA)
- Standard Measures Collect and Setup and Presleep Question (NASA)
- Veg-05 Check (NASA)
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Ops
- Toilet Canister R&R
- EMU Resize
- Crew Departure Prep
Thursday, March 2 (GMT 061)
- Actiwatch Plus Donning (NASA)
- Food Physiology Diet Brief (NASA)
- JWRS Post Ops (JAXA)
- MSG HW Audit part 2 of 4 (NASA)
- Repository Collect (NASA)
- Sphere Camera-1 SSD Checkout (NASA)
- Standard Measures Collect and PostSleep Question (NASA)
- Story Time In Space-9 Read and Photo (NASA)
- Photo/TV Cable CTB Audit
- Crew Arrival Prep
Friday, March 3 (GMT 062)
- Mochii HW Connect and Powerdown (NASA)
- NRCSD-24 Disassembly (NASA)
- Particle Vibration Manual Mix (ESA)
- RFIDSS Tag Replace (NASA)
- Standard Measures Collect (NASA)
- Zero T2 IMTP Ops (NASA)
- Veg-05 Check (NASA)
- Crew-6 Arrival Ops
- ISS Safety Briefing
- ISS Crew Handover
- Emergency Equipment Configuration
- Transfer Crew Dragon Cargo Ops
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Ops
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- HRF Generic MELFI Sample Retrieval and Insertion
- SpaceX Return Staging Bag Audit
- CWSA Desiccant Bags replacement
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- HRF Rack 2 PC 2 USB Software Load
- C&T procedure stow.
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- SAFER Battery Removal/Installation
- SAFER Battery Installation
- Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
- Atmosphere Control and Supply (ACS) Oxygen Manual Valve Close
- SAFER Checkout
- HRF Generic Frozen Collection Hardware Setup
- MELFI 1 Ice Brick Insert 2
- HRF Generic Collection