ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/14/2023


Actiwatch-Plus: A crewmember doffed an Actiwatch Plus unit and stowed it in the Actiwatch Plus Kit. The Actiwatch-Plus is a waterproof, non-intrusive, sleep-wake activity monitor worn on the wrist of a crewmember and contains a miniature uniaxial accelerometer that produces a signal as the subject moves. The data is stored in non-volatile memory within the Actiwatch until they are downloaded for analysis.

BioFabrication Facility (BFF): A test print without cells was installed inside the BioFabrication Facility to allow the ground to initiate a print run. Using 3D biological printers to produce usable human organs has long been a dream of scientists and doctors around the globe. However, printing the tiny, complex structures found inside human organs, such as capillary structures, has proven difficult to accomplish in Earth’s gravity environment. To overcome this challenge, Techshot designed their BioFabrication Facility (BFF) to print organ-like tissues in microgravity, acting as a steppingstone in a long-term plan to manufacture whole human organs in space using refined biological 3D printing techniques.

GRIP: The second part of GRIP science tasks (2 out of 3) was completed. The GRIP experiment studies long-duration spaceflight effects on the abilities of human subjects to regulate grip force and upper limbs trajectories when manipulating objects during different kind of movements such as oscillatory movements, rapid discrete movements and tapping gestures.

ISS Ham Radio: An ISS Ham pass was initiated with Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum, Bayreuth, Germany. Since the earliest space station expeditions, ISS Ham Radio has allowed groups of students in schools, camps, museums, and planetariums to hold a conversation with the people living in space. As the ISS passes overhead, students have about nine minutes to ask crew members 10 to 20 questions.

Sphere Camera-1: Sphere Camera-1 ARED Filming Shot 11A was performed in Node 3. Sphere Camera-1 (SphereCam-1) uses a commercial off-the-shelf ultra-high resolution digital movie camera with a wide angle lens to collect footage in microgravity and evaluate technical performance of the camera. Investigators plan to use results to design and develop subsequent cameras for testing and, ultimately, provide a product that could support groundbreaking imaging of space with greater resolution, detail, and sharpness than anything currently available commercially.

Window Observational Research Facility (WORF): Photos of WORF Interior Volume were taken as part of an on-orbit hardware survey to assess configuration for future payload operations in WORF. The WORF provides a facility for Earth science remote sensing instruments using the Destiny science window in the U.S. Laboratory. The Destiny window has the highest quality optics ever flown on a human-occupied spacecraft.


82 Progress (82P) Inspection: Following a leak of the external thermal control system observed on Saturday, the Space Station Robotic Manipulator System (SSRMS) was maneuvered in order to conduct a survey of the 82P vehicle. Analysis of the collected imagery will be conducted by ground teams.

Light Installation: A General Luminaire Assembly (GLA), consisting of a Lamp Housing Assembly (LHA) and Baseplate Ballast Assembly (BHA), was removed and replaced with a Solid State Lighting Assembly (SSLA) Light at JPM1OA5. The SSLAs were developed and launched to replace the GLAs as they output more light than the GLAs and provide a health countermeasure, using blue light, to counteract crew circadian entrainment issues.

Environmental Health System (EHS) Compound Specific Analyzer – Combustion Products (CSA-CP) Probe Inspection: The crew performed visual and functional inspections of the CSA-CP Probes on ISS. CSA-CPs are used during off-nominal and contingency scenarios to measure CO, Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), Hydrogen Chloride (HCI), and O2 using electrochemical sensors.

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Manual Fill: As part of regularly scheduled preventive maintenance, the crew performed a manual WHC flush tank fill. By using a post-flight analysis bag to capture any pressure relief, also known as a burp, the crew depressurized the flush water tank and the water valve block to protect the dose pump. This pump is critical as it injects pre-treat required to properly recycle waste urine.

EHS Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis & Data Record: The crew performed an analysis of the Water Processing Assembly (WPA) using the TOCA. The TOCA unit oxidizes organic carbon species present in the water to carbon dioxide gas and measures the concentration using nondispersive infrared spectroscopy. Analysis of the potable water using the TOCA occurs on a weekly basis.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • MSS Walkoff to Lab PDGF
  • MSS Walkoff to FGB PDGF
  • SSRMS Survey of MRM-2 Progress
  • MSS Walkoff back to Lab PDGF

Look Ahead Plan

Wednesday, February 15 (GMT 046)

  • Air Particulate Monitor Lab Install
  • Cell Gravisensing Stow
  • EarthKam Lens Change
  • FBCO2 IFM Stow
  • Grip – Supine
  • Standard Measures Collect
  • Veg-05 Check and Root Mat Fill


  • JEM Dragon27 Stowage Reconfiguration
  • EVA Tool Stow
  • ISS Safety Video
  • Water Separator Resistance Measurement
  • IFM WHC UR and IF R&R
  • Photo/TV XF705 Camcorder Firmware Load

Thursday, February 16 (GMT 047)

  • Cardiobreath Session
  • GRASP Seated
  • JEM Microscope Log Read and Cover Set
  • JEM PLT4 Relocate 2
  • JWRS Tube Reconnect
  • JEM PLT2 Cable Removal
  • JEM PLT 3 Cable Reconnect
  • SoundSee/Astrobee setup and JEM stowage and Data Collect
  • Standard Measures Body Collect
  • Veggie Cover Setup


  • EVA Tool Stow
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations

Friday, February 17 (GMT 048)

  • Actiwatch HRF1 Setup
  • Air Particulate Monitor Status Check
  • CBEF Filter Change
  • EarthKam Shutdown
  • GRASP Free
  • HRF-F Goggle Checkout
  • MSL SCA Exchange
  • Standard Measures Cognition
  • Veg-05 Check


  • EVA Tool Stow
  • EVA SAFER Checkout
  • Emer RS ISS VHF-1 Comm Checkout from USOS
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • EVA Airlock Reconfiguration

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • HRF Generic Collection
  • HRF Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
  • Body Mass Measurement – BMMD
  • Light Installation at JPM1OA5
  • BioFabrication Facility Test Print Without Cells Install 1
  • BioFabrication Facility MELFI Sample Retrieve
  • HRF Veg Questionnaire
  • BioFabrication Facility Historical Photo 2
  • EHS CSA – CP Probe Inspection
  • [Aborted] AC Dry Vacuum Cleaner Debris Bag Remove and Replace
  • EHS Air Quality Monitor Vent Vacuum
  • COL Payload Laptop 2 Stow
  • EHS TOCA WRS Sample Analysis/Data Record
  • GRIP science performance in seated position
  • Health Maintenance System (HMS) Profile of Mood States (POMS) Questionnaire
  • ISS HAM Columbus Pass Kenwood
  • In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Full Fill
  • SphereCam1 Hardware Gather
  • Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
  • BioFabrication Facility Cleaning Syringe Install
  • Actiwatch Plus Watch Doff
  • BioFabrication Facility Test Cassette Removal
  • Rodent Research Inventory Audit
  • SphereCam1 Cupola Translation Filming Shot 9
  • O2 Trending Sensor Troubleshooting
  • Wanted – JEM Freezer-Refrigerator Of STirling cycle 2 (FROST2) Items
  • SphereCam Node 3 Setup ARED Filming Shot 11A
  • US Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Tools Stow
  • Payload On-Orbit Still Shots for Utilization and Maintenance (POSSUM) Payload Photo
  • WORF Photo
  • Metal Oxide (METOX) Regeneration Termination/Initiation