Analyzing Interferometer for Ambient Air-2 (ANITA-2): Science modules were removed from the Columbus European Physiology Module (EPM) and the ANITA-2 hardware was installed. The ANITA-2 is a compact gas analyzer which can analyze and quantify 33 trace contaminants in the atmosphere aboard the ISS automatically. ANITA-2 can also detect the presence of unknown substances which can be evaluated later on the ground.
Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI): Crew inserted Icebricks into MELFI units 1, 2, and 3. The MELFI is a cold storage unit capable of maintaining experiment samples at ultra-cold temperatures throughout a mission. The MELFI units use nitrogen as a working fluid and have standard set points of -95°C, -35°C and 2°C.
Plant Habitat-03A: Water was removed from the Plant Habitat Distribution Reservoir. Plants exposed to environmental stress, including spaceflight, undergo epigenetic changes that involve adding extra information to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) rather than changing existing information. Epigenetic Adaptation to the Spaceflight Environment – Accumulated Genomic Change Induced by Generations in Space (Plant Habitat-03) assesses whether epigenetic adaptations in one generation of plants grown in space can transfer to the next generation. This could help identify genetic elements that increase the adaptability of plants to spaceflight, a first step toward developing cultivars better suited to provide food and air and water purification in life support systems on future space missions.
Veg-05: The plants growing in the two Veggie facilities were inspected, watered as needed, and photographed. The Pick-and-Eat Salad-Crop Productivity, Nutritional Value, and Acceptability to Supplement the ISS Food System (Veg-05) investigation is the next step in efforts to address the need for a continuous fresh-food production system in space.
Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations: Today, the crew continued cargo transfer operations between the ISS and the NG-18 cargo vehicle, loading items like common trash for disposal. NG-18 is planned to remain at the space station until early April before it departs the ISS for an eventual destructive re-entry in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Endurance Crew Departure Preparation: The Endurance crew was allotted time to prepare for their departure and the arrival of Crew-6. During this time, the crew prepared personal items for return and performed cleaning, stowage, and inventory tasks.
Completed Task List Activities:
- None
Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Battery Charge/Discharge Unit (BCDU) Firmware Load
- Space Test Program-Houston (STP-H7) Activation Command
- Crew Dragon System Checkout
Look Ahead Plan
Thursday, March 2 (GMT 061)
- Actiwatch Plus Donning (NASA)
- Food Physiology Diet Brief (NASA)
- JWRS Post Ops (JAXA)
- MSG HW Audit part 2 of 4 (NASA)
- Sphere Camera-1 SSD Checkout (NASA)
- Story Time In Space-9 Read and Photo (NASA)
- Photo/TV Cable CTB Audit
- Crew Arrival Prep
Friday, March 3 (GMT 062)
- Mochii HW Connect and Powerdown (NASA)
- NRCSD-24 Disassembly (NASA)
- Particle Vibration Manual Mix (ESA)
- RFIDSS Tag Replace (NASA)
- Zero T2 IMTP Ops (NASA)
- Veg-05 Check (NASA)
- Crew-6 Arrival Ops
- ISS Safety Briefing
- ISS Crew Handover
- Emergency Equipment Configuration
- Transfer Crew Dragon Cargo Ops
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Ops
Saturday, March 4 (GMT 063)
- HRF Veggie Questions (NASA)
- Mochii Vent Clean (NASA)
- Plant Habitat-03A H2O Add/Remove (NASA)
- POLAR7 Transfer (NASA)
- Sphere Camera-1 Airlock Filming (NASA)
- Standard Measures Saliva Collect (NASA)
- ISS Crew Adaptation
- ISS Crew Handover
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.
- Anita-2 Installation
- Crew Departure Preparations for Return to Earth
- CWC-Iodine Fill Initialization and Teardown
- EFU Adapter 2 Photo documentation
- EHS Coliform Water Sample Analysis ~44 hours post processing
- EHS TOCA Sample Analysis
- EMU Resize
- EPM Rack Front Cleanup
- Glacier Desiccant Swap
- JEM Utility Outlet Panel Cable Reconfiguration
- MELFI 1, 2, & 3 Ice Brick Insert
- MSG Hardware Audit
- PAO Event
- Plant Habitat O-RING Photography
- Portable Breathing Apparatus (PBA) Photos
- Toilet Fecal Canister Remove & Replacement
- Transfer Cygnus Cargo Operations
- VEG-05 Plant Check and Watered
- XF705 Camcorder Setup
- ZBook shell cleanup